FOI release

Affordable housing contributions

Case reference FOI2024/00065

Published 18 January 2024


I would like to make a freedom of information request for the following information in relation to affordable housing contributions under section 106 and community infrastructure levies.

I would like a list of all developments from 2019 that have agreed on a affordable housing contribution or CIL. I would like the application number, the date, the amount agreed and the amount received.

I would also like to know the council's policy on collecting such payments.


I would like to make a freedom of information request for the following information in relation to affordable housing contributions under section 106 and community infrastructure levies.

I would like a list of all developments from 2019 that have agreed on an affordable housing contribution or CIL. I would like the application number, the date, the amount agreed and the amount received.

A) Since 2019, we have had 1 development that has been agreed on an affordable housing contribution or CIL:

Planning Ref: 201858

Agreement Date: 08/02/2022

Gain Amount Due (may exclude index linking): £50,000.00

Gain Amount Received: £0.00

I would also like to know the council's policy on collecting such payments.

A) Affordable Housing Contributions arise as part of the planning process in determining a planning application.

They would be secured through a section 106 legal agreement which would have a trigger point for payment of the contribution, e.g. on commencement of the development or prior to occupation of the 10th open market dwelling. There is not a generic trigger point for payment; it is site specific.


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