FOI release

Number of new homes built as part of developments in your council 2019-2023

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2023/01433

Published 20 September 2023


1) How many new homes have been built as part of developments in your council area in each of the financial years:

2023/24 (as much information as can be provided) -






2) For those news homes, how much money did the council collect from the developers, either via section 106 obligations or by the community infrastructure levy, to support local infrastructure in:

2023/24 (as much information as can be provided)

2022/23 - 1 April 2022 - 31 March 2023

2021/22 - 1 April 2021 - 31 March 2022

2020/21 - 1 April 2019 - 31 March 2021

2019/20 - 1 April 2019 - 31 March 2020

2018/19 - 1 April 2018 - 31 March 2019

3) How much of that money was spent on building or developing GP practices in your area in:

2023/24 (as much information as can be provided) - to 29 August 2023


4) Please list, for each year in questions 1-3, what kind of support was given to GP practices using this money -


1) How many new homes have been built as part of developments in your council area in each of the financial years:

2023/24 (as much information as can be provided) - 2023/2024 is not available, the data is collected each April so that figure will not be available until after April 2024.

2022/23 - 704





For the period 2018 - 2022 the returns from the Annual Monitoring Report are publically available on the Herefordshire Council website and can be viewed via the following link:

There are details of gross and net completions from 2012-2022.

As such we consider this information to be exempt under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 because it is reasonably accessible to you via other means. Please take this letter as a refusal notice under S17 of the Act.

2) For those news homes, how much money did the council collect from the developers, either via section 106 obligations or by the community infrastructure levy, to support local infrastructure in:

2023/24 (as much information as can be provided) - 1 April 2022 - 29 August 2023 - £494,358.39

2022/23 - 1 April 2022 - 31 March 2023 - £5,906,042.50

2021/22 - 1 April 2021 - 31 March 2022 - £2,572,322.95

2020/21 - 1 April 2019 - 31 March 2021 - £907,278.28

2019/20 - 1 April 2019 - 31 March 2020 - £2,878,059.38

2018/19 - 1 April 2018 - 31 March 2019 - £2,381,619.90

3) How much of that money was spent on building or developing GP practices in your area in:

2023/24 (as much information as can be provided) - to 29 August 2023 - £0.00

2022/23 - £0.00
2021/22 - £0.00
2020/21 - £0.00
2019/20 - £16,833.23
2018/19 - £0.00

4) Please list, for each year in questions 1-3, what kind of support was given to GP practices using this money -

The only financial year with money spent on building or developing GP practices was 2019/2020. This included a new treatment room, additional consulting space and renewal of flooring at one General Practice.


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