FOI release

Sustainable Warmth, Hereford

Case reference FOI2023/00073

Published 18 January 2023


I would be grateful if you could establish for me, under the Freedom of Information Act how many properties in the boundaries of Hereford Council:-

A. Have applied for help under the Keep Herefordshire Warm scheme.

B. How many have been accepted following the council survey assessment.

C. How many have been referred to the contractors.

D. How many following the Contractor survey assessment have had no further communication as to what could be done OR

E. Received no communication as to why nothing could be done.

F. Have successfully had upgrading completed.

In the mean time, presumably the relevant contracted agencies are drawing down precious government finance intended to finance a project to establish what sort of properties and what sort of improvements might best improve sustainable warmth in Hereford Housing stock, or, if not why not.


I would be grateful if you could establish for me, under the Freedom of Information Act how many properties in the boundaries of Hereford Council:-

A. Have applied for help under the Keep Herefordshire Warm scheme.

A: We have had 319 households express an interest in the Sustainable Warmth scheme - correct as of 13/01/23.

B. How many have been accepted following the council survey assessment.

A: 149 households have applied for the Sustainable Warmth scheme and sent evidence and have been progressed- correct as of 13/01/23

C. How many have been referred to the contractors.

A: 149 households have been passed onto the installers - correct as of 13/01/23

D. How many following the Contractor survey assessment have had no further communication as to what could be done OR E. Received no communication as to why nothing could be done.

A: None - All households are handheld through the customer journey by Keep Herefordshire Warm service and are kept upto date as to the progress of their application and next steps

F: Have successfully had upgrading completed.

A: 23 Installs are completed - correct 01/01/2023

In the mean time, presumably the relevant contracted agencies are drawing down precious government finance intended to finance a project to establish what sort of properties and what sort of improvements might best improve sustainable warmth in Hereford Housing stock, or, if not why not.

A: Yes Herefordshire Council has applied for HUG2 funding.


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