Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Please answer the questions below with regard to the provision of workers engaged through recruitment agencies for the period of 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022

    Q1. Whom is your agency or managed service provider:

    (Example, Adecco, matrix, Comensura, other)

    Q2. What was your method of procurement for this contract?

    (Example, ESPO/ LGRP, other)

    Q3. Whom is your current contract manager? (The point of contact internally in the council/government body that manages the agency contracts for you).

    Q4. What is your spend on workers/interims/consultants engaged via agencies?

    Q5. Please provide the number of agency workers with a charge rate of over £400 per day/ £55 p/h through this managed service (point 1) and also off contract, so not via the provider in point 1.

    Q6. List of the names of the agencies engaged that have supplied workers directly that are not through the agency managed service provider aka 'off contract spend.

    Published: 13 June 2022

  2. Q1. Please could you confirm whether your local authority has formal policies and/or formal guidance in place to support digital or online contact arrangements specifically? (Y/N).

    If yes, please could you answer the following questions.

    Q2. Do you have formal policies and or guidance in place to guide practitioners and professionals regarding digital contact?

    If yes may I have a copy(ies) or if they are included in your publication scheme or otherwise publicly available please could you direct me to their links and titles of documents.

    Q2B. Do you have formal policies/guidance supporting kinship carers, foster carers, special guardians, or other carers regarding digital contact?

    If yes, may I have a copy(ies) or if they are included in your publication scheme or otherwise publicly available please could you direct me to their links and titles of documents.

    Q2C. Do you have formal policies/guidance supporting birth parents of children who are being cared for or have been adopted regarding digital contact?

    If yes, may I have a copy(ies) or if they are included in your publication scheme or otherwise publicly available please could you direct me to their links and titles of documents.

    Q2D. Do you have formal policies/guidance supporting children and young people who are being cared for or have been adopted regarding digital contact?

    If yes, may I have a copy(ies) or if they are included in your publication scheme or otherwise publicly available please could you direct me to their links and titles of documents.

    Q2E. Other (please state) e.g. general policies supporting digital/online contact arrangements.

    May I have a copy(ies) or if they are included in your publication scheme or otherwise publicly available please could you direct me to their links and titles of documents.

    Q3. Do you provide any training or training course(s) to equip the digital literacy/competence of children and young people in care? Y/N

    Q4. Do you provide any training or training course(s) to equip the digital literacy/competence of birth parents of children and young people in care? Y/N

    Q5. Do you provide any training or training course(s) to equip the digital literacy/competence of carers including kinship, foster, special guardians, and other carers? Y/N

    Q6. Do you provide any training or training course(s) to equip the digital literacy/competence of practitioners and professionals involved with digital contact arrangements? Y/N

    Q7. If your LA provides training programmes for any of the above groups in support of digital/online contact arrangements, please can you signpost me to any links including publication scheme, or online advertising, or supply any other leaflets, advertising or course content relating to questions 3-6

    Published: 13 June 2022

  3. We are conducting a research paper on the Home to School transport market within local authorities and councils. The purpose of this report is to take a snapshot in time of how local authorities and councils are managing their Home to School Transportation services and how this compares across the country. If you would like to be notified when the report is online, please answer Yes/No to the last questions.

    1. Number of students, split by SEN, Mainstream and other

    2. Number of daily return routes, split by SEN, Mainstream and other

    3. 2022/23 budget (to the nearest £0.5M)

    4. 2022/23 over/underspend (to the nearest £0.5M)

    5. Do you have an integrated transport unit or does school transport sit alone

    6. Do you fully manage your home to school service or do you contract out the management to another company or to operators

    7. What transport management software do you use

    8. What is the size of your home to school transport team, split by grade structure (ie, 1 x manager, 2 x principal officers, 10 x officers, 1 x compliance officer, etc)

    9. In which directorate does home to school transport sit

    10. Do you operate a DPS system or do you allocate certain geographical zones to one or more dedicated operator 11. Would you like to receive notification when the report is published

    Published: 13 June 2022

  4. In accordance with the FOI Act, please can you answer the following question below:

    · What was the lowest rate (£ per week) you paid for placing a person in your area for 2019/20 and 2020/21.

    Please disregard Funding Nursing Care (FNC) from these calculations.

    Fee Rates - Working Aged Adults (18-64)



    Residential Nursing (excl. FNC)

    Fee Rates - Older People (65+)



    Residential Residential Dementia Nursing (excl. FNC)

    Nursing Dementia (excl. FNC)

    Published: 13 June 2022

  5. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information regarding elderly care home placements.

    This information should be able to be provided by the department with responsibility for social care commissioning.

    Q1. The number of adults aged 65+ funded by the local authority in an elderly care home in a;

    a. Residential placement

    b. Residential dementia/Elderly Mentally Impaired (EMI) placement

    c. Nursing placement

    d. Nursing dementia/Elderly Mentally Impaired (EMI) placement

    For each category, please provide data for the last five years (i.e. 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22).

    Q2. The average (mean) fees paid by the local authority (excluding top-ups) for elderly care home placements for;

    a. Residential placements

    b. Residential dementia/Elderly Mentally Impaired (EMI) placements

    c. Nursing placements

    d. Nursing dementia/Elderly Mentally Impaired (EMI) placements

    For each category, please provide data for the current year and the last five years (i.e. 2022/23 and 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22). Please indicate whether the nursing fees are inclusive of Funded Nursing Care (FNC).

    Q3. The annual fee uplift the local authority awarded to providers for elderly care home placements for;

    a. Residential placements

    b. Residential dementia/Elderly Mentally Impaired (EMI) placements

    c. Nursing placements

    d. Nursing dementia/Elderly Mentally Impaired (EMI) placements

    For each category, please provide data for the current year and the last five years (i.e. 2022/23 and 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22).

    Published: 10 June 2022

  6. I am writing with a Freedom of Information request regarding annual expenditure on Adult Social Care within your Authority. Please can you provide the total and average annual expenditure spend per service user (care home patients) on mental and physical health community nursing and residential care home services split according to Primary Support Reason (as stated below) for the past 5 financial years (FY2016-17, FY2017-18, FY2018-19, FY2019-20, FY2020-21).

    Primary Support Reason:

    * Physical

    * Sensory

    * Memory & Cognition

    * Learning Disability

    * Mental Health

    * Substance Misuse

    * Carers and Social Isolation

    If there are sub-categorisations within these Primary Support Reasons please also provide the total and average annual expenditure spend per service user (patient). For your convenience I have included an excel template for you to fill in

    Published: 10 June 2022

  7. a) How many households in your area are eligible for the £150 Council Tax Rebate

    b) How many £150 Council Tax Rebates have you distributed in your area

    c) How many eligible households have received the £150 Council Tax Rebate

    d) How many eligible households have not yet received the £150 Council Tax Rebate

    Published: 9 June 2022

  8. Under the Freedom of Information Act, please provide me with a copy of any Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) that have commenced between 25th May 2018 and 25th March 2022. Which relate to your Library service - I am only interested in :

    * DPIAs relate to the extension of library open hours to allow library members to use library facilities on a self-service basis outside of regular opening hours.

    * DPIAs relate to the automated access to the library for members via membership cards during unstaffed hours.

    * Any DPIAs that relate to the operation of CCTV systems in library facilities.

    Published: 8 June 2022

  9. Q1. What are the monthly figures in tonnes for the TWO years prior to the closure during 'Covid' for waste disposal from the Herefordshire Household Recycling Centres? 'Waste' means everything that is taken to the centres for disposal, including landfill rubbish and all forms of recyclables. I don't need the figures for each centre, just the county totals for each month.

    Q2. What are the monthly figures in tonnes for the time from when the centres reopened after the Covid shutdown to the current full month that figures are available for?

    Q3. What was the monthly cost of disposal of all waste from the Household Recycling Centres for the 24 months prior to the Covid shutdown?

    Q4. What was the monthly cost of disposal of all waste from the Household Recycling Centres following the reopening of the centres after the Covid shutdown?

    Published: 8 June 2022

  10. Q1. How many children have been placed transracially for adoption in Herefordshire Borough Council between 1st January 2019 - 1st January 2020. By transracial I mean the placement for adoption when both of the adoptive parents are of white British or European origin with an ethnically different child, i.e. of black, Asian or of mixed origin (white and black Caribbean, white and black African and white and Asian).

    Published: 8 June 2022