FOI release

Total spend on interpretation and translation services for 2023 (Jan – Dec 2023)

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2024/00645

Published 11 April 2024


1) What was your overall 2023 spend for interpretation and translation services? (Jan - Dec 2023 Spend to include all service formats across all contracts held)

Please provide the following information for all contracts held:

2) Provider name (e.g. inhouse / provider name)

We run our own in-house language service.

3) Scope of contract

a) Pre-booked face-to-face (Yes/No)

b) Pre-booked video (Yes/No)

c) Pre-booked telephone (Yes/No)

d) On-demand video (Yes/No)

e) On-demand telephone (Yes/No)

f) British Sign Language (Yes/No)

g) Interpreters on wheels (Yes/No)

4) Current contract start date (DD/MM/YYYY)

5) Current contract end date (DD/MM/YYYY)

6) Any extension options available under the existing contract (e.g. 2 x 12 months)

7) How was this contract awarded? (e.g. Tender / direct award)

8) Which procurement framework was used to award this contract? (e.g. NHS SBS / ESPO / No framework used)

9) Have service credits been applied in the last 12 months?

If yes, what performance failure was this linked to? (e.g. Yes - non-fulfilment of BSL)

10) Is there is an exclusivity clause, which would prevent you from piloting additional or complementary interpreting services during the duration of your current contract? (Yes/No)

11) From which budget within your organisation are interpreting services funded? (Budget/Department name)

12) Which staff member/job role is responsible for signing off that budget? (e.g. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Lead)

13) Which staff member/job role manages the interpretation services contract(s)? (e.g. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Lead)


1) What was your overall 2023 spend for interpretation and translation services? (Jan - Dec 2023 Spend to include all service formats across all contracts held)

This information is publically available on Herefordshire Council's website and can be viewed via the following link:

Herefordshire Language network statistics 2023

As such we consider this information to be exempt under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 because it is reasonably accessible to you via other means. Please take this letter as a refusal notice under S17 of the Act.

Please provide the following information for all contracts held:

2) Provider name (e.g. inhouse / provider name)

We run our own in-house language service.

3) Scope of contract

a) Pre-booked face-to-face (Yes/No)

b) Pre-booked video (Yes/No)

c) Pre-booked telephone (Yes/No)

d) On-demand video (Yes/No)

e) On-demand telephone (Yes/No)

f) British Sign Language (Yes/No)

g) Interpreters on wheels (Yes/No)

4) Current contract start date (DD/MM/YYYY)

5) Current contract end date (DD/MM/YYYY)

6) Any extension options available under the existing contract (e.g. 2 x 12 months)

7) How was this contract awarded? (e.g. Tender / direct award)

8) Which procurement framework was used to award this contract? (e.g. NHS SBS / ESPO / No framework used)

9) Have service credits been applied in the last 12 months?

If yes, what performance failure was this linked to? (e.g. Yes - non-fulfilment of BSL)

10) Is there is an exclusivity clause, which would prevent you from piloting additional or complementary interpreting services during the duration of your current contract? (Yes/No)

Questions 3 - 10 are not applicable.

11) From which budget within your organisation are interpreting services funded? (Budget/Department name)

Each service area pays for the language services that it requests.

12) Which staff member/job role is responsible for signing off that budget? (e.g. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Lead)

Individual service managers authorise spend from their own budget.

13) Which staff member/job role manages the interpretation services contract(s)? (e.g. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Lead)

The Equality Officer manages the interpretation services contracts.


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