FOI release

Welfare visits of animal sanctuaries, rescues, puppy farms and breeders, 31 Aug 2019-31 Aug 2023

Case reference FOI2023/01606

Published 17 October 2023


1. How many raids, welfare enforcement visits and warrants were executed under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 between 31st August 2019 and 31st August 2023 by the council with the assistance of the RSPCA on the day. Please indicate the RSPCA level of assistance if known, i.e transport only, assessment, physical handling of animals etc.

2. How many raids, welfare enforcement visits and warrants were executed under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 during the same period by the council without the presence and assistance of the RSPCA.

3. Please indicate which type of council officers were present during the above action and how many of each type if known: Animal Welfare Officers, Animal Licensing Officers, Animal Health Officers, Other.

4. How many requests for information or assistance were made to the council in relation to Animal Welfare issues between 31st August 2019 and 31st August 2023 by the local police authority; by the RSPCA.

5. How many of the above actions were on domestic premises; rescues; boarding kennels, and Animal Welfare Establishments (AWE's) including sanctuaries, and how many were puppy farms.

6. How many animals were seized during the above actions and removed from the premises, please breakdown animal by type i.e., dogs, cats, horses - paying particular reference to dogs.

7. How many animals paying specific reference to dogs were euthanised 'on site' during the above actions.

8. How many of those animals euthanised on site during the above actions were euthanised due to welfare issues; deemed too dangerous/difficult to handle or to transport, with specific reference to dogs. Please state any other reasons for euthanasia with numbers, with specific reference to dogs.

9. How many animals which were seized, specifically dogs were later euthanised due welfare issues; too difficult to handle/aggressive or any other reason.

10. Please provide a breakdown of dogs by breed of those euthanised if known i.e., German Shepherd, Jack Russell etc. Or by size, small, medium, large dogs if known.

11. If this information is not held by you, please indicate which council should be contacted for assistance.

My query also includes sanctuaries which, as I understand it, do not require a license. I like to include sanctuaries, rescues, puppy farms and breeders that either have a licence, should have a license or do not require one. I do not need information on catteries or kennels unless they have been raided for animal welfare reasons.


1. How many raids, welfare enforcement visits and warrants were executed under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 between 31st August 2019 and 31st August 2023 by the council with the assistance of the RSPCA on the day. Please indicate the RSPCA level of assistance if known, i.e transport only, assessment, physical handling of animals etc.

Licensing - None

Animal Health and Welfare - 1 accompanied visit

2. How many raids, welfare enforcement visits and warrants were executed under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 during the same period by the council without the presence and assistance of the RSPCA.

Licensing - 7 (seven) - all welfare enforcement visits

Animal Health and Welfare - 639

3. Please indicate which type of council officers were present during the above action and how many of each type if known: Animal Welfare Officers, Animal Licensing Officers, Animal Health Officers, Other.

Licensing - Animal Licensing Officers

Animal Health and Welfare - Animal Health and Welfare Officers

4. How many requests for information or assistance were made to the council in relation to Animal Welfare issues between 31st August 2019 and 31st August 2023 by the local police authority; by the RSPCA.

Licensing - 1 by the police, 2 by RSPCA

Animal Health and Welfare - 0 by Police, RSPCA 68 complaints passed to AH to deal with.

5. How many of the above actions were on domestic premises; rescues; boarding kennels, and Animal Welfare Establishments (AWE's) including sanctuaries, and how many were puppy farms.

Licensing - All domestic premises

Animal Health and Welfare - 5 actions puppy farm, 19 actions domestic premise

6. How many animals were seized during the above actions and removed from the premises, please breakdown animal by type i.e., dogs, cats, horses - paying particular reference to dogs.

Licensing - None

Animal Health and Welfare - 12 dogs signed over

7. How many animals paying specific reference to dogs were euthanised 'on site' during the above actions.

Licensing - None

Animal Health and Welfare - 0 dogs, 1 bovine

8. How many of those animals euthanised on site during the above actions were euthanised due to welfare issues; deemed too dangerous/difficult to handle or to transport, with specific reference to dogs. Please state any other reasons for euthanasia with numbers, with specific reference to dogs.

Licensing - N/A

Animal Health and Welfare -1 bovine due to welfare issue

9. How many animals which were seized, specifically dogs were later euthanised due welfare issues; too difficult to handle/aggressive or any other reason.

Licensing - None

Animal Health and Welfare - N/A

10. Please provide a breakdown of dogs by breed of those euthanised if known i.e., German Shepherd, Jack Russell etc. Or by size, small, medium, large dogs if known.

Licensing - None

Animal Health and Welfare - N/A

11. If this information is not held by you, please indicate which council should be contacted for assistance.

Licensing - N/A

Animal Health and Welfare - N/A

My query also includes sanctuaries which, as I understand it, do not require a license. I like to include sanctuaries, rescues, puppy farms and breeders that either have a licence, should have a license or do not require one. I do not need information on catteries or kennels unless they have been raided for animal welfare reasons.


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