Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I am Looking for a response on the following questions from your council as a whole, and for the individual schools (Primary and secondary) within your authority!

    Section 1 - Organogram

    Can you please provide me with the latest organization charts for each of the schools in your authority, including names of staff and departments they work in. I am looking for the names of all SLT, and middle leaders, along with their respective positions, and what subjects they are in charge of/cover. Please also provide information as to whether any of these positions are vacant, and if there are any plans to change to your leadership structure in the new academic year: 2024/2025.

    Please send the information in a clear organogram, as well as a list of the SLT, Middle leadership, and other roles -roles I am looking for information on specifically are: Headteachers, Head of departments, Heads PA/'s, Cover managers, and HR Managers.

    Section 2 - Recruitment Spends

    Do you currently use an MSP for the recruitment of temporary and/or permanent school staff (teaching, support, commercial, leadership) at the school sites than are under your authority? If so, what is the name of the MSP?

    If you do use an MSP, what is the name and job title of the person in charge of the decision to use an MSP, and how often is the use of the MSP reviewed? When will this be reviewed next? If there are multiple decision makers involved in this, please give details of all of them.

    If you do not use a Managed service provider across all of your schools, but do use a PSL for all of them, please mention this here.

    How often do you review your PSL, is this done at a specific time each academic year/couple of years? When is the next time that the PSL will be reviewed?

    What decision maker/s are involved in the choice of agencies for your PSL? Please give names and Job Titles.

    If the recruitment of agency staff is handled individually by each school, mention this here.

    Please provide the total money spent by each schools under your authority, on Recruitment agencies for the 2023/2024 tax year. Please break this down for each school in your authority by:

    Amount spent on each agency each month - give names of agency if possible.

    Amount spent on Temporary and Permanent Placements each month Amount spent in total.

    Please Highlight the month that you spent the most on recruitment agencies.

    Published: 25 April 2024

  2. 1) In your role under the Care Act on how many occasions in the calendar year 2023 did you as an authority have to take care of the animals/pets of somebody living in your area who was for whatever reason unable to care for them, or unable to find anybody else able to take over their role as carer for those animals/pets?

    2) For each occasion please state

    (i) the number of animals and their species,

    (ii) the names of the animals if applicable,

    (iii) what happened to the animals (were they put in a cattery/given to a animal charity etc),

    (iv) specify what if any costs were incurred by the council.

    Published: 25 April 2024

  3. I am seeking information which relates to Kington Park, Kington. This park is located off of the Old Eardisley Road and was created by Bloor Homes as part of the development of housing in Aconbury Leigh and Sutton Walls Close, postcode HR5 3GB in 2011. The park was gifted to HCC and subsequently maintained by local resident volunteers.

    My request is to ascertain if any 'Overage clause' has been created in relation to the park:

    1) Who created any such Overage clause?

    2) When was any such Overage clause created?

    3) Has any such Overage clause been extended?

    4) What are the terms of any such Overage clause?

    I also seek to ascertain:

    5) Who is the registered owner of the park?

    Published: 25 April 2024

  4. I would like a list of planning applications submitted to the council for renewable energy projects since 2014.

    I would like this broken down into the name of the project, the date of application, the type of renewable, the proposed amount of energy that the site would produce, and whether the site was approved, rejected or other.

    Can I have this in excel format please.

    Published: 24 April 2024

  5. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request information held by your council on private finance initiative (PFI) schools.

    Specifically, I would like to be sent:

    • A list of all PFI and PF2 schools in the local authority, providing the school's name, when it was built, when each contract is due to end and the name of the special purpose vehicle (SPV)/PFI project company (PFI Co)

    • For each of the contracts, a list of the confidentiality clauses attached to the contracts and who they apply to

    • The number of people bound by non-disclosure agreements (NDA) as part of the PFI or PF2 contracts and the reasons why the NDAs were issued. It would be appreciated if you could indicate whether any members of school or academy trust staff have had to sign NDAs

    If any of the information is already in the public domain, please can you direct me to it, with page references and URLs if necessary.

    Published: 24 April 2024

  6. I am requesting a list of "Community Venues" defined as facilities the Council owns that can be hired for community use. This may include Community Centres, Community Halls, Libraries, Town Halls, Pavilions and any other facilities that can be booked for community use.

    CLARIFICATION: Please provide data about venues owned and operated by the Council. Please disregard any venues owned by the Council and managed by third parties.

    Please provide a table with the following columns:

    · Name of venue

    · Number of bookable spaces

    · Total venue income from bookings last financial year (£)

    · Does the venue have an online booking system*

    *Online booking system is defined as the ability for a customer to book and pay online.

    For example:

    · Kingswood Community Centre

    · 3 bookable spaces

    · £30,000

    · Yes

    Published: 24 April 2024

  7. Please advise total amount of 106 funding Herefordshire Council have received in the last 10 years.

    Where do I find where its been spent ?

    Does any of that contribution relate to development in Bircher ward? If so how much?

    Published: 24 April 2024

  8. Please can you provide figures for how many referrals schools in your local authority have made to LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) so far this year and in each of the previous five financial years.

    • If possible, please provide a breakdown of the number of referrals from each school phase

    • (for instance, primary schools, secondary schools, SEND schools and alternative provision)

    • for each of these years. LADOs should be notified when there is concern a professional or a person who works with children has: "Behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child;Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm to children; Behaved or may have behaved in a way that indicates they may not be suitable to work with children; Behaved in a way in their personal life that raises safeguarding concerns." As such, for each referral that falls within the requested rate range, please provide detail of which of the above concerns was raised in relation to each case if possible. If you are ableto provide more detail about the nature of each allegation, please do so.

    For each case, please let me know if the allegation was serious enough to meet the threshold of harm for an ASV (allegation against staff or volunteers) meeting and/or involving the police.

    Please also let me know how many cases were not viewed as serious enough to meet this threshold but still required the agency to undertake an internal investigation. If you are not able to provide this level of detail on each case, can you please provide it as a total for each year, preferably separated by school type?

    LADOs must operate within the Department for Education's Keeping children safe in education statutory guidance, which states the following definitions should be used when determining the outcome of allegation investigations:

    o Substantiated: there is sufficient evidence to prove the allegation;

    o Malicious: there is sufficient evidence to disprove the allegation and there has been a deliberate act to deceive;

    o False: there is sufficient evidence to disprove the allegation;

    o Unsubstantiated: there is insufficient evidence to either prove or disprove the allegation. The term, therefore, does not imply guilt or innocence;

    o Unfounded: to reflect cases where there is no evidence or proper basis which supports the allegation being made. For each case, please let me know which of the above outcomes was recorded. I

    f cases are ongoing, please say so. As stated above, if you are not able to provide this level of detail on each individual case, can you please provide it as a total for each year, preferable separated by school type? For each year I've requested data on, can you please let me know the overall number of referrals from all sources (and if possible provide a breakdown of what the main referral sources where?)

    Published: 23 April 2024

  9. I would like to make a request under the freedom of information act.

    I would like the following information.

    - I would like to know how much money the council has collected in affordable housing contributions under section 106 or community infrastructure levies in the years: 2023,2022,2021, and 2020.

    - I would like to know for the same years how much of the money was spent.

    - I would also like a list of the projects that the money was spent on.

    Published: 22 April 2024

  10. Please provide all information relating to the following planned works: Road No - Name C1080 - Track South of Pennsylvania to Bad Patch Wood, Holme Marsh Planned Month November 2023 Planned Duration 11 Days Please provide any reports or plans/photographs which show works completed under this repair.

    Published: 22 April 2024