Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Please provide details for Kyrle Street, Ross on Wye

    Date the one-way traffic restriction was removed

    Date and results of the pre inspection for the above changeover

    Date and results of the post safety inspection

    Date works required by the inspections were completed

    Published: 19 December 2022

  2. 1. How many incidences of antisocial behaviour were recorded by your council in every year between 2010 and 2022.

    2. For the incidences mentioned above, how many resulted in:

    * a. ASB civil injunctions

    * b. Community protection notices

    * c. Public space protection orders

    * d. Closure powers

    * e. No further action 3. In how many instances did your local authority apply, or encourage the prosecution to apply, for a Criminal Behaviour Order?

    Published: 19 December 2022

  3. Amount spent specifically on residential treatment for drug and alcohol treatment.




    Published: 19 December 2022

  4. Please provide the following information for the financial year 2021-22:

    1. How many service requests did the council receive that related to a) mould and/or damp in private rented homes and b) conditions in private rented homes otherwise categorised?

    2. How many inspections of private rented homes did the council carry out a) in response to service requests and b) as part of licensing enforcement?

    3. In how many private rented homes did the council find Category 1 Hazards a) relating to mould and/or damp, and b) otherwise categorised?

    4. How many a) formal Improvement Notices b) Prohibition Orders and c) Emergency Remedial Action Notices did the council issue in relation to private rented homes?

    5. How many successful prosecutions of private landlords or agents for offences relating to rented housing did the council carry out?

    6. How many a) notices of intent and b) final notices relating to civil penalties for housing offences did the council impose?

    7. How many Rent Repayment Orders did the council a) successfully apply for and b) assist an occupier to apply for?

    8. How many allegations did the council record of offences under the Protection from Eviction Act 1977?

    9. How many enforcement notices did the council serve relating to Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards, broken down by a) formal compliance notices and b) financial penalty notices?

    10. How many prosecutions did the council pursue for offences relating to a) mandatory licensing of HMOs and, if applicable, b) discretionary licensing of houses?

    Published: 19 December 2022

  5. Please provide details for Red Meadow Carpark Ross on Wye:

    Any and all routine or ad hoc inspection of the carpark for any reason for the last 3 years:

    Reason for inspection

    Result of inspection

    Nature of works resulting from any inspection

    Cost of any works

    Published: 19 December 2022

  6. Please can you respond to below questions under the Freedom of Information Act.

    1) Do you currently have an existing Allyship initiative/scheme/programme, specifically for your staff around championing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion? Yes/No

    a) If yes, is it mandatory or voluntary membership?

    b) How many staff are signed up to this initiative?

    c) How many staff do you employ?

    d) Does it cover all 9 Protected Characteristics as set out in the Equality Act 2010?

    Published: 19 December 2022

  7. - How many fines for littering has this council given out in the year to December 2022?

    - What is the most amount of times an individual has been fined for littering by this authority in the year to December 2022?

    Published: 19 December 2022

  8. I would like to know how much Herefordshire Council has paid out to meet claims of damage to vehicles caused by potholes or other defects on council-managed roads, for the current and past three calendar years.

    I would also like to know the total number of such claims made in each year, and the number of these which led to payouts.

    Published: 16 December 2022

  9. This is an information request relating to the cost of roundabout installations. Please include the information for each of the following financial years; 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22:

    * A list of roundabouts installed by the council including their locations

    * The expected budget of each roundabout, when the project was initially begun, and the final cost upon completion

    Please only include roundabouts that were completed in these three years and for which figures exist showing the expected budget and the final cost

    Published: 15 December 2022

  10. Would you please provide the following:

    1. Whether the council has a written policy, strategy, practice, order, direction or other document which sets out your policy on the procurement of refuse collection vehicles.

    If the answer is affirmative, please provide a copy.

    If the provider is an outsourced company please provide the relevant contact details for the provider.

    Example response: X Borough council procures all of its vehicles through a purchasing framework to ensure fair competition and compliance. The Waste Fleet vehicles are on a seven year cycle on the vehicle capital replacement programme and are all owned apart from the two vehicles that collect Food Waste.

    2. Please complete the attached, in as much detail as possible, for each of the refuse collection vehicles currently in control of and procured by the council and in operation in your local authority.

    Published: 15 December 2022