Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Q1) Please provide a copy of your 2024 to 2025 fee uplift letter that was sent to care providers. If you have not reported a 2024-25 fee uplift, please outline your timeline and process for doing so.

    Note: Please do not embed the document in your response. Please share the letter as an attachment.

    Q2) Please confirm the date when the local authority/Cabinet agreed or made the decision to proceed with the fee uplift for care providers for the 2024/25 financial year.

    Q3) Please confirm the date this decision on the fee uplift for the 2024/25 financial year was officially communicated to the providers.

    Q4) Please provide your 2024 to 2025 weekly base* fee rates for the following care types:

    1. Nursing (Excl. FNC)

    2. Nursing with Dementia (Excl. FNC)

    3. Residential (without nursing)

    4. Residential (without nursing) with Dementia

    *Note: If you do not operate a base fee, please provide the fee schedule you use (i.e. a banding or range of fees, or guide prices). If no fee schedule is used, please provide the average fee proposed during this period for each care type.

    Q5) Please provide your average weekly fee rate (being the average weekly fee paid during the period 1st April 2023 to March 31st 2024) for the following care types:

    1. Nursing (Excl. FNC)

    2. Nursing with Dementia (Excl. FNC)

    3. Residential (without nursing)

    4. Residential (without nursing) with Dementia

    Note: if you are unable to split Dementia from care without Dementia, please provide a blended Residential and a blended Nursing rate. This calculation should be the same as the Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund reporting submitted in May 2023.

    Q6) Please provide your provisional average weekly fee rate (calculated consistently with the rate in the question above) for the period 2024-2025 for the following care types:

    1. Nursing (Excl. FNC)

    2. Nursing with Dementia (Excl. FNC)

    3. Residential (without nursing)

    4. Residential (without nursing) with Dementia

    Note: if you are unable to split Dementia from care without Dementia, please provide a blended Residential and a blended Nursing rate. This calculation should be the same as the Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund reporting submitted in May 2023.

    Q7) Please confirm if your authority requires or provisions for care providers to pay care staff a rate higher than the National Living Wage, and when this policy was implemented.

    Q8) For the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024, please provide the number of individual residents, where their contracts for the provision of Older Person Services for both residential care and nursing care were either terminated by the care provider, handed back by the care provider, or were renegotiated due to the threat or notice of termination/handing back was made by the care provider. You should provide the number of residents this applies to and the number of care providers.

    Published: 1 May 2024

  2. The total number of visits made by council staff to deal with pest infestations in commercial premises each year in the last three years, broken down by type of infestation.

    Please also state how the rate you charge for such visits - is it an based on staff time, on size of infested premises, on the kind of infestation, or some combination of these?

    Published: 29 April 2024

  3. I wish to make a request under the EIR for the following information:

    1. During the production of the draft Local Plan what information was requested from Sewage Companies with regard to capacity of their network in each of the settlements identified for housing under the settlement hierarchy?

    2. Why do the environmental restrictions included in the settlement hierarchy not reference the capacity of the sewage network in these areas?

    3. What legal advice has the Council received in relation to considering sewage infrastructure and its suitability / capacity as part of the settlement hierarchy and copies of that advice where the EIR allows.

    4. Any information, communication, legal advice or similar received by or sent by the Council from or to Welsh Water or Severn Trent in relation to the sewage systems in the villages of Luston, Yarpole, Kingsland or Orleton.

    Published: 29 April 2024

  4. I would like all the information available on the outstanding highways defects in Backbury ward, in an excel sheet, for the period from 1/1/20 to current. I'd like to know the location of the defect, date of inspection, what category has been assigned to the defect, and a likely date of repair if it has been programmed. If no date of repair has been set, I'd like to know why.

    Published: 29 April 2024

  5. 1) How many children were spoken to IN PERSON by MASH social worker/s as part of the initial screening process of contacts and referrals received between October 2023 and February 2024. How many of these children were under 13?

    ii ) Number of children spoken to IN PERSON by MASH screening social workers to be broken down into referral outcome threshold level. How many of these children were under 13?

    iii) Number of children under 13 spoken to by MASH screening Social Workers as part of initial screening and referral process? How many of those children were to spoken to IN PERSON/ telephone or other format.

    2) Between September 2022 and April 2024 what is the number of children of statutory education age attending primary and secondary schools in the county of Herefordshire have had unauthorised absences that equated to more than 10 consecutive sessions or 5 school days. This number should be broken down into each school.

    3) Between September 2022 and April 2024 what is the number of children in primary school and secondary schools across Herefordshire whose parents have received a fine or Penalty Charge notices . Please provide this data broken down into each schools.

    4) Between September 2022 and April 2024 what number of the penalty charge notices were issued to parents have been paid in full. Please provide this information broken down into each school or education establishment.

    5) What is the annual operating cost of Taxi licensing. Please provide this for April 2020- April 2021, April 2022-2023 and April 2023-2024.

    Published: 29 April 2024

  6. I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act in relation to your authority's policies and practices in providing refunds under the planning guarantee legislation (Regulation 9A of the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012) and more recent iterations.


    Please detail how the authority determine an applicant's eligibility for a refund in accordance with the legislation.


    Can you provide any official documentation, policies, or guidelines that outline the process and criteria for refund eligibility under the planning guarantee legislation? This would include any procedural steps that applicants must follow to initiate a refund request.

    If the authority does not have any official documentation, policies or guidelines and has not sought to create this since the inception of the legislation can you provide an explanation why?


    Are there circumstances, such as the statute of limitations, under which refunds would not be provided? If so, what are these circumstances? Any supporting written advice from your legal department would be of interest.


    Has your authority been proactive in informing applicant's that they are due a refund of their planning application fees paid when they become eligible?

    If the answer to 4 is no, could you explain the rationale behind this approach?


    Has your authority been proactive in refunding applicant's fees when they become eligible?


    If the answer to 5 is no, could you explain the rationale behind this approach?


    If refunds are not proactively made, can you advise what happens to the funds from the unclaimed refunds, since the legislation was implemented.


    Can you advise how much has the authority 'earned'/received in funds for planning applications from applicants that was due to be returned but has not been.


    Please provide the contact information for submitting refund requests i.e. the relevant person/team, contact telephone number and contact email address.


    Please provide the contact information for the authority's Monitoring Officer, as their oversight may be relevant to my inquiries.

    Published: 29 April 2024

  7. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide me with the following information:

    1. What is the name of your local authority?

    2. How much was spent on your high needs budget by the end of the financial year 2023/24? Please add the value below

    3. What was your original allocated high needs budget for 2023/24?

    4. How much are you expecting to have spent on your high needs budget by the end of the financial year 2024/25? Please add the value below

    5. What is your original allocated high needs budget for 2024/25?

    6. Have you sought permission from the Department for Education to move more than 0.5% from the DSG to high needs in the current financial year 2024/25? Please indicate YES / NO

    7. If YES, was permission granted? Please indicate YES / NO

    8. Has the council signed up to the Safety Valve programme or any other government scheme to reduce its SEND deficit? If so, how much money has been offered to the council?

    8. a) YES / NO

    8. b) Name of scheme (if YES)

    8. c) Value of scheme to the council

    9. Has the council been part of the Delivering Better Value in SEND programme? Please indicate YES / NO

    10. Please tell us about any other ways the council is looking to reduce pressure on its high needs budget and add any further comments that would help us understand those pressures on your high needs budget.

    Published: 29 April 2024

  8. What is the specification the counties roads maintenance contractor has to comply with? What are the terms of there contract excluding any financial information? Does the County have any directly employed road maintenance labour? Please provide an electronic copy of the relevant documents.

    Published: 26 April 2024

  9. I would be grateful if you could provide me with the following information on all Section 38 and Section 278 technical approvals granted from 1st January 2024 - 31st March 2024.

    Please see the attached template showing the information required.

    Published: 25 April 2024

  10. Your Local Plan Consultation - Appendix 4a Settlement Service Scoring does not include the capacity of the present public sewerage systems for increased housing in each settlement. A key factor to keep Herefordshire's rivers clean.

    1. Has the Council got this information for each of the settlements?

    2. If 'Yes' may I have the information for Fownhope?

    3. How many of the settlements listed in Appendix 4a have public sewerage systems?

    Published: 25 April 2024