Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. This is a new request for new information only. It is not a repeated request.

    Please could you kindly send me any information you may hold relating to persons who are/were known to the Council via any of the following teams and who have died with:

    - no known next of kin (defined as blood relatives)


    - where you have been unable to engage with or locate any KNOWN next of kin.

    Please provide details of cases that have occurred or come to your attention since 1/9/2022 to the day of your reply or as close as possible.

    The name of the team responsible varies but exists within all County Councils, London Boroughs, Unitary & Metropolitan District Councils. Team names:

    * Deputyship

    * Appointeeship

    * Adult social care

    * Client Finance Team

    * Protection of Property

    * Financial Assessment

    * Other team name whereby Council official(s) were charged with handling the financial affairs of the (now deceased) person

    Please provide as much of the following information as you can:

    1. Full names of deceased persons

    2. Dates of death

    3. Marital status

    4. Maiden surnames of married or widowed females

    5. Dates of birth or ages at death

    6. Last known addresses

    7. Estimated value of estates

    8. Date(s) when the information was passed (or information that is about to be or likely to be passed) to the Government Legal Department (formerly Treasury Solicitor) or the Duchy of Lancaster or Cornwall or any other 3rd party, or, confirmation that this will not be happening and the reason why.

    Published: 14 November 2022

  2. I have some FOI questions relating to school funding cuts, and the impact on councils.

    1.a How many LA schools had a deficit in the 2021/22 financial year (please include the actual number of schools in deficit and the actual number of schools you have - ie 2 in deficit of 20 schools)

    1.b What was the cumulative deficit of those schools?

    2.a How many schools are you projecting will go into financial deficit this financial year (2022/23) (same as above).

    2.b What is the predicted cumulative deficit of those?

    3. If you have similar projections for 2023/24 then please do provide.

    4. When LA schools become sponsored academies, the deficit stays with the LA. Please can you tell me the total deficit your LA has taken on in the past three financial years, and the number of sponsored academies this relates to? (If three years is not possible, please just do the last financial year)

    5.a Please could you tell me your DSG position at the end of 2021-22

    5.b Your forecast DSG deficit/surplus in-year for 2022-23

    5.c Your forecasted DSG position at the end of 2022-23

    Published: 11 November 2022

  3. I would like to find out details of records you may hold for private water supplies in the vicinity of the target address provided.

    Published: 11 November 2022

  4. 1. The number of people placed in temporary accommodation (including B&B's hotels etc) after making a homeless application over the last 3 financial years plus the first 6 months of this financial year:

    a) the financial year ending March 2020

    b) the financial year ending March 2021

    c) the financial year ending March 2022

    d) the first six months of this financial year from April 2022 - September 30th 2022

    2. The total cost of temporary accommodation (including B&B's hotels etc) over the last 3 financial years plus the first 6 months of this financial year

    a) the financial year ending March 2020 b) the financial year ending March 2021

    c) the financial year ending March 2022

    d) the first six months of this financial year from April 2022 - September 30th 2022

    3. How many homeless applications have the council received over the last 3 financial years plus the first 6 months of this financial year

    a) the financial year ending March 2020

    b) the financial year ending March 2021 c) the financial year ending March 2022

    d) the first six months of this financial year from April 2022 - September 30th 2022

    Published: 11 November 2022

  5. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, could you supply me with the following information regarding dangerous wild animal licences.

    * The number of applications made in Herefordshire between July 1, 2020 and July 1, 2022 and, of those, the number of applications granted.

    * The reasons for licence refusals made in Herefordshire for applications submitted between July 1, 2020 and July 1, 2022.

    * A list of which animals have licences been granted for in Herefordshire between July 1, 2020 and July 1, 2022.

    Published: 11 November 2022

  6. Please provide the following information in respect of staff in the education department involved with elective home education:

    1. How many staff do you have who deal with elective home education.

    2. How many of those staff members have received training related to elective home education from Birkbeck college, or Professor Daniel Monk (the course designer)?

    3. How many of those staff members have received training related to elective home education from another external source? Please specify source.

    4. How many of those staff members have received no external training related to elective home education, but have received 'on the job' training?

    5. Do you have any other feedback in respect of training related to elective home education?

    Published: 10 November 2022

  7. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the number of street works and road works carried out by both the council and third parties such as utility companies for the 2021/22 financial year.

    If possible, I would also like to know the cost to the council for the applicable works carried out. To clarify, I would like information regarding the cost of the roadworks themselves. However, if this information is unavailable, the total number of works would be much appreciated.

    Published: 10 November 2022

  8. 1 Does your Local Authority operate a Rent Deposit Scheme (financial support to residents to help them access accommodation in the private rented sector)?

    2 If so, is your scheme operated as:

    a) a loan (expectation of repayment),

    b) a grant (no expectation of repayment) or

    c) a combination of the two.

    3 What was the total value of loans and/or grants paid under the scheme in 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22

    4 How many loans and/or grants were awarded in 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22

    5 If your scheme requires repayment from residents, what was the outstanding debt owed to the Council in relation to the scheme in 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22?

    6 Excluding payments detailed in question 3, what is the annual cost of operating the scheme (staffing, administration costs) including debt recovery undertaken by council staff if applicable. (Note: If you do not have the means to calculate an exact cost or if doing to will exceed the time limit for FOI responses, please provide an estimate)

    7 Has the Council commenced legal proceedings against residents to recover debt owed in relation to this scheme in the past four years.

    8 If so, please advise how many residents have been subject to proceedings during this time?

    Published: 9 November 2022

  9. Please find attached a Freedom of Information (FOI) questionnaire about vision impairment (VI) education services. This year's FOI will include Habilitation services, the specialist vision impairment curriculum framework as well as education services for children and young people with VI.

    Published: 9 November 2022

  10. I know that this winter, energy prices are set to be higher than in previous years, even despite government support.

    1) Since the start of this academic year, has your authority issued any guidance to Local Authority maintained schools about how they can cut energy usage? If so, what advice have they been given, what medium was it sent via, and when was it sent?

    2) Since the start of this academic year, have you told your Local Authority maintained schools that they should cut energy usage? Have they been given targets for energy reduction, and if so, what targets have they been given?

    Published: 9 November 2022