FOI release

Woodhouse Farm Abbeydore

This request was refused in full, so we didn't provide the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2023/01918

Published 6 December 2023


I am fact checking an article and would like to ask the following information: What is the size of land (in acres) occupied by: Woodhouse Farm Abbeydore HR2 0AL They requested planning permission from you in 2009, but with no mention of the property's amount of land. I need to know by the end of today please if at all possible.


A: I have been advised that this isn't something the service area can answer as it is not something that is requested for planning applications. Although in most cases there will be site plans for applications on file, they may show the extent of ownership but not the acres occupied.

The service area have looked at applications relating to Woodhouse Farm from 2009 and the relevant reference numbers are as follows:




These files can be viewed on Herefordshire Council's website:

Alternatively, you could contact the Land Registry who are usually able to provide ownership details for a fee.


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