FOI release

Contract Award to Granicus/Firmstep

Case reference FOI2022/00451

Published 4 May 2022


I note that the Council has just awarded a 2 year contract to Granicus/Firmstep, value £288k.

Q1. What selection process was used to select this solution, that ensured value for money for the Herefordshire Council Tax payers?

Q2. What competitive process was used, and what other potential suppliers were considered, and invited to quote?

Q3. What was the basis of the award if no alternative were considered?

Q4. If none were considered, then this must be a direct award, and if so, is that permissible under standing orders, for a contract of this value?

Q5. Through what Framework was the solution procured?


Q1. What selection process was used to select this solution, that ensured value for money for the Herefordshire Council Tax payers?

The council followed the selection process stipulated under the Crown Commercial Services G Cloud 12 Framework agreement used.

Q2. What competitive process was used, and what other potential suppliers were considered, and invited to quote?

A Framework was used and the council therefore considered the suppliers registered on the Framework and followed the process of evaluation defined by that Framework to identify the most appropriate supplier.

Q3. What was the basis of the award if no alternative were considered?

Using a Framework to award a contract is a compliant procurement route. Procurement followed the process as defined by that framework to identify the most appropriate supplier.

Q4. If none were considered, then this must be a direct award, and if so, is that permissible under standing orders, for a contract of this value?

This was not a direct award; the council followed the selection process stipulated under the Framework agreement used.

Q5. Through what Framework was the solution procured?

Crown Commercial Services- G-Cloud 12. Crown Commercial Services are an Executive Agency of the Cabinet Office.

Their role is to help the public sector achieve commercial benefits, including savings, when buying the goods and services widely used across the whole of the public sector. Crown Commercial Services also leads on developing and implementing the UK's public sector procurement policy and delivering commercial policy priorities.

More details on this framework are available on the Government website, via the following link which I trust is helpful:


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