Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. With reference to Widemarsh Street's pedestrianisation, are you able to tell me please:

    Q1. How many complaints there have been for trips in Widemarsh Street since 2011

    Q2. The value of the claims paid out by HC for related trips?

    Q3. The cost of the pedestrianisation scheme.

    Published: 12 July 2022

  2. In regards to council tax, over the last four years, what's the total number and value of liability orders, bailiff referrals, value of arrears recovered and total costs of bailiff action for council tax arrears?

    Published: 12 July 2022

  3. Part A: Local Welfare Assistance

    By LWA scheme, we mean a discretionary service which:

    • provides grants to your residents when facing a crisis (these grants may take the form of cash, vouchers or the item itself, e.g. a cooker);

    • has a claims process via which a member of the public can apply for support, that is, they are not targeted at specific cohorts.

    • This does not include any new Covid support schemes which run parallel to your existing LWA scheme.

    These questions specifically pertain to your local welfare assistance/provision (LWA) scheme, which you call 'Emergency Welfare Support', explained here on your website: and we require information from the period 1st April 2021 to March 31st 2022.

    Q1. What was the total spend on your scheme in 2021/22?

    Q2. How many applications did you receive to this scheme in 2021/22?

    Q3. How many applications were successful in 2021/22?

    Q4. How much was spent on the provision of furniture and/or white goods in 2021/22? This includes both cash, vouchers and the provision of the item itself.

    Q5. What percentage of your 2021/22 spend was funded by your core spending power (as opposed to additional Govt. funding provided via Section 31 grants, such as the Household Support Fund)

    Q6. What is your budget for 2022/23?

    Q7. Did this scheme pre-exist the Covid-19 pandemic?

    Part B: Household Support Fund

    These questions specifically pertain your allocation of the £500m Household Support Fund. For clarity purposes we are referring to the first tranche of the fund announced by the Government here. This fund was announced in the autumn 2021 and had to be spent by the 31 March 2022.

    Q8. How much were you allocated from the Household Support Fund in 2021/22?

    Q9. How much of this fund did you spend in 2021/22?

    Q10. Could anyone apply to receive support from this fund or was it distributed based on certain criteria (e.g. eligibility to FSM)?

    Q11. Please provide approximate percentages indicating what this fund was spent on:

    a. Targeted direct grants to recipients of the following benefits (please specify these below)

    i. Free School Meals %

    ii. Universal Credit %

    iii. Council Tax Support %

    iv. Tax Credit %

    v. Discretionary Housing Payments %

    vi. Other (please specify) %

    b. Additional funding for your LWA scheme (as set out in Part A) %

    c. Funding for third party Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations %

    d. A new scheme to which members of the public could apply for support, which ran alongside your existing LWA scheme %

    Published: 11 July 2022

  4. Please could you tell me how much the authority has spent so far on school transport for

    (a) all pupils in this school year

    (b) all pupils with an EHCP or SEN Statement, and how much it spent in each of the last five years.

    Published: 8 July 2022

  5. Regarding the proposed development at Turnpike Travellers Site, Pembridge, HR6 9J2 off southern Access Road. I feel that this is the correct place to ask for the records of how often the site has been sealed off with various obstacles denying access to the facilities that have clearly been installed by the council or their contractors.

    It would be very important to know over the lifetime of the site from the original construction to date, the time that the facilities have been open.

    Why does the site get sealed off?

    Why isn't it being used now?

    Published: 8 July 2022

  6. Q1. Does the Security of Network & Information Systems Regulations (NIS Regulations) apply to the Council or any part of the Council? (See here for information on the Reg:

    Q2. Has the Council implemented, or is the Council making preparations for, processes, procedures and policies related to NIS Regs?

    If yes, when were these implemented?

    If it is a current project, when do you expect it to be completed?

    If no, why is it not being implemented?

    Q3. Has the Council considered training requirements for NIS Regs?

    If yes has training been delivered?

    If yes when was it last delivered?

    If yes, but the consideration decided against training, why was this the case?

    Q4. Whom is responsible for the NIS D project/management (a job title and name, or if employee is below the disclosable level just a job title is fine)

    Published: 8 July 2022

  7. For every financial year (April to March) from FY 2016-2017 to FY 2021-2022, please provide the following:

    o Volume of cases handled by dog wardens

    o Volume of dog-related cases referred to the Police

    o Volume of dog-related noise complaints

    Please provide your answer in the table provided.

    Published: 8 July 2022

  8. I would like to know how many prosecutions Herefordshire Council has brought, and for what offences, over the past five years, up to the latest figures available. Please summarise the number of cases of each type, and the number which were successful, for each year.

    Published: 6 July 2022

  9. The total number of CCTV cameras in your area

    The total number of CCTV cameras you had in 2019

    I'm aware that you probably won't have data for private CCTV cameras, so please just share the most complete number you have available.

    Published: 6 July 2022

  10. I am writing to request information relating to seagulls /gulls in your local area, please can you supply:

    1. How many complaints involving seagulls/gulls did the council receive in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022*

    2. How many incidents involved a seagull/gull attacking an individual or pet in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022*

    3. How much was spent on seagull/gull management in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022**?

    4. Please give a brief description of the measures taken relevant to question 3.

    5. Does your local authority have a specific fine regime related to gulls?. If so, please give a breakdown of fines given for feeding gulls in the years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022?

    Published: 6 July 2022