Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Can you provide an up to date list of all roads within Herefordshire that currently have Section 38 or Section 278 highway agreements in relation to them?

    Published: 15 December 2022

  2. 1) Please tell me how many people are currently on a waiting list for an allotment site managed by your local authority at the date of this FoI (12th December 2022)

    2) Please tell me how many people were on the waiting list a year ago (12th December 2021)

    3) In addition, for each of the 10 individuals most recently awarded a plot (at the time of this FoI), please state:

    a) The number of days that elapsed between first contact with the council (i.e. submitting an application) and receiving their plot

    b) The average waiting time (in days) of those ten applicants

    Published: 15 December 2022

  3. 1. How many successful and unsuccessful pavement accident claims for compensation were made to Herefordshire council in each year between 2018 - 2021?

    2. What is the total amount that Herefordshire council paid out in compensation for pavement accident claims in each year between 2018-2021?

    3.How many pavement accident claims per year between 2018-2021 resulted in direct repairs to pavements in Herefordshire, to prevent future accidents from happening?

    Published: 15 December 2022

  4. -Who is the contract with for public wifi at Herefordshire Libraries (The provider)?

    -The annual cost for public wifi at Herefordshire Libraries?

    -For how many consecutive years has an agreement been with the current provider?

    -Who is the disability advisor for Herefordshire Council and Herefordshire Libraries? And please could contact details be provided?

    Published: 13 December 2022

  5. 1. Who is the BNG lead within the council and what are their direct contact details?

    2. What practises/processes do the council currently have, or intend to have, in place for how they are going to manage/monitor the 30-year requirement for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) from November 2023 when 10% BNG becomes mandatory?

    3. What information/technology systems do you plan to utilise to manage/monitor the delivery of BNG?

    4. Which outside bodies (eg. wildlife trusts, ecologists, community groups, habitat banks) are you working with to assist in delivering Biodiversity Net Gain?

    5. Is the council planning to use any of their own land to deliver BNG? If so, please provide details of the location and size.

    6. What plans do you have in place, or intend to have for the training of staff on BNG?

    Published: 12 December 2022

  6. Please provide the following for each of the financial years 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022, and 2022/2023 so far (from the beginning of the current financial year until 15 November 2022):

    1. Number of households in council tax arrears

    2. The total amount of council tax owed by these households

    3. The number of cases of council tax debt passed to bailiffs (note these are also called 'enforcement agents') and the overall amount of council tax which was owed (just in relation to the cases which were passed to bailiffs)

    4. Total amount recovered by bailiffs

    5. The total amount in bailiff fees and court costs added to these council tax arrears

    6. The names of enforcement agencies employed by the council. (If multiple, please detail % split of cases allocated if the information is available)

    7. How much are the fees that can be added on to council tax debts to cover bailiff and court order costs, and how are these calculated? (Is there a percentage or flat fee?)

    8. Number of bankruptcy proceedings started against individuals who owe you council tax

    Published: 12 December 2022

  7. I wish to submit to the organisation a freedom of information request relating to the organisation's ICT contracts, specifically around:

    1. contact centre contract(s)

    2. inbound network services contract (s) Please send me the following information for each provider:

    1. Incumbent Supplier: For each of the contract(s) please can you provide me with the supplier of the contract.

    2. Annual Average Spend: For each supplier, please state the annual average (over 3 years) spend for each supplier

    3. Contract Duration: For each supplier, please state the contract duration of the contract expires. If available please also include any contract extensions.

    4. Contract Expiry: For each supplier, please state the date of when the contract expires.

    5. Contract Review: For each supplier, please state the date of when the contract will be reviewed.

    6. Contract Description: For each supplier, please state a brief description of the services provided of the overall contract.

    7. Contact Details: For each supplier, please state the person from within the organisation responsible for the contract. Please provide me with their full name, actual job title, contact number and direct email address. At the very least please provide me with their actual job title.

    8. Number of Agents; please provide me with the total number of contact centre agents;

    9. Number of Sites; please can you provide me with the number of sites the contact centre covers.

    10. Manufacturer of the contact centre: Who is the manufacturer of the contact centre system that you operate?

    11. Do you use Microsoft Exchange 2003 as your email server? If not, then which products do you use?

    12. Number of email users: Approximate number of email users across the organisations.

    The second part of my request relates to the use inbound network services contracts which could relate to one of the following:

    1. 0800, 0845, 0870, 0844, 0300 number

    2. Routing of calls

    3. Caller Identifier

    4. Caller Profile- linking caller details with caller records

    5. Interactive voice response (IVR)

    For a contract relating to the above please can you provide me with?

    1. Incumbent Supplier: For each of the contract(s) please can you provide me with the supplier of the contract.

    2. Annual Average Spend: For each supplier, please state the annual average (over 3 years) spend for each supplier

    3. Contract Expiry: For each supplier, please state the date of when the contract expires.

    4. Contract Review: For each supplier, please state the date of when the contract will be reviewed.

    5. Contract Description: For each supplier, please state a brief description of the services provided of the overall contract.

    6. Contact Details: For each supplier, please state the person from within the organisation responsible for the contract. Please provide me with their full name, actual job title, contact number and direct email address.

    Published: 12 December 2022

  8. Please could you kindly send me any information you may hold relating to persons who are/were known to the Council via any of the following teams and who have died with: - no known next of kin (defined as blood relatives) OR - where you have been unable to engage with or locate any KNOWN next of kin, Please provide details of cases that have occurred or come to your attention since 1/10/2022 to the day of your reply or as close as possible.

    Please provide as much of the following information as you can:

    1. full names of deceased persons,

    2. dates of death,

    3. marital status,

    4. maiden surnames of married or widowed females,

    5. dates of birth or ages at death,

    6. last known addresses,

    7. estimated value of estates,

    8. date(s) when the information was passed (or information that is about to be or likely to be passed) to the Government Legal Department (formerly Treasury Solicitor) or the Duchy of Lancaster or Cornwall or any other 3rd party, or, confirmation that this will not be happening and the reason why.

    Published: 12 December 2022

  9. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting the following information from 1 April 2022 to present:

    1. Please provide the pay and grading structure used by your authority for NJC workers only, including any local extension of the pay spine.

    2. Please provide the basic pay and gender distribution of NJC workers only employed by your local authority for each pay point you use, including any local extension of the pay spine, as below: Please do not include school support staff. Female Male Total Pay point Basic Pay rate per annum Full- time head count Part- time head count Part- time FTE Full- time head count Part- time head count Part- time FTE Headcount FTE Please use the Excel template attached to the email when responding to this question.

    3. Has your authority adopted/followed the Living Wage rate as set by the Living Wage Foundation? · YES/NO If YES go to Q4, if NO go to Q7

    4. Which Foundation Living Wage rate have you adopted? · London - £11.05/hour · Outside London - £9.90/hour · Other (please specify rate) £

    5. How are you implementing the Foundation Living Wage rate? · As a supplement · Integrated into your grading structure · Other (please specify)

    6. Are you an accredited Living Wage Foundation employer?

    7. If you have not implemented the Foundation Living Wage, are you firmly committed to doing so? · YES/NO

    8. If yes to Q7 will you implement it in 2022/23? · YES/NO

    9. What is your percentage gender pay gap? • Mean • Median

    10. What is your percentage ethnicity pay gap? • Mean • Median

    Published: 12 December 2022

  10. Can you please tell me the following:

    1. Is there a limit as to how many dogs one person can have control of in Ledbury Town centre?

    2. Is there a limit as to how many dogs on leads one person can have control of in Ledbury Town centre?

    3. Are dogs permitted off lead in Ledbury Town centre?

    4. Are hunting hounds covered by the working dog exemption in Ledbury Town centre?

    5. Is hunting with hounds permitted (trail or otherwise) in Ledbury Town centre?

    Published: 12 December 2022