Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Please find attached a Freedom of Information request, detailed in the PDF.

    Published: 16 June 2022

  2. I write to request the following data, via Freedom of Information provisions.

    1. Financial information regarding the Environment and Trading Standard's Department (ETSD).

    A. The INCOME RECEIVED or RECOVERED from FINES and COSTS awarded by the CRIMINAL COURT for breaches of the Anti-social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014. Between 2014 - 2021.

    AND B. For 2014- 2021 ( or available years) ALL INCOME GENERATED by the ETSD i.e. NOT internally awarded budgetary funding. The results will complete this this type of sentence:- . The ETSD generated an income of £#### of which ###% came from fines linked to the Anti-social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014.

    This has been clarified as follows:

    I would like the "income" generated solely by : Criminal cases involving: Community Protection Notices/Order -legislation Police and Crime Anti-social Act 2014. This is solely administered by the Environment and Trading Standards Department.

    That will be :- A. the costs awarded for a successful prosecution - working on the assumption that fines go direct to the Government Treasury

    AND B . Fixed Penalties - working on the assumption that these fines go to the Council Treasury.

    3. Statistical information

    The number of prosecutions brought by the Environment and Trading Standards Department from 2014 - 2021 using the Anti-social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014. Reported by individual year.

    Published: 16 June 2022

  3. Q1. Please state how much money, if any, has been distributed by your local authority from the Household Support Fund for vulnerable households since October 2021 up to and including June 2022.

    Q2. Also provide the most recent available total (including the date of that total) of the amount of cash still available for disbursement in the local authority's Household Support Fund.

    Q3. Please also state the number of local households, if any, who have benefited.

    Q4. Also please provide information on the number of individual requests for assistance through the Fund that the council has received and the number of individual grants made.

    The information provided should include the disbursement of/requests for any additional funds made available to the local authority as part of the March 2022 Spring Statement extension of the Household Support Fund.

    Published: 16 June 2022

  4. Please can you tell how much your agreed budget was for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee?

    Please give some details (doesn't have to be comprehensive) of what the money was used for e.g. pageant.

    Published: 15 June 2022

  5. I request information regarding solar farms in the council area, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

    1. The amount of land (in square kilometres) currently allocated to solar farms within the council area.

    2. The capacity (in Megawatts) of each solar farm currently within the council area.

    3. The number of grants awarded for new solar farms to be built.

    4. The projected capacity (in Megawatts) of each new solar farm once built.

    5. The number of planning applications rejected by the council and the reason for each refusal.

    Published: 15 June 2022

  6. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please may I request the following information in a excel spreadsheet format if possible:

    - Total Number of vehicles within the council fleet, split into category and department (i.e. refuse vehicles, community buses etc)

    - Total number of vehicles with CCTV camera systems installed

    - Current supplier of CCTV camera system

    - Total Number of vehicles with vehicle tracking / telematics installed

    - Name of current tracking / telematics provider (if any)

    - Telematics contract end date (if any)

    - Contract budgets - budget numbers for your telematics and CCTV contracts

    - Name of Fleet Manager, or person responsible for managing the fleet

    Published: 15 June 2022

  7. Questions concern prosecutions for breaches of the following offences under the Anti Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014

    Q1.Since the introduction of this act how many court prosecutions has Herefordshire Council undertaken for breaches of

    A. Community Protection Notices.

    B. The alcohol control Public Spaces Protection Order ( all areas of Herefordshire)

    Published: 15 June 2022

  8. Intranet Questions

    Q1. How many people are employed by your organisation, including full time and part time?

    Q2. What is your current intranet solution? (Sharepoint, Wordpress, Interact, Invotra, Oak etc)

    Q3. How long have you been using this intranet solution?

    Q4. When is your intranet contract up for renewal?

    Q5. What is your annual intranet budget?

    Q6. What is your procurement process? Please can you include any portals used to list tenders and/or any suppliers/consultants used to procure?

    Q7. Do you share intranet/IT services with other organisations, if so who?

    Q8. Which team and/or individual(s) are responsible for managing your intranet internally?

    Q9. Are you using the Office 365 suite? If so, which applications from the suite are in use?

    Q10. Which team and/or individual(s) are responsible for your intranet's procurement within the organisation?

    Q11. Is your Active Directory hosted on-premise, or in the cloud?

    Q12. Could you provide us with a link to your Digital Workplace Strategy?

    Website / Accessibility Questions

    Q13. What software are you currently using for your website?

    Q14. What team/individual is responsible for maintaining your website?

    Q15. Do you work with an external supplier to maintain your website, if so when does your contract expire?

    Q16. When did you last conduct an accessibility audit against your public website?

    Q17. What team/individual is responsible for digital accessibility across your public facing services?

    Q18. What is your budget for digital accessibility?

    Q19. What is your annual marketing/communications budget for creating content for residents?

    Q20. Do you work with external marketing/communications suppliers to create content for your public facing services?

    Q21. When was the last time you conducted a content audit on your website to remove outdated content?

    Published: 14 June 2022

  9. FOI request for the following information detailed below which relates to the The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018

    FOI questions

    Q1. How many FTE equivalent appointed local authority officers do you have that are Qualified Animal Licensing Activity Inspectors (as defined on the statutory Guidance to the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018

    Q2. Which qualifications do they hold? For example

    a. Institute of Licensing Level 3 Animal Inspectors course

    b. National Pet College Level 3 course in association with the City of London

    c. Animal Courses Direct

    d. Other - Please provide the course title and provider

    Q3. How many staff do you have with current grandfather rights that are currently undertaking an animal welfare inspectors course?

    Q4. Which course are they enrolled with:

    a. Institute of Licensing Level 3 Animal Inspectors course

    b. National Pet College Level 3 course in association with the City of London

    c. Animal Courses Direct

    d. Other - Please provide the course title and provider

    Q5. If you currently have no staff who are qualified or working under grandfather rights, who is responsible for carrying out your animal activity licensing inspections?

    Q6. How many of the following animal activities licences do you have within your local authority area?

    a. Hiring out horses

    b. Sale of Pets

    c. Dog Breeding

    d. Cat Boarding

    e. Dog Boarding Home

    f. Dog Day Care

    g. Dog Boarding Kennels

    h. Animal Exhibition

    i. DWA

    j. Zoo

    Published: 14 June 2022

  10. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I kindly request the following information in the context of domestic waste bin/sack collection services, as opposed to trade/commercial collections or waste disposal.

    Q1. Are you currently in a partnership with other councils for waste IT system operations or procurement? If in a partnership please name the partner councils?

    Q2. Do you currently operate waste services (collections) directly, or through a waste contractor such as Biffa, Suez or Veolia. If through a contractor, please name them.

    Q3. Which of the IT systems below do you use for the management of day-to-day municipal bin collections:

    a. Yotta

    b. Bartec Collective

    c. Whitespace/Powersuite

    d. Selected Interventions / Echo

    e. Core (Suez)

    f. Webaspx

    g. Other: [please name]

    Q4. When is your current contract for the IT system OR outsourced waste contract for waste collections management due to expire?

    Q5. What main software do you use for operational management of:

    A. Grounds/parks maintenance

    B. Street cleansing

    C. Pest control

    D. Cemeteries

    E. Playgrounds and play equipment

    F. Geographic Information System (GIS)

    G Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

    Published: 13 June 2022