Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Q1. How many blind and partially sighted learners does your service support in the following post 16 education settings, during 2021/22?

    a. Mainstream sixth form

    b. Mainstream FE college

    c. Specialist school

    d. Specialist FE college (placed in or out of LA area)

    e. Specialist residential college (placed in or out of LA area)

    f .Other (please specify)

    Q2. Please specify how your post 16 offer is contracted:

    a. Sixth form college

    - Statutory provision (by this we mean that the service is provided to the setting free of charge).

    - The college is required to buy in the support.

    - Other (please specify)

    b. Mainstream college

    - Statutory provision (by this we mean that the service is provided to the setting free of charge).

    - The college is required to buy in the support.

    - Other (please specify)

    Q3. If your service is traded, please tell us how many further education providers purchased your service in

    a) 2021/22

    b) 2020/21

    c) 2019/20

    Q4. What eligibility criteria is in place for blind and partially sighted students to access post-16 education (please indicate all that apply)

    a. Sixth form setting

    - Must have an Education and Health Care Plan

    - Must be severe sight impairment

    - Must be partially sighted

    - Other (please state)

    b. Mainstream setting

    - Must have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP)

    - Must be severe sight impaired

    - Must be partially sighted

    - Other (please state)

    Published: 8 June 2022

  2. * The total area of publicly accessible green space currently owned by the council. By green space, I mean areas which are primarily covered in grass, meadow, woodland, marshland, beachland etc, including parks. It would not include areas which are primarily covered in tarmac or concrete even if they have incidental planting of trees or other greenery.

    * The same figure as it was on 1 January 2012

    * The same figure as it was on 1 January 2002

    Ideally these figures would be provided in square kilometres or square miles.

    Published: 8 June 2022

  3. Please may you provide me with:

    1. The quantity of Gypsy/Travellers sites you have in your Borough

    2. The quantity of pitches

    3. The name of the team tasked with managing these sites, and the department this team works within.

    4. Have these sites undergone any renovation? If so, when?

    5. The average rental cost of a pitch in your borough

    6. Do residents of these sites purchase their electric directly from the landlord or do they source it independently?

    7. If the electricity is purchased from the landlord, could you please provide us with the name of the company this is sourced from? and the cost per kWh

    Published: 7 June 2022

  4. This is an information request relating to the cost of converting grass verges into new parking bays.

    Please can you provide me with information on the cost of converting grass verges into new parking bays and the number of conversions made. Please provide this information for all such conversions made within the council area since 1st January 2021. Please only include instances where green verges have been converted into parking bays

    • Please also, where possible, provide before and after images

    • Please provide the locations of each converted bay

    Published: 6 June 2022

  5. I would like to request the following information about the organisation's Local Area Network (LAN) environment.

    Please can you send me the organisation's Local Area Network (LAN) contract, which may include the following:

    • Support and Maintenance- e.g. switches, router, software Support & Maintenance
    • Managed - If this includes services than just LAN.

    Q1. Contract Type: Managed or Maintenance -

    Q2. Existing Supplier: Who is the current supplier?

    Q3. Annual Spend for each supplier: What is the annual average spending on the supplier above? If there is more than one supplier, please split the annual averages spent for each supplier.

    Q4. Number of Users: Please can you provide me with the number of users this contract covers. Approximate number of users will also be acceptable.

    Q5. Number of Sites: The number of sites, where equipment is supported by each contract.

    Q6. Hardware Brand: What is the hardware brand of the LAN equipment?

    Q7. Contract Description: Please provide me with a brief description of the overall contract.

    Q8. Contract Duration: What is the duration of the contract is and can you please also include any extensions this may include.

    Q9. Contract Expiry Date: When does the contract expire?

    Q10. Contract Review Date: When will the organisation be planning to review the contract?

    Q11. Responsible Officer: Contact details including name, job title, contact number and email address?

    If the LAN maintenance is included in-house please include the following information:

    Q12. Hardware Brand: What is the hardware brand of the LAN equipment?

    Q13. Number of Users: Please can you provide me with the number of users this contract covers. Approximate number of users will also be acceptable.

    Q14. Number of Sites: Estimated/Actual number of sites the LAN covers.

    Q15. Responsible Officer: Who within the organisation is responsible for LAN please provide me with contact details including name, job title, contact number and email address?

    Q16. If the contract is managed by a 3rd party -

    Published: 6 June 2022

  6. Q1. During the month of April 2022, how many council employees were working from home, and what percentage of the office based workforce does this represent?

    Q2. Between 1st and 30th April 2022, how many desk bookings were made across the council's office buildings and, on average, how many desk bookings were there a day during this month?

    Q3. How many desks were available for use in the month April 2022 across the council's office buildings?

    Q4. What was the maximum number of office staff who could theoretically work in the office on any given day in April 2022?

    Q5. What was the total number of office staff who worked in your council's offices each day prior to the pandemic?

    Please provide this data in an excel sheet attachment, and not in a PDF attachment.

    Published: 6 June 2022

  7. How much has the Covid related radio advertising cost since 01.04.22 until now? I am referring to the adverts that have a little rhyme about keeping people wearing their masks.

    Published: 1 June 2022

  8. I am writing to request information related to the collection of council tax debts via the use of Attachment of Earnings (or Earning/Wage Arrestment if based in Scotland) orders. Under the above-mentioned Act I would like you to provide me with the following information please:

    For each of the financial years:




    How many Attachment of Earnings (or Earning/Wage Arrestment if based in Scotland) orders did your organisation issue for debts relating to Council Tax payments?"

    Please supply the figure for each requested year as a separate line item so an annual comparison of the increase/decrease can be calculated for each.

    Published: 1 June 2022

  9. Cost of commissioned services - Tier 2 CYP weight management

    Q1. What services you commission from BeeZee Bodies for families and children aged between 2-17 years

    Q2. Completion criteria and rates

    Q3. The cost of these services per head

    Published: 1 June 2022

  10. 1) Do you have an in-house corporate debt collection team? If not who do you outsource this to?

    2) Do you have a Head of Revenue and Benefits, if so please could I have their name and email address

    Published: 31 May 2022