Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Defining a "road bridge" as a structure with a span of 1.5m or more providing public highway passage for motor vehicles over an obstacle such as a watercourse, railway, road or valley, please provide the following information for all road bridges for which you own as highway authority, including those which are jointly owned with another authority, but for which you are the lead authority:

    These Questions All Relate To The Financial Year 2021/2022

    1.How many road bridges are you responsible for maintaining?

    2. For the last financial year 2021/22:

    (i) how many Principal Inspections have taken place in that year?

    (ii) how many Principal Inspections did you plan to do in that year?

    3. For the last financial year 2021/22:

    (i) how many General Inspections have taken place in that year?

    (ii) how many General Inspections did you plan to do in that year?

    4. For the last financial year 2021/22 how many Structural Reviews did you undertake?

    5. How many sub-standard (in terms of capacity) and/or weight restricted bridges do you have?

    6. Of these, how many do you intend to return to full load carrying capacity in the next 5 years?

    7.How many bridges would you return to full load carrying capacity if you had no resource restrictions?

    8. (i) How many post-tensioned bridges do you have?

    (ii) How many of those have had PTSIs within the last 18 years?

    (iii) Of those that have not had a PTSI, how many require/are due one?

    (iv) How much funding would you anticipate is required to remove the backlog of PTSIs for those bridges identified in Q8(iii)?

    9. In monetary terms, what is the current Depreciation (i.e. difference between your GRC and DRC for 2021/22)?

    10. What is the calculated value of your workbank (e.g. as taken from SAVI or other means)

    11.(i) What is the annual revenue works budget for maintaining your bridge stock? (excluding staff costs)

    (ii) What is the annual capital works budget for maintaining your bridges stock?

    (iii) What total budget would you estimate is required to maintain the bridge stock at its current level (standstill budget)?

    12.(i) How many Stage 1 Scour Assessments did you undertake in 2021/22 as a % of those requiring an assessment?

    (ii) How many Stage 2 Scour Assessments did you undertake in 2021/22 as a % of those requiring an assessment?

    13.(i) How many bridges under your management completely collapsed in 2021/22?

    (ii) How many bridges under your management partially collapsed in 2021/22?

    (iii) Would you be happy to share the detail with members of the UK Bridges Board? Y/N

    14. What was your Bridge Stock Condition Index (BSCI) at the end of 2021/2022 (or current if easier)

    15. What issues with managing your bridge stock causes you most concern?

    I request this information electronically in tabular form (ideally a spreadsheet) NOT as a PDF.

    Published: 12 January 2023

  2. Which single street in your council area has produced the highest income from traffic or parking violations (income from just fines) in the 2021/2022 financial year?

    Please provide details of the number of tickets issued and the income to the council of motorists paying parking enforcement fines in this single street in the 2021/22 financial year, and what the violations were Eg, parking, driving in bus lanes etc.

    Published: 12 January 2023

  3. On page 39 of the Strategic Assessment of the River Lugg report (which has been sent to me under a previous FOI request - a redacted version) there is reference to a further study commissioned by HC regarding the reliability of FARMSCOPER to assess pollution risks.

    I would like a copy of the report mentioned and commissioned by HC, and also information regarding who/which dept. commissioned this report, the reason for the commissioning of these two reports, the cost of the reports and the purpose of the reports - together with any actions implement as a consequence.

    It would be useful to know who has seen both these reports and if there is any intention to make the documents public. I would also like to know if there are any further reports commissioned by HC regarding The Lugg, phosphates, soil/water/air pollution in the Lugg.

    Published: 11 January 2023

  4. Please may you provide me with:

    1. Who are the contacts for planning and licensing training for councillors within the council?

    2. What method of training do the council use (eg. classroom, on demand or blended)?

    3. Who do the council use to deliver the planning and licensing training for councillors?

    4. How much have you spent on planning and licensing training per annum over the last 5 years?

    Published: 11 January 2023

  5. Freedom of Information Request regarding Dangerous Wild Animals Under the Freedom of Information Act, please provide the following:

    1. The current number of DWA licences within your jurisdiction.

    2. For each DWA licence, list all the species and the number of individuals covered. (In each case, please provide the taxonomic and common name, if possible, to enable the species to be identified.)

    3. The number of DWA applications which were made and subsequently refused, and the reasons for refusal, if possible. We do not require personal information such as names of licensees, addresses etc.

    Published: 11 January 2023

  6. Would you please advise if the land immediately behind B&Q, Holmer Road, Hereford is registered as contaminated land as shown red on the attached plan.

    Published: 11 January 2023

  7. Please could you kindly send me any information you may hold relating to persons who are/were known to the Council via any of the following teams and who have died with:

    - no known next of kin (defined as blood relatives)


    - where you have been unable to engage with or locate any KNOWN next of kin,

    Please provide details of cases that have occurred or come to your attention since 1/9/22 to the day of your reply or as close as possible.

    Published: 11 January 2023

  8. Please can you tell me the number of households within your council who, at or around 1st January 2023:-

    1. Are receiving Council Tax SMI Discount.

    2. Are receiving Council Tax SMI Exemption On receipt of the appropriate application and having met the criteria of both receipt of a Qualifying Benefit and Certification by a Medical Practitioner stating when the person first had SMI,

    Do you:- (A) Backdate to the date of receipt of both qualifying criteria ?

    Or (B) Backdate to the date Certified by the Medical Practitioner ?

    Published: 10 January 2023

  9. I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.

    Please note that DLUHC publishes homelessness data by quarter rather than by month - this request asks for data by month, because the intention is to compare the trajectory of homelessness presentations and decisions in England with the trajectories in Scotland and Northern Ireland, where additional tenant protections have been introduced. Monthly data is necessary for this purpose because of the specific timing of these tenant protections, and is not published elsewhere or scheduled for future publication elsewhere.

    1. The number of households who were initially assessed for eligibility for homelessness support each month in 2022 (regardless of the outcome of that assessment)

    2. The number of households who were assessed as being owed the prevention duty each month in 2022

    3. The monthly figures for question 2 where the reason for the threat of loss of home was the end of an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) (where the AST ended for any reason, including those specified in questions 4 and 5)

    4. The monthly figures for question 2 where the reason for the threat of loss of home was the end of an AST due to rent arrears

    5. The monthly figures for question 2 where the reason for the threat of loss of home was the end of an AST due to the landlord wishing to sell or re-let the property

    6. The number of households who were assessed as being owed the relief duty as the outcome of their initial assessment (i.e. not at the end of their prevention duty) each month in 2022

    7. The monthly figures for question 6 where the reason for the loss of home was the end of an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) (where the AST ended for any reason, including those specified in questions 8 and 9)

    8. The monthly figures for question 6 where the reason for the loss of home was the end of an AST due to rent arrears

    9. The monthly figures for question 6 where the reason for the loss of home was the end of an AST due to the landlord wishing to sell or re-let the property

    10. The number of households who were assessed as being owed the main housing duty each month in 2022

    11. The number of households who were owed the relief duty at the end of their prevention duty period, each month in 2022

    This request is for data on decisions taken in each month - so, if a household was initially assessed in January, but a decision to grant it the prevention duty (due to AST rent arrears) was made in February, that household would count towards the January figure for question 1 and the February figure for questions 2, 3 and 4. If at the end of its prevention duty period the household was then granted the relief duty in April, it would count towards the April figure for question 11. However, if the council holds data in a different way (e.g. counting the household in the above example as 'January' for questions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 11) please provide it in that format.

    Where part-month data is provided for December, please state to what date it is correct.

    Published: 10 January 2023

  10. Please search within your records to identify all the council properties that have ever been transferred under the right to buy scheme, in whatever time period you hold records for.

    1. Please provide

    a) The total number of properties that have been transferred to private ownership under the Right to Buy Scheme.

    b) The time scale of your search (EG: 1982-2022) (I am aware that some councils will have older records than others.)

    2. Please compare this list with your HMO licence register. You can pivot the information on the address field, or potentially title number. Please provide:

    a) The number of properties that appear on both lists.

    Published: 9 January 2023