Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. This is an information request relating to refurbishments of the council headquarters.

    Please include the following information for the 2021-22 financial year:

    The total expenditure on refurbishments for the council headquarters.

    A breakdown of this expenditure including any items purchased, including the name, number and cost, for example sofas, lamps, rugs.

    Any works done, for example, painting, re-carpeting. Refurbishments should include all items of furniture, appliances and fittings within the building. It should also include works such as paint jobs and carpeting.

    I can confirm I am only looking for information on the town hall.

    Published: 6 July 2022

  2. The Government has put in place a COVID-19 additional relief fund (CARF) under which businesses may be able to receive rates relief for the 2021/22 rate year if both of the following apply:

    · The business has been affected by coronavirus (COVID-19)

    · The business was not eligible for retail discount, nurseries discount or the Airport and Ground Operations Support Scheme (AGOSS)

    Please provide the following:

    Q1. The number of hereditaments for which CARF relief has been provided to date by your authority

    Q2. The value of the CARF relief provided

    Published: 6 July 2022

  3. Do you hold any asset drawings for street lighting/traffic signals and gullies within the attached area?

    Published: 5 July 2022

  4. Please may you provide me with:

    Q1. A copy of any project plans associated with the implementation of Microsoft OneDrive in your organisation

    Q2. A copy of any project plans associated with the implementation of Microsoft Sharepoint in your organization

    Q3. A copy of any audit reports (to determine the effectiveness of your IT Service Desk or IT Helpdesk) undertaken on your IT Service Desk or IT Helpdesk between 2018 and the present day.

    Published: 5 July 2022

  5. Please could I receive:

    - A breakdown of how much funding your business improvement district received between 2017 to 2022

    - A breakdown of what the funding was spent on within the local area between 2017 to 2022

    - A breakdown of how much was spent on each individual expense between 2017 to 2022

    - A breakdown of how much of the funding was spent between 2017 to 2022

    Published: 5 July 2022

  6. Please could I receive:

    - A breakdown of how much funding (per year) your business improvement district received between 2018 to 2022

    - A breakdown of what the funding (per year) was spent on within the local area between 2018 to 2022

    - A breakdown of how much was spent (per year) on each individual expense between 2018 to 2022

    - A breakdown of how much of the funding (per year) was spent between 2018 to 2022

    Published: 5 July 2022

  7. For clarification, Questions 1 and 2 are in relation to council funding as whole, not just one area or service.

    Q1. What is your current predicted funding gap by the end of the financial year 2023/24?

    Q2. What is your current predicted cumulative funding gap by the end of the financial year 2024/25?

    Q3. Has your council estimated the costs of reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions? Yes / No / Don't know

    Q4. How much does your council estimate reaching net zero will cost? (Please state amount and any associated timescale) £

    Q5. Can your council access enough funding to be able to deliver your emission reduction ambitions? Yes / No / Don't Know

    Published: 4 July 2022

  8. Q1. How many adults - excluding those living in a care home - were billed* for s.14 social care charges for long-term care and support in the following financial years? Please break down the figures into those aged 18-64 and those aged 65+ for each.

    i) 2019/20

    ii) 2020/21

    iii) 2021/22

    * Please include those who were billed but have not yet paid

    Q2. How many adults - excluding those living in a care home - had debt management procedures commenced against them for the non-payment of s14 social care charges for long-term care and support in the following financial years? This includes individuals contacted at any stage of the debt recovery process. Please break down the figures into those aged 18-64 and those aged 65+ for each. This may include individuals who are now deceased.

    i) 2019/20

    ii) 2020/21

    iii) 2021/22

    Q3. As of 1 April 2022 (or at the time of responding to this FOI, if data for 1 April 2022 is not available), how many adults - excluding those living in a care home - were involved in a debt recovery process for the non-payment of s14 social care charges for long-term care and support? This includes individuals at any stage of the debt recovery process. Please break down the figures into those aged 18-64 and those aged 65+, and how much was owed in total by these individuals to the local authority. This may include individuals who are now deceased.

    Q4. In the following financial years, how many adults have had legal action brought against them for the non-payment of s14 social care charges for long-term care and support? Please break down the figures into those aged 18-64 and those aged 65+ for each. This may include individuals who are now deceased.

    i) 2019/20

    ii) 2020/21

    iii) 2021/22

    Q5. In how many of those cases in answers 4i, 4ii and 4iii has this resulted in criminal action being taken? Please break down the figures by the following financial years, and into those aged 18-64 and those aged 65+ for each:

    i) 2019/20

    ii) 2020/21

    iii) 2021/22

    Q6. Is your debt recovery process, with regard to s14 social care charges, currently managed internally (ie within the local authority) or externally (ie by a private company instructed by the local authority)? Please explain.

    Q6b. If the debt recovery process is currently managed externally, what is the name of the private company or companies currently being instructed by the council?

    Q7. In how many cases, where an adult - excluding those living in a care home - has had debt management procedures against them for the non-payment of s14 social care charges for long-term care and support, has the local authority waived those debts in the following financial years? Please break down the figures into those aged 18-64 and those aged 65+ for each. This may include individuals who are now deceased.

    i) 2019/20

    ii) 2020/21

    iii) 2021/22

    Published: 4 July 2022

  9. Please detail the number of licences you have issued under the 'Dangerous Wild Animals act 1976' in the last 3 years. For each, detail, the number of animals, the species, any escapes, and whether a licence has been revoked with the accompanying reason.

    Published: 4 July 2022

  10. Please could you give me the following details regarding third party consulting fees relating to Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) in your local authority. LTN schemes sometimes go by different names in different areas, e.g. Active Neighbourhoods, Living Streets, Spaces for People. Here is a definition if helpful: "A low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) is a residential area, bordered by main roads (roads that are often used by buses, lorries and non-local traffic), where "through" motor vehicle traffic is discouraged or removed, while allowing access for pedestrians and cyclists."

    Q1. The total amount of funds spent on third party consultancy fees related to all work done on LTNs from the start of 2020 up to and including May 2022. For example, this may include consultation, implementation, monitoring, analysis and any other work.

    Q2. The names of the companies who have undertaken this work for your local authority.

    Published: 4 July 2022