Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Under the Freedom of Information Act can I ask for the following information from your authority on homelessness amongst 18-24 year olds.

    I would like to request the information in questions 1-3 for the past 5 years - per year Within your local authority, how many 18-24 year olds:

    1.      Presented themselves as homeless, or at risk of homelessness

    2.      Were subsequently assessed under the Housing Act 1996

    3.      Were subsequently accepted as statutorily homeless and owed a duty

    Published: 1 December 2022

  2. Can you provide a table showing section 106 balance, s.106 received and s.106 spent for the financial years beginning April 2015, accepting that the amount for 2022-23 will be a year to date figure?

    Published: 1 December 2022

  3. I would like to know the required format for an invoice sent by a childcare provider to a parent. Please let me know how the following information should be displayed: government funding, voluntary contributions, extras and meals.

    Published: 1 December 2022

  4. I'd like to request Environmental Information. Specifically, I'd like to request details you may have of any Private Water Supplies within 2km of Grid Reference SO 63694 37373.

    I would appreciate it if any supplies could be communicated with a name, location (preferably NGR), quantities (if known), source (Spring/Well/Borehole?), and any other details you may have.

    An excel document would be ideal.

    Published: 1 December 2022

  5. Please search the following location for your plant:

    Wellington Village Stores and PO, Burnt House Ground, Wellington, HR4 8AT [349215,248164].

    If you have plant within the search area or close to the boundary please provide record drawings, ideally by email attachment.

    Published: 1 December 2022

  6. The request is regarding the Homes for Ukraine scheme. To simplify this request, I am attaching a spreadsheet containing the questions and the format I would like you to answer them in, and I would be grateful if you could fill in the answers as per the example answers I have filled in in red. I have added a notes tab should there be any issues with any of the questions, so if you are unable to fill in a certain part please detail why not there. To be clear, where questions state 'please enter the number 1 if any of the following has occurred' I am not asking for the specific number, just a 'yes' (1) or 'no' (blank) as to whether or the following has occurred.

    I am requesting information from the time period of from when the Homes for Ukraine scheme began up until 11 November 2022 .

    Published: 1 December 2022

  7. I would like information on all booking made on behalf of anyone, by or on behalf of the local authority, who have been placed in holiday lets.

    Please break this down into which platform was used to book the holiday let. E.g. Airbnb/

    Please also provide information on total costs of using this type of accommodation.

    Please provide this information for the last five years (2018 - 2022 inclusive), and please break the information down year-by-year.

    E.g. 2018 5 bookings on Airbnb

    3 bookings on

    Total cost £8,000

    Published: 30 November 2022

  8. 1. Please inform me how many fixed speed cameras your authority is responsible for. If possible, please break this down by device type (EG Gatso, Truvelo, HADECS).

    2. Please inform me how many average speed cameras your authority is responsible for. If possible, please break this down by device type (EG SPECS, VECTOR, Siemens).

    3. Please inform me of the total financial cost to your authority of maintaining and calibrating the fixed speed cameras your authority is responsible for from 2018 to present. Please break this down by calendar or financial year. If possible, please also break this down by device type.

    4. Please inform me of the total financial cost to your authority of maintaining and calibrating the average speed cameras your authority is responsible for from 2018 to present. Please break this down by calendar or financial year. If possible, please also break this down by device type.

    5. If possible, please inform me how many speeding tickets were issued by the fixed cameras your authority is responsible for from 2018 to present. Please break this down by calendar or financial year, and by device type if possible.

    6. If possible, please inform me how many speeding tickets were issued by average cameras your authority is responsible for from 2018 to present. Please break this down by calendar or financial year, and by device type if possible.

    If it is not possible to obtain the level of granularity outlined above, please simply tell me a) how many speed cameras your authority is responsible for in total, and b) how much financial cost these cameras incurred for maintenance and calibration from 2018-present, broken down by year.

    Published: 30 November 2022

  9. This is an information request relating to the number of homeless individuals who have been evicted from accommodation within the council's remit in order to make way for migrants and asylum seekers.

    Please include the information for just the current financial year, 2022/23

    • The number of homeless individuals who have been evicted from council-funded or council run spaces in accommodation within the council's remit in order to make way for migrants and asylum seekers.

    Published: 30 November 2022

  10. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from the council. Please may you provide me with:

    1. How many play parks have been closed in the area in the last 10 financial years?

    2. How many complaints have been received about the general state of play parks in the area in the last five financial years?

    3. How much has been spent on the upkeep and/or refurbishment of play parks in the last five financial years?

    4. How many reports of vandalism in play parks have there been in the last five financial years?

    5. How many injuries have been reported in play parks in the last five financial years, and what were the nature of those injuries?

    Published: 30 November 2022