Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Please could you kindly send me any information you may hold relating to persons who are/were known to the Council via any of the following teams and who have died with:

    - no known next of kin (defined as blood relatives) OR

    - where you have been unable to engage with or locate any KNOWN next of kin,

    Please provide details of cases that have occurred or come to your attention since 18/6/2022 to the day of your reply or as close as possible. The name of the team responsible varies but exists within all County Councils, London Boroughs, Unitary & Metropolitan District Councils. Team names:

    * Deputyship

    * Appointeeship

    * Adult social care

    * Client Finance Team

    * Protection of Property

    * Financial Assessment

    * Other team name whereby Council official(s) were charged with handling the financial affairs of the (now deceased) person

    Please provide as much of the following information as you can:

    1. full names of deceased persons,

    2. dates of death,

    3. marital status,

    4. maiden surnames of married or widowed females,

    5. dates of birth or ages at death,

    6. last known addresses,

    7. estimated value of estates,

    8. date(s) when the information was passed (or information that is about to be or likely to be passed) to the Government Legal Department (formerly Treasury Solicitor) or the Duchy of Lancaster or Cornwall or any other 3rd party, or, confirmation that this will not be happening and the reason why.

    Published: 1 September 2022

  2. Conducting quantitative research into the distribution and impacts of Empty Homes across the four nations of the United Kingdom, using exemption data from local authorities obtained under Freedom of Information Request.

    I therefore write to request lists of all exemptions and discounts for domestic council tax in Herefordshire.

    Please find attached two template Excel .xls sheets to provide this data in, one for discounted properties and one for exemptions.

    Published: 31 August 2022

  3. We are carrying out research into the health and safety requirements for smoking establishments. Questions:

    1. Please provide the addresses of the premises that are known to be currently operating as shisha bars in your Local Authority.

    2. Please confirm which of these premises that are known to be currently operating as shisha bars, comply with the Smoke Free Regulations.

    3. If there are premises which are operating that do not comply with the Smoke Free Regulations, please provide a justification as to why they are permitted to continue operating.

    Published: 31 August 2022

  4. Regarding: Wellington Quarry

    Requesting any non-private information available (locations, uses [potable/non-potable]) of all Private Water Supplies within a 2km radius of National Grid Reference SO 50260 47894.

    Published: 30 August 2022

  5. I'd be grateful if you can provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in regards to vehicles used to transport the Mayor of your Local authority.

    Q1. A list of all vehicles owned or leased to the council for the use of transporting the Mayor of your Local authority and:

    a) The make and model of each vehicle?

    b) The cost of purchasing each vehicle (if not leased) since 2018?

    c) The cost of leasing each vehicle (if not purchased) since 2018?

    d) The cost of fuel for each vehicle since 2018?

    e)The costs associated with maintaining each vehicle since 2018?

    f) The cost of insuring each vehicle since 2018?

    g) The costs of any parking fees and / or fines / PCNs issued to each vehicle since 2018?

    Please provide cost per annum if possible for questions 1b-1g.

    Q2. How many days a week on average is each vehicle used?

    Q3. Is transporting the mayor the primary use of the vehicle? If not, please list other uses?

    Published: 30 August 2022

  6. Please could you provide me with a list of your Traffic management, soft estate and arboriculture service providers. Also the name of the companies that install your vehicle restraint barriers and perimeter fencing.

    Published: 30 August 2022

  7. Regarding: Wellington Quarry

    Requesting any non-private information available regarding Licensed Water Abstractions within a 2km radius of National Grid Reference SO 50260 47894.

    Published: 30 August 2022

  8. For each of the last three years (August 1st - July 31st), can you please advise of the following:

    1) How many complaints has your council received from residents in residential properties about excessive noise emanating from their neighbours' property?

    2) If held, what were the most common complaints? i.e: Music? Loud voices? Dogs? Arguments? etc.

    3) How did your council deal with the complaints? i.e: How many prosecutions were there? How many warnings? How many ASBOs were issued? etc.

    Published: 30 August 2022

  9. Re: Underground Apparatus/Plant Site Ref: B7387 - Madley, adj Faraday House, Lulham Road, Hereford - NGR E341832 N238967

    Please provide plan(s) indicating the general position and nature of your apparatus in the area. In addition, please highlight any likely problems that could arise in connection with your apparatus as a result of works and any limitations on the quality of the information provided.

    Published: 30 August 2022

  10. 1. Does the organisation currently have an onsite central print facility for staff?

    2. If so, what is the annual turnover for the print facility?

    3. If so, does the central print facility outsource any of the following items of work?

    a. Digital Print - small and large jobs?

    i. If so, who is the current contract with?

    ii. If so, what is the annual spend?

    iii. If so, when is the contract due for renewal?

    iv. Was the existing contract procured via a framework? If so, what framework was used for the procurement of the contract?

    v. Please confirm the name or job role of the employee that is responsible for this contract within your organisation.

    b. Large Format Print - including pop up banners , storage and set up?

    i. If so, who is the current contract with?

    ii. If so, what is the annual spend?

    iii. If so, when is the contract due for renewal?

    iv. Was the existing contract procured via a framework? If so, what framework was used for the procurement of the contract?

    v. Please confirm the name or job role of the employee that is responsible for this contract within your organisation.

    4. If there is no central print facility for staff who undertakes the following items of work?

    a. Digital Print - small and large jobs?

    i. If so, who is the current contract with?

    ii. If so, what is the annual spend?

    iii. If so, when is the contract due for renewal?

    iv. Was the existing contract procured via a framework? If so, what framework was used for the procurement of the contract?

    v. Please confirm the name or job role of the employee that is responsible for this contract within your organisation.

    b. Large Format Print - including pop up banners , storage and set up?

    i. If so, who is the current contract with?

    ii. If so, what is the annual spend?

    iii. If so, when is the contract due for renewal?

    iv. Was the existing contract procured via a framework? If so, what framework was used for the procurement of the contract?

    v. Please confirm the name or job role of the employee that is responsible for this contract within your organisation.

    Published: 26 August 2022