Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. How much has the council received in planning application fees in total for each of the last five financial years (2017/18 to 2021/22).

    Can you provide the planning department budget for each of those years, and how much the department actually spent?

    Can you provide the three figures in a spread sheet under headings: planning fee income, budget, actual spend (see attached for example).

    Over the same period, can you provide a list of roles within the planning department and the month/year they became vacant, and how many months each role was vacant for?

    Can you provide this information in a separate spreadsheet please (see attached for example).

    Published: 13 September 2022

  2. Regarding: The Wye Inn, Holme Lacy Road, Hereford, HR2 6EF

    Please can you confirm who the Premises License holder is for the above premises whether current or pending.

    Also whether there is a Gaming Machine Notification or Gaming Machine Permit in their name?

    If there is a permit could you also confirm the number and category of machines covered and when the annual fee would be due?

    Published: 12 September 2022

  3. Re: The Boat Inn, Whitney on Wye, Gaming Notification.

    Can you please supply me detail of who the notification is for at The Boat Inn, Whitney on Wye?

    Published: 9 September 2022

  4. Please could you let me know, for each system used in the delivery of adult and children's social care:

    1. Name of system and supplier (or if built in-house)

    2. What you use the system for (case management, finances, direct payments, personal health budgets, financial assessments, document management etc)

    3. How long you have been using the system for

    4. When the current contract for the system expires

    5. Whether the system is hosted by the council, by the supplier, by a third party or a hybrid of all these options

    6. Where the team that supports and maintains the software operates: within the service area, within IT, outsourced, or a different model (please specify).

    7. What the annual cost for support and maintenance is for the software

    8. How many hours of training is provided per user, per year in using the software and whether this training is delivered in person, remotely or through e-learning.

    Published: 9 September 2022

  5. What was the lowest rate (£ per week) you paid for placing a person in your area for 2021/22 and 2022/23. Please disregard Funding Nursing Care (FNC) from these calculations.

    For clarification, I would like the rates for residential, residential dementia, nursing, nursing dementia, residential under 65 and nursing under 65.

    I do not require data for home care.

    Published: 8 September 2022

  6. Regarding: Provision Of Natural Flood Management Catchment Advisors In Herefordshire

    Q1. We request you to forward us any documents, clarifications, amendments, etc. issued as part of this contract process or required information as mentioned below.

    a. Contract Value

    b. List of short listed bidders

    c. Contact person

    d. Mailing address

    Q2. We also request you to include our name in your mailing list for sending further information and advertisements for Expression of Interest, NIT, RFPs etc.

    Published: 8 September 2022

  7. I would like to make a request for the following information relating to your live contract(s) with Oracle.

    If the contract(s) has been replaced, please confirm the details for the new supplier and the name of the supplier who's taken over the service.

    For each contract, please confirm the following:

    Q1. What services are included in the contract? (e.g. maintenance of Oracle 12, SAP ECC)

    Q2. What's the total value of the agreement?

    Q3. When was it awarded?

    Q4. When will the contract expire? If there are potential extensions, please confirm this.

    Q5. What department manages the contract?

    Q6. Who's the decision-maker and their contact details?

    Q7. Any documentation you can provide, e.g. the order form

    Q8. What was the procurement route taken? If via a framework or DPS, which one?

    Published: 7 September 2022

  8. We are seeking information with regards to the following:

    Q1. Details for the completion date of the current highways maintenance contract?

    Q2. Could we also be provided with a contact name, email address and number for an appropriate member of the highways team?

    Published: 6 September 2022

  9. Please provide me with all documents and electronic communications relating to the rooftop and greenfield mobile mast site agreements that your council may have entered into with any of the following organisations (Code Operators) since 28 December 2017. The information should include internal emails and minutes of discussions relating to the site agreements. And if the information could please be supplied on any agreements for rooftop or green field sites regardless of whether or not the locations are council owned, that would be great.

    a. EE Limited

    b. Hutchison 3G UK Limited

    c. Arqiva Services Limited

    d. On Tower UK Limited e. Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited (CTIL)

    f. Airwave Solutions Limited

    g. Vodafone Limited; and

    h. Telefonica O2 UK Limited

    Please provide the following information in respect of those agreements:

    1. The number of agreements with any of the Code Operators that were renewals of existing agreements and the number of agreements relating to new sites.

    2. In respect of those agreements which were renewals, the number of renewals completed before the contractual expiry of the existing agreement.

    3. Where the agreements were renewals, the rent paid under the previous agreement and the consideration paid under the renewed agreement; and

    4. Any legal costs incurred by the trust in dealing with these agreements and not paid by the Code Operators.

    Published: 5 September 2022

  10. With reference to Freedom of Information Act 2000 I would like to request information relating to Herefordshire Council Multi Agency Referral Hub.

    1. I would like to know the number of individual referrals submitted using the Multi Agency Referral Form system (MARF).

    2. I would like to know the number that was found to be groundless or no further action required (NFA/Not Progressed).

    I would like these numbers for the calendar year or 12 month recording period that would cover in full, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 to date.

    Published: 1 September 2022