FOI release

HMO management & Software

Case reference FOI2022/01297

Published 7 October 2022


1. Who is the manager for HMO/ Selective/ Additional Licensing?

2. Contact details for the manager - email address and phone number.

3. What software are you using for HMO/ Selective/ Additional Licensing? For example, Metastreet, Idox, Verso, Civica.

4. What is the renewal date for the software contract?

5. What schemes are you looking to introduce?


1. Who is the manager for HMO/ Selective/ Additional Licensing?

A: Charles Yarnold, Environmental Health Service Manager

2. Contact details for the manager - email address and phone number.

A: 01432 260765,

3. What software are you using for HMO/ Selective/ Additional Licensing? For example, Metastreet, Idox, Verso, Civica.

A: Civica APP

4. What is the renewal date for the software contract?

A: Review / renewal at the start of each financial year (1st April)

5. What schemes are you looking to introduce?

A: None


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