Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I submit the following request for information under the Freedom of Information legislation regarding placements of Looked After Children where your local authority has corporate parenting responsibilities.

    1. For each of the previous three years - 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 - how many Looked After Children, for whom your local authority has corporate parenting responsibilities, were placed within and outside of the local authority area in:

    a. Any type of children's social care placement;

    b. Foster care placements;

    c. Children's home placements;

    d. Semi-supported placements.

    2. For each of the three previous years - 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 - what was the total combined cost to your local authority of:

    a. All children's social care placements;

    b. All foster care placements;

    c. All children's home placements;

    d. All semi-supported placements.

    3. For each of the three previous years - 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 - what was the total combined cost to your local authority of placements within the local authority area of:

    a. All children's social care placements;

    b. All foster care placements;

    c. All children's home placements;

    d. All semi-supported placements.

    4. For each of the three previous years - 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 - what was the total combined cost to your local authority of placements outside of the local authority area of:

    a. All children's social care placements;

    b. All foster care placements;

    c. All children's home placements;

    d. All semi-supported placements.

    Published: 6 December 2022

  2. I would like to know how many eviction notices have been issued to hoarders under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, specifically under the definition of "housing-related nuisance or annoyance". in the last 5 years.

    If possible, I would also like to know how much money councils have spent on clean-up crews sent to clean hoarders' households.

    Feel free to break down figures for each financial year starting with 2016 and up to date for this financial year.

    Published: 6 December 2022

  3. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to make the following request for information relating to Electric Vehicle fleet infrastructure in your authority.


    1. Do you have a published EV infrastructure strategy?

    If so, please enclose a hyperlink to your published strategy If not, why not?

    *Lack of resource/funding

    *Lack of knowledge

    *Lack of support/guidance/best practise

    *Lack of direction from central government

    *Not the local authority's responsibility

    *Lack of data

    *Lack of engagement from other stakeholders (e.g. DNOs, chargepoint operators)

    *No need for a strategy


    2. Have you considered fleet needs in the rollout of public EV infrastructure in the local authority? If yes, please detail the ways in which you have given it consideration.

    3. How many meetings/workshops/engagement sessions has the local authority had with the following stakeholders about EV charging infrastructure:

    a) Chargepoint operators/installers

    b) Local residents

    c) Fleet operators

    d) Other local authorities

    4. Does the local authority have a mechanism to share knowledge/best practise or offer support to the following stakeholders around EV charging infrastructure:

    a) Chargepoint operators/installers

    b) Local residents

    c) Fleet operators

    d) Other local authorities

    5. Do you have a dedicated member of staff responsible for public EV infrastructure rollout (i.e it is part of their job description/written responsibilities)? If yes, please provide the name and email address of the member of staff concerned.

    Published: 6 December 2022

  4. 1. For the period 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2022 how many children who became looked after had factor 5B (Learning disability: concerns about the parent(s)/carer(s) learning disability) as a factor of concern reported at any assessment prior to entry to care

    2. For the period 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2022 how many children who became looked after had factor 6B (Physical disability or illness: concerns about a physical disability or illness of the parent(s)/carer(s)) as a factor of concern reported at any assessment prior to entry to care

    3. For the period 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2019 how many children who became looked after had factor 5B (Learning disability: concerns about the parent(s)/carer(s) learning disability) as a factor of concern reported at any assessment prior to entry to care

    4. For the period 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2019 how many children who became looked after had factor 6B (Physical disability or illness: concerns about a physical disability or illness of the parent(s)/carer(s)) as a factor of concern reported at any assessment prior to entry to care

    5. How many of the children identified in questions 1 and 3 had been subject of a child protection plan under the category of Emotional abuse

    6. How many of the children identified in questions 2 and 4 had been subject of a child protection plan under the category of Emotional abuse

    Definition of terms for the purpose of this request:

    Becoming looked after is defined as in the guidance for the DfE return SSD903a and excludes episodes where a child becomes looked after under a series of short-term breaks Factor 5B and 6B refer to factors identified at the end of assessment and are defined in the DfE children in need returns Emotional abuse refers to the initial or latest category of abuse of a child who is placed on a child protection plan.

    Questions 5 and 6 include any period spent on a child protection plan where emotional abuse is recorded as a category of abuse. If multiple categories of abuse have been recorded for a child protection plan include children where any one of them is Emotional Abuse.

    Please provide your response in the attached spreadsheet.

    Published: 5 December 2022

  5. I am writing to make a request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like to request the following information:

    1. The number of active (open) sites in your council commissioned to deliver contraceptive services in each year, starting from 2000 (or later if unavailable) until the most recent year available.

    2. The number of closures of such cites (as of point 1 above) in each year in your council, starting from 2000 (or later if unavailable) until the most recent year available.

    Published: 5 December 2022

  6. Please provide us with the following information in a machine readable spreadsheet (csv or xlsx preferably):

    * The number of asylum seekers placed in hotel accommodation within your area from January 2018 to the latest complete month, broken down by year and month

    * The number of hotels within your area being used to house asylum seekers from January 2018 to the latest complete month, broken down by year and month It would be helpful if the spreadsheet was formatted like this: Year Month Number of asylum seekers in hotel accommodation Number of hotels housing asylum seekers 2018 January 2018 February etc...

    In addition, please answer the following questions with a yes or no, if you cannot do this please provide additional details:

    * Are you (the council) currently engaged in or considering taking legal action to stop asylum seekers being housed in hotel accommodation in your area? (yes/no)

    * If yes what legal action have you taken/considered?

    * Have you/are you considering using your planning enforcement powers to dispute the use of hotel accommodation to house asylum seekers? (e.g. change in use from hotel to a longer term housing facility) (yes/no)

    Published: 5 December 2022

  7. • How many children were eligible for help with the cost of home to school transport in each local authority in each year since 2017.

    • How many children have received help with some of the cost of home to school transport in each local authority since 2017.

    • How many children have received help for all of the cost of home to school transport in each local authority since 2017.

    Published: 2 December 2022

  8. In October 2022 the National Education Union (NEU) issued your Local Authority formal industrial action ballot notifications for all maintained schools within your LA regarding their dispute with the Secretary of State for Education over the funding of school staff's pay awards. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting that you provide the following information:

    1. The total number of school support staff (school support staff covers all staff not working as leaders and teachers in publicly funded schools) included on ballot notices across your Local authority that were provided by the NEU.

    Please note that I am not requesting any personal information nor information which might lead to any identifiable information of individuals.

    Published: 2 December 2022

  9. All documentation regarding the Council's legal responsibility for the monitoring of EMF radiation levels in public spaces, to include the policy and procedure documents.

    Published: 2 December 2022

  10. I would like to know the following:

    1. The name of every individual primary school, secondary school, learning centre and Special Educational Needs schools - including all alternative provision academies, special schools or other centres catering for SEND specific needs - in your area currently under a PFI or PF2 contract signed between 1992 and 2018.

    2. The address of every individual primary school, secondary school, learning centre and Special Educational Needs schools - including all alternative provision academies, special schools or other centres catering for SEND specific needs - in your area currently under a PFI or PF2 contract signed between 1992 and 2018.

    3. The date each of those contracts became operational.

    4. The length of each of those contracts in years.

    5. Whether any of the sites listed above is not being used at all or is being used as anything other than a school (please list its current purpose in your response).

    I've attached a pro-forma spreadsheet for you to input the information at your convenience.

    Published: 2 December 2022