Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. 1. How many social housing properties run by the council are currently considered "unfit for human habitation" in your authority?

    2. Between 14 June 2017 and 14 November 2022, how many complaints has the local authority received from council tenants relating to mould?

    3. Of those households that put in a complaint, how many were home to children under-18?

    4. Of those households that put in a complaint, how many put in multiple complaints?

    5. What action was taken in response to each of the complaints?

    Published: 30 November 2022

  2. 1. How much are you expecting to spend on energy costs this winter (October - April) compared to the same period last year?

    2. Are you planning to cancel or spend less than the year before on festive events or decorations because of costs? These include but are not limited to Christmas lights, bonfire night, Christmas markets, Christmas trees, etc.

    3. How much money are you projected to save if the council cancels any festive events or decorations?

    4. Are you planning to spend less on other council services, such as street lighting, than in 2021 to save energy and fuel costs? What changes have you made?

    5. Has the council decided to close any of its community spaces such as halls, libraries and leisure centres, either temporarily or permanently for the remainder of 2022 and/or 2023 to reduce energy and fuel costs?

    6. If so, how many community spaces will close and how much money does the council estimate this will save on its energy and fuel costs? Please can you include the type of community space in your response.

    Published: 29 November 2022

  3. Under the freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, I would like to request a copy of any statement and map that the Duchy of Cornwall had deposited with your local authority under section 31 of the Highways Act 1980 and section 15A of the Commons Act 2006.

    Published: 29 November 2022

  4. Under the Freedom of information act, could you please confirm as to whether the following properties are in receipt of the Transitional Relief for the 2022/2023 rates year


    A: Transitional Relief doesn't exist for the 2022/2023 financial year, but the relief that replaces it (Transitional Relief & Supporting Small Business Extension Relief) has been awarded for this financial year on the property queried.

    Published: 28 November 2022

  5. Please may you kindly supply the following information:

    1. How much (in GBP) did the local authority spend on temporary / emergency accommodation during the financial year 2021/22?

    2. How much (in GBP) is the local authority predicted to spend on temporary / emergency accommodation during the financial year 2022/23?

    3. How many households does the local authority currently have in temporary / emergency accommodation?

    4. What is the average number of people per household, currently housed in temporary / emergency accommodation?

    5. What percentage of the local authority's use of temporary / emergency accommodation is secured from B&B accommodation?

    6. What percentage of the local authority's use of temporary / emergency accommodation is secured from other private landlords (not B&B)?

    7. Of the total number of households housed in temporary / emergency accommodation, how many are currently housed in B&B accommodation?

    8. Does the local authority undertake work on private rented properties for the purposes of making them habitable for use as longer-term accommodation?

    9. Of the spend on temporary / emergency accommodation, what percentage is attributed to B&B accommodation, and what percentage is attributed to accommodation provided by private landlords?

    10. Aside from other private landlord accommodation and B&B accommodation, what other sources of temporary / emergency accommodation does the local authority source?

    11. In total, how many nights of households being housed in temporary / emergency accommodation have been funded by the local authority during this current financial year?

    Published: 28 November 2022

  6. Please can you provide the following:

    The total tonnage of waste submitted to landfill sites in your division between the following periods:

    o 1st January 2020 - December 31st 2020

    o 1st January 2021 - December 31st 2021

    o 1st January 2022 - October 31st 2022

    The average tonnage of waste sent to landfill sites in your division per day.

    Published: 28 November 2022

  7. 1. How many planning decisions, in which an application for a major residential development (10+ units) was refused, have been overturned at appeal in (a) 2017/18, (b) 2018/19, (c) 2019/20, (d) 2020/21, and (e) 2021/22 to date.

    2. Please provide the application reference for every major residential development planning application (10+ units) that has been awarded costs at appeal in (a) 2017/18, (b) 2018/19, (c) 2019/20, (d) 2020/21, and (e) 2021/22 to date.

    3. Please provide the amount spent by the authority in costs for every major residential development (10+ units) planning application that has been awarded costs at appeal in (a) 2017/18, (b) 2018/19, (c) 2019/20, (d) 2020/21, and (e) 2021/22 to date.

    4. Please provide the amount spent by the authority on planning appeals, including the solicitation of external advice, in a) 2017/18, (b) 2018/19, (c) 2019/20, (d) 2020/21, and (e) 2021/22 to date.

    Published: 28 November 2022

  8. How many reports regarding the sale of illicit tobacco specifically in convenience stores were made to Trading Standards between Jan 2020 to Dec 2020?

    How many of those reports made in the time period above resulted in a seizure?

    Of those seizures made above, how many stores were closed either permanently, or temporarily as a result?

    How many reports regarding the sale of illicit tobacco specifically in convenience stores were made to Trading Standards between Jan 2021 to Dec 2021?

    How many of those reports made in the time period above resulted in a seizure?

    Of those seizures made above, how many stores were closed either permanently, or temporarily as a result?

    How many reports regarding the sale of illicit tobacco specifically in convenience stores were made to Trading Standards (so far) between Jan 2022 to Nov 2022?

    How many of those reports made in the time period above resulted in a seizure?

    Of those seizures made above, how many stores were closed either permanently, or temporarily as a result?

    Published: 28 November 2022

  9. What has been the cost and forecast future cost to the Council of interim staff for the financial years 2021-22 and 2022-23?

    Published: 28 November 2022

  10. I have produced this questionnaire in order to provide quantitative and qualitative primary research, from professionals in the public sector, into my final dissertation topic of:

    Meeting the Social Housing Demand; Exploring the Resource Impacts on the Construction Industry in Justifying the Refurbishment or Demolition of Properties Within the United Kingdom's Public Housing Sector.

    Published: 28 November 2022