FOI release

Electric Vehicle fleet infrastructure

Case reference FOI2022/01730

Published 6 December 2022


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to make the following request for information relating to Electric Vehicle fleet infrastructure in your authority.


1. Do you have a published EV infrastructure strategy?

If so, please enclose a hyperlink to your published strategy If not, why not?

*Lack of resource/funding

*Lack of knowledge

*Lack of support/guidance/best practise

*Lack of direction from central government

*Not the local authority's responsibility

*Lack of data

*Lack of engagement from other stakeholders (e.g. DNOs, chargepoint operators)

*No need for a strategy


2. Have you considered fleet needs in the rollout of public EV infrastructure in the local authority? If yes, please detail the ways in which you have given it consideration.

3. How many meetings/workshops/engagement sessions has the local authority had with the following stakeholders about EV charging infrastructure:

a) Chargepoint operators/installers

b) Local residents

c) Fleet operators

d) Other local authorities

4. Does the local authority have a mechanism to share knowledge/best practise or offer support to the following stakeholders around EV charging infrastructure:

a) Chargepoint operators/installers

b) Local residents

c) Fleet operators

d) Other local authorities

5. Do you have a dedicated member of staff responsible for public EV infrastructure rollout (i.e it is part of their job description/written responsibilities)? If yes, please provide the name and email address of the member of staff concerned.


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to make the following request for information relating to Electric Vehicle fleet infrastructure in your authority.


1. Do you have a published EV infrastructure strategy?


If so, please enclose a hyperlink to your published strategy

If not, why not?

*Lack of resource/funding

*Lack of knowledge

*Lack of support/guidance/best practice

*Lack of direction from central government

*Not the local authority's responsibility

*Lack of data

*Lack of engagement from other stakeholders (e.g. DNOs, charge point operators)

*No need for a strategy


An EV Strategy is in development and currently undergoing consultation within the council.

2. Have you considered fleet needs in the rollout of public EV infrastructure in the local authority?


If yes, please detail the ways in which you have given it consideration.

We have invested in both mild hybrid and full electric pool cars to reduce staff mileage costs, improve local air quality, lower pollution and reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions - it is planned to have further purchases to replace the fossil fuel pool car fleet.

3. How many meetings/workshops/engagement sessions has the local authority had with the following stakeholders about EV charging infrastructure:

a) Charge point operators/installers

Regular meetings with our delivery partners Wenea and Gamma.

b) Local residents

Regular communication via email with a group of local EV drivers. Engagement with local taxi drivers through an Energy Saving Trust workshop and survey. Inclusion of local councillors in workshops carried out as part of the development of the councils EV Strategy.

c) Fleet operators

Various meetings about charging infrastructure to support the council's EV pool car fleet.

d) Other local authorities

Liaising directly with 5 other local authorities through Midlands Connect and the pilot LEVI funding bid. Liaising with other local authorities more broadly through attendance at organised events and workshops both in person and online.

4. Does the local authority have a mechanism to share knowledge/best practice or offer support to the following stakeholders around EV charging infrastructure:

a) Charge point operators/installers

Regular liaison with council's delivery partners, and with the local District Network Operators regarding grid capacity.

b) Local residents

An email group was set up for local EV drivers which they can opt in to and receive updates on issues relating to the council's charge point network. There are dedicated electric vehicle webpages on the council website which are updated regularly.

c) Fleet operators

No, we have not run workshops for fleet operators.

d) Other local authorities

Through inclusion with Midlands Connect, and through attendance and contribution at organised EV related events e.g. those that are organised by Cenex.

5. Do you have a dedicated member of staff responsible for public EV infrastructure rollout (i.e. it is part of their job description/written responsibilities)?

There is no dedicated member of staff but there are officers leading on the project within the Sustainability and Climate Change Team. They work closely with colleagues in Parking Services, Property Services, Highways and Transport.

If yes, please provide the name and email address of the member of staff concerned.

Any general enquiries about the councils EV strategy and roll out should be sent to the Sustainability and Climate Change team email


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