Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Under the Freedom of Information Act, can you please provide me with the following information:

    * Any electronic copy of any policies, procedures or guidance that you issue to staff concerning the management of electronic media files (such as images, photos, and video files) on your network infrastructure

    * Do you use impose or implement restrictions on the size and types of files which can be stored on your network? If so, please include any recommendations issued to staff

    * Please forward any guidance issued to staff concerning managing and working with large media files (such as images, photos, and video files)

    * Do you allow staff to directly copy media files (such as images, photos, and video files) from mobile devices (for example, cameras or smartphones) onto your network?

    * If yes to the above, do you impose restrictions on the type or sizes of files that can be copied on your network?

    * Please send me a copy of any email bulletins, staff communications or project plans about the clean-up of electronic file storage areas (such as network shared drives and personal drives)

    * Please send me a copy of any file plans (management of electronic files) issued to your staff

    Published: 8 November 2022

  2. I would like access to data in relation to Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN), specifically Environmental enforcement (EE) practices for local authorities, including:

    1. Does your council use a third-party agency to issue and enforce FPNs relating to Environmental Enforcement (EE)?

    2. If yes, which supplier are you currently using?

    3. If no, what are the main reasons the council chooses not to outsource EE services?

    4. Can you provide the total number of FPNs issued by your local authority per year (for 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 YTD, if possible)?

    5. Can you provide a breakdown of the total number of FPNs issued by your local authority per year (for 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 YTD, if possible) by type, including; a. Litter b. Dog fouling c. Graffiti d. Fly-posting e. Noise f. Smoking Related Litter g. Breach of Public Space Protection Order h. Community Protection Notice

    6. If the council outsources EE, what is the length of the EE services contract for your local authority? When did this contract initially commence?

    7. What is the nature of your EE supplier contract; (annual fee, flat fee per FPN, % of revenue generated from FPNs)?

    8. What is the total value of the EE services contract?

    Published: 7 November 2022

  3. 1) What is Herefordshire Council's Policy on Resettlement Expenses for staff recruited for a post who live more than commuting distance away?

    2) Does this apply to all recruited staff who are in this position?

    3) Is there a cut-off with regard to salary or Directorate for any such recruited staff?

    4) Is there a requirement for such recruited staff to move to within a certain radius of their work-base?

    5) If so what is that radius?

    Published: 4 November 2022

  4. In the last financial year 2021/2022 please provide me with the number of settlements and the total amount paid as compensation to teachers or teaching assistants for injuries sustained at schools or outside schools. For each incident please provide me with the amount of compensation, costs and a summary of the claim. Please clearly indicate any incidents where compensation was made to staff as a result of an injury sustained from an attack by a pupil, or in an incident when trying to restrain a violent pupil.

    Note: The question relates to payments made in 2021/2022 regardless of when the incident took place.

    Published: 4 November 2022

  5. Please can you provide the number of applications received between 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022 for the following highway licences/permits:

    Cranes / Cherry pickers / MEWPS

    Hoardings / Site Fencing

    Material on highway



    Café tables and chairs

    A Boards

    TTRO's / TTRN's

    Section 50's

    Section 171's

    Crossovers / Dropped Kerbs

    Highways Searches

    Lane Rental Waiver Requests

    With reference to the s50 and s171 licences, for the same time period, how many notice of works, reinstatement notices and traffic management control forms were received?

    Published: 4 November 2022

  6. COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF)-Awards. We have recently contacted the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities to seek an update on their last published statistics regarding CARF relief. As an authority who is responsible for the administration and distribution of CARF relief, please can you kindly advise on the below:

    1. Have all of the allocated monies now been distributed to eligible rate payers by your authority?

    2. If not, please can you confirm what amount of monies remain outstanding?

    3. Are applications still being considered / can they still be made? If so, what are your timelines / general requirements to consider CARF eligibility?

    Published: 4 November 2022

  7. Chaperoned taxi services in social care I would like to enquire about the following in relation to chaperoned taxi services:

    1. Do you have this service provided in house by the local authority?

    2. If not do you have a provider/providers that you have commissioned or are providers sourced on a needs led level?

    3. What are the service level requirements for this service? Do providers need to have social work experience or just have a clear DBS certificate?

    4. How much was spent on chaperoned taxi services by children social care in the last 12 months.

    5. How much was spent on chaperoned taxi services by adults social care in the last 12 months.

    Published: 3 November 2022

  8. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide me with copies of the following: ·

    1. Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) for Lower Daffaluke, Glewstone, Ross on Wye HR9 6BB completed in relation to Planning Applications 222006 and 222007 by Mr Christopher Nikitik

    2. Audit trail of competent authority thinking while producing the same assessment

    3. All the evidence the same assessment was based on and is supported by, which is capable of standing up to scientific scrutiny

    Published: 2 November 2022

  9. How many individual requests has the Council received from the Home Office to provide housing or accommodation for refugees, asylum seekers, legal migrants and illegal migrants between January 1st 2022 to October 14th 2022?

    How many have successfully been provided with housing or accommodation during the same time period?

    Published: 2 November 2022

  10. BT apparatus, The Golden Cross, Highland View near junction of Ridgeway Road, Hereford, HR1 3BY

    I would be grateful if you could provide the Road Opening Notices for this location for up to 5 years prior to 16 June 2021.

    Published: 2 November 2022