FOI release

funding for free entitlement for early years

Case reference FOI2022/01752

Published 7 December 2022


FOI request - Local Authority funding for free entitlement for two, three and four-year-olds Financial year 2021/22

1. Did you have an underspend in the early years block for funded places in 2021/22? Yes/no. Please give amount. OR:

2. Did you have an overspend in the early years block for funded places in 2021/22? Yes/no. Please give amount.

3. What actions, if any, were agreed relating to this underspend or overspend? For example, we used our underspend to offset a deficit in the high needs block

4. Has your early years block been subject to an in-year adjustment by the Department for Education? If so, by how much? For example, the DfE adjusted our underspend by £200,000 which left us with an overspend of £20,000 overall Does your answer to Q1 or 2 above include any adjustment?

5. Has your 2021/22 early years block been subject to an adjustment by the Department for Education since 1 April 2022 and now? If so, by how much? For example, the DfE adjusted our underspend by £200,000 which left us with an overspend of £20,000 overall Does your answer to Q1 or 2 above include any adjustment?


1. Did you have an underspend in the early years block for funded places in 2021/22? Yes/no.

Please give amount.

A: Herefordshire has an underspend of £42,284 when compared with the original DfE allocation of £9,444,143 as notified on 25/3/21.


2. Did you have an overspend in the early years block for funded places in 2021/22? Yes/no.

Please give amount.

A: N/A

3. What actions, if any, were agreed relating to this underspend or overspend?

For example, we used our underspend to offset a deficit in the high needs block

A: DfE regulations require all DSG under/overspends to be rolled into the unusable reserve for the High Needs deficit at year end.

4. Has your early years block been subject to an in-year adjustment by the Department for Education? If so, by how much?

For example, the DfE adjusted our underspend by £200,000 which left us with an overspend of £20,000 overall

Does your answer to Q1 or 2 above include any adjustment?

A: An in-year adjustment of -£32,109 was notified on 27/01/2022 which is not included in Q1 above.

5. Has your 2021/22 early years block been subject to an adjustment by the Department for Education since 1 April 2022 and now? If so, by how much?

A: An additional £180,926 allocated in July 2022.

For example, the DfE adjusted our underspend by £200,000 which left us with an overspend of £20,000 overall

Does your answer to Q1 or 2 above include any adjustment?

A: Yes Q1/Q2 includes an estimated income of £164,826 of the £180,926 adjustment.


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