Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Public Facing Council Website

    Q1. What CMS/software and version does your public facing council website use? (e.g. In-house, Sharepoint, Jadu, Drupal 7)

    Q2. Is your public facing council website hosted and supported by a third party IT partner or on-premise? If a third party, when does your current contract expire?

    Q3. When was your public facing council website launched?

    Q4. What are your separate budgets for hosting/supporting and development for your public facing council website?

    Q5. Which team/department/individual is responsible for maintaining your public facing council website?

    Digital Accessibility

    Q6. When was your public facing council website last audited for accessibility compliance?

    Q7. Which team/department/individual is responsible for maintaining accessibility compliance across your public facing websites?

    Website Content

    Q8. Do you work with external marketing/communications suppliers to create content for your public facing services?

    Q9. When was the last time you conducted a content audit on your website to remove outdated content?

    Published: 8 August 2022

  2. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to respectfully request the following information:

    Between August 1 2017 and August 1 2022, how many times has the council been the victim of a cyber attack/ hack.

    Can you please detail what type information (eg residents' bank account details) was affected/accessed during the cyber attack/s and for how long.

    Published: 8 August 2022

  3. Please could you provide me with the following information:

    * How many households in your council area receive a discount on their council tax because one or more people at the property are considered severely mentally impaired?

    * Of these households:

    * How many receive a 25% discount

    * How many receive a 50% discount

    * How many receive a 100% discount

    Published: 8 August 2022

  4. Q1. How many homes do you provide within your authority that has seven or more bedrooms? By "providing" I mean through whatever funding means (Eg. Council owned, council managed or privately rented accommodation paid for with a contribution from Housing Benefit payments)

    Q2. For each property state (i) the number of bedrooms, (ii) the first section of the postcode and the first digit of the second section of the postcode (eg E11 3??), (iii) the monthly rental cost of the property and how much of this cost is met by Housing Benefit payments?

    Q3. Please provide me with any valuation you hold of the entire council's housing stock, giving the number of properties and the date of the valuation.

    Q4. How many residential properties does your authority own that are currently rented out to council tenants and are valued in excess of £1million? If you do have any such properties please give the postcode of the property with the exception of the last two letters and state the estimated market value that you have on record.

    Published: 8 August 2022

  5. Q1. Do you offer an in-house visual impairment service? If so, please describe what kind of service is provided? (For example, is visual impairment rehabilitation provided? Community mobility training?)

    Q2. Do you provide equipment?

    Q3. Do your Visual Impairment officers apply for grants for equipment?

    Q4. If provision is outsourced - who provides this service?

    Q5. How many visual impairment officers do you currently have (including senior &/or junior)?

    Q6. What is the number of referrals that the service receives per financial year?

    Q7. What is the current waiting time for an initial assessment?

    Q8. What are the current salary scales for a junior Visual Impairment Officer?

    Q9. What are the current salary scales for a senior Visual Impairment Officer?

    Published: 8 August 2022

  6. Looking for a breakdown of the actual amount spent in relation to "Appointment of Contractor for the remodeling and refurbishment of mobile accommodation on the Aylestone site to enable the Relocation of Broadlands Bright Sparks Pre-school".

    Decision details are here:

    Decision type: Non-key

    Decision status: Recommendations Approved

    Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/11/2018

    Decision due: 15 November 2018 by Director of Children and Families (Historic)

    Contact: Chris Jones, Strategic business intelligence manager Email:<> Tel: 01432 261596.

    Published: 8 August 2022

  7. Please can you see attached FOI request.

    Published: 4 August 2022

  8. Are you able to please tell me how many children in total are in PRUs (pupil referral units) in the county?

    Published: 4 August 2022

  9. Q1. Please would you be so kind as to tell me how many (a) primary, and (b) secondary schools in the area of the authority,

    (i) offer breakfast clubs (whether run directly by the school or independently provided on school premises),

    (ii) offer after-school clubs (whether run directly by the school or independently provided on school premises),

    (iii) offer both breakfast and after-school clubs (whether run directly by the school or independently provided on school premises).

    Published: 2 August 2022

  10. Please would you confirm to me how many children in the area of the authority are covered by an EHCP (that is, an Educational, Health and Care Plan), broken down by the age of the children into

    (i) not yet of school age,

    (ii) of primary school age,

    (iii) of secondary school age, and what the equivalent numbers for (i) to (iii) were in 2015.

    Published: 2 August 2022