Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I am putting a freedom of information request forward to determine the salary bands/salaries of the positions listed below (or equivalent) within the council:


    Senior Leadership:

    • Chief Executive


    Executive Directors:

    • Executive Director People and Business Support

    • Executive director professional practice and external engagement

    • Executive director regulation


    Assistant Directors:

    • Assistant Director Regulation (Investigations)

    • Assistant Director Communications, Engagement, and Insight

    • Assistant Director Policy and Strategy

    • Assistant Director Assurance and Improvement


    Head of Departments:

    • Head of business planning and improvement

    • Head of internal quality assurance and customer experience

    • Head of information technology and data

    • Head of finance and commercial

    • Head of people and development

    • Head of Legal

    • Head of data protection and information governance

    • Head of fitness to practice investigations

    • Head of registration and advice

    • Head of adjudications

    • Head of hearing operations and case review

    • Head of EDI and coproduction

    • Head of strategic engagement

    • Head of communications

    • Head of policy

    • Head of education programmes


    Other Roles:

    • Senior lawyer (fitness to practice)

    • Lawyer

    • Senior developer

    • Systems analyst manager

    • IT operations manager

    • Finance business partner

    • Senior finance officer

    • Commercial manager

    • Corporate feedback and complaints manager

    • Investigator

    • Triage case officer

    • Triage officer

    • Triage and investigations officer

    • Senior policy manager

    • Policy manager

    • Research manager

    • Policy support officer

    • Research and policy support officer

    • Internal quality assurance manager

    • Internal quality assurance officer

    • Business planning manager

    • Education and quality assurance support officer

    • Data engineer

    • Registration and advice operations manager

    • Education and quality assurance operations manager


    Can all positions include pay grade/salary information please.

    Published: 27 June 2024

  2. I am making the following Freedom of Information request about Children leaving care services in your council.

    1. Is there a current demand for Children leaving care (16+) supported living services?

    2. Is there a current demand for Children leaving care (16+) with mental health services?

    3. What is the upper and lower weekly cost for Children leaving care (16+) supported living services?

    4. Please advise what name, email address, and telephone number is for the individual/s responsible for Children leaving care Placement and Procurement.

    5. What is the process of commissioning children leaving care (16+) supported living schemes?

    Published: 27 June 2024

  3. I am requesting information about the number of homeless deaths in your local authority area, from 1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023 (inclusive), in each of the following housing situations:

    - accommodation for homeless people commissioned by your council, including hostels and supported accommodation for people identified as rough sleeping or with a history of rough sleeping

    - exempt accommodation

    - temporary accommodation commissioned by your local authority, including B&B

    - people who died whilst rough sleeping or with no fixed abode

    For clarification exempt accommodation is essentially 'private supported housing', meaning it has not been commissioned or funded by a local authority and is not provided by a registered social landlord or a specialist organisation. Exempt accommodation is a form of 'unspecified accommodation' within the Housing Benefit rules and local authorities are usually in touch with these types of accommodation at three points:

    o the Housing Benefit Team, in their role assessing & awarding HB claims

    o the Private Sector Housing Team, in their role enforcing HMO standards

    o the Community Safety Team, in their role responding to ASB and neighbour complaints

    Where you have access to any of the following information, please include; the cause of death or suspected cause of death, date of death, the person’s gender, the person’s age when they died, their ethnicity, and their immigration status. If you cannot provide any of this additional information, then please just provide the number of deaths.

    Published: 26 June 2024

  4. RE: Highways Maintenance Plan

    There is no evidence of any EQA duty in the revised Appendix A plan and the plan for the most part is identical to the 2023.

    1. Please provide all s149 EQA 2010 examination evidence held as a result of the finding that no evidence were in place in 2023 which led to the LGSO complaint and to the decision to provide evidence of the PSED by May 30th 2024.

    Published: 26 June 2024

  5. I am just writing to submit a Freedom of Information request to your authority with questions around council tax debt management and arrears.

    1. Between 6th April 2023 and 5th April 2024, what guidelines did you follow when setting arrangements for constituents to pay Council Tax arrears? (YES/NO)

    - The Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) Regulations 1992

    - The Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) (Wales) Regulations 1998

    - The National Standards for Enforcement Agents

    - Local Council Tax Support Schemes

    - Income and Expenditure Assessments

    - Flexible Payment Arrangements

    2. Between 6th April 2023 and 5th April 2024, what industry standard tools did you use when assessing an individual’s ability to repay Council Tax arrears? (YES/NO)

    - Income and Expenditure Forms

    - Budgeting Software

    - Affordability Assessments

    - Credit Reference Agencies

    - Debt Advice Services

    - Legal Proceedings

    3. Between 6th April 2023 and 5th April 2024, what % of Council Tax was:

    - Paid on time?

    - Paid after internal chase activities?

    - Collected by an enforcement agent? 

    4. How much did you spend on collecting Council Tax arrears between 6th April 2023 and 5th April 2024. Can you also state the cost per method:

    - Internal chase activities

    - Enforcement agent

    5. Do you have your own internal enforcement department? (YES/NO)

    6. Between 6th April 2023 and 5th April 2024, did you use a benefits calculator to help residents in arrears maximise their income? If so, which tool?

    7. Between 6th April 2023 and 5th April 2024, did you use attachment of earnings for constituents to pay Council Tax arrears?


    Published: 26 June 2024

  6. I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing contracts.


    The details we require are:


    •       What mental health and emotional wellbeing contracts/services do you currently commission or deliver in house?


    •       If commissioned, how was the contract commissioned? Please confirm if it was direct award or via a formal procurement process.


    •       Please can you confirm the supplier/provider of each of these mental health and emotional wellbeing services/contracts?


    •       Please can you confirm the annual and total contract values of each of these contracts/services?


    •       Please can you confirm the start date & duration of each of these contracts?


    •       Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when these contracts were last advertised?


    •       Within these services, do you use a keyworker model for delivery?


    •       Please can you confirm if there is an extension clause in each of these contracts and, if so, the duration of the extension?


    •       Has a decision been made yet on whether each of these contracts is being either extended, direct awarded or recommissioned? And if so what is the decision?


    •       Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for each of these contracts?


    •       Are there any planned market engagement events for each of these contracts if they are being recommissioned?


    •       Are there any new mental health and emotional wellbeing contracts you intend to commission in the next 36 months that have already been confirmed/given permission to proceed?


    Published: 25 June 2024

  7. In the 2023 calendar year how many children were taken into care where there was a recorded concern that the parents/carers were at risk of physical violence from the child? Please state the ages and sexes of any children involved.

    Published: 25 June 2024

  8. FOI Questions

    1.  How many legal proceedings have been commenced by Herefordshire Council against Elective Home Education Families in the year 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 to date?


    2. How many legal proceedings have resulted in legal penalties imposed on Elective Home Education Families in the year 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 to date?

    (in a simple persons language how many has the council won in county/magistrates court?).


    Published: 25 June 2024

  9. 1. Could you please confirm the number of instances in the last 10 years where a fraudulent claim for a business rates refund has been made?

    2. Could you please confirm the number of instances where a refund has been paid to an incorrect entity due to a fraudulent claim?

    3. Could you please confirm the total value (£) over the last 10 years where a Ratepayer has had to be compensated due to a fraudulent claim for a business rates refund?

    4. The total value of credits held on business rates accounts within the billing authority as of today's date.

    Published: 25 June 2024

  10. 1) Can you please indicate how many full-time/part-time permanent contract staff have left Herefordshire Council since the current Chief Executive has been in post?

    2) Could you please indicate how many limited period contract/non-permanent staff have been employed by Herefordshire Council since the current Chief Executive has been in post?


    - Please include Fixed-Term employees and Agency workers, broken down into separate totals for each employment/worker type

    - Please include all staff employed / contracted before they started and were still with council after the Chief Executive was employed

    This should include all staff since the commencement of the current Chief Executives employment to the date this request is received.

    Published: 25 June 2024