FOI release

Electric vehicle charging

Case reference FOI2022/00199

Published 2 March 2022


Q1. Does your authority have an electric vehicle charging transition strategy (or equivalent)?

Q2. Have you published this strategy? If so, please provide a link to or copy of the document.

Q3. How many public electric vehicle chargers have been installed within your authority's jurisdiction?

Q4. How many electric vehicle chargers have been installed within your authority's jurisdiction in each of the last three years (2019, 2020, 2021)?

Q5. How many electric vehicle chargers do you intend to be installed within your authority's jurisdiction in each of the next three years (2022, 2023, 2024)?


Q1. The Service Area have advised that an electric vehicle charge point strategy is currently in development.

Q2. This will be considered once the Strategy has been completed.

Q3. 15

Q4. 3 have been installed in the last three years. The installation for all 3 was started in 2020, stopped due to the lock down and then completed in 2021.

Q5. A concession contract is currently being negotiated which will result in the installation of a minimum of 104 charge points across council car parks in 2022/23 with the potential to expand this in 2024 in areas where increased provision is identified.


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