Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Q1. Does the Council Outsource its; Customer Service Phoneline(s) and / or Website Maintenance inc Innovation and Development, outsourcing may include staffing and the actual telephone / computer system(s) used?

    Q2. If yes, which company or companies are contracted to provide these services (if multiple please specify each supplier)?

    Q3. What is the contract start and expiry date (if multiple contracts exist please specify for each)?

    Q4. Is there an extension period within the contract? If yes, what is the period (if multiple contracts exist, please specify for each)?

    Q5. What is the value of the contract on an annual basis (if multiple contracts exist, please specify for each)?

    Q6. In the past 5 (five) years ie 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 what was the Call Volume per year to the council's; General Enquiries / Housing Benefit / Housing Repair / Adult and Social Care, phonelines (if different numbers or a total number if unable to separate by subject matter)?

    Q7. In the past 5 (five) years ie 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 what was the volume of website enquiries per year for each of the following subjects; General Enquiries / Housing Benefit / Housing Repairs / Adult and Social Care or a total number if unable to separate by subject matter?

    Q8. Is the council currently and / or in the process of investing in future Technology to interact with its population in more efficient and accessible way(s) e.g. Mobile Phone Applications / System - Voice Recognition / Website platforms? If yes, what is the nature of the Technology and what is the £value of the investment?

    Q9. Is the Council partnering / working with any other Local Authorities on developing and / or investing in Technology? If yes, please specify which Local Authority(s)?

    Q10. Does the Council have a £% efficiency target for this financial year 2022/23, if yes please specify % and £value?

    Q11. Does the Council own any housing stock?

    Q12. If yes, please specify level / number of housing stock?

    Q13. If the council's housing stock has been transferred, please specify the name of the charity or organisation the stock transferred to and the number of properties it transferred?

    Published: 27 May 2022

  2. This is an information request relating to the painting of pedestrian crossings in areas under the council's remit. Please include the information for each of the following periods; 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22:

    * The total number of pedestrian crossings painted or repainted in non-traditional colours or themes

    * The total cost of painting or repainting these crossings, including a breakdown of how much was spent on each crossing

    * The location of each crossing, including pictures of each crossing

    Please also include crossings which have been painted non-traditional colours or themes which have been restored to traditional colours or themes, and the cost of doing so.

    By crossings painted in non-traditional colours or themes, I mean any pedestrian crossing, including "zebra", "puffin", "pelican" and "toucan", which includes any non-traditional markings, whether or not they are additional to standard markings or replace standard markings. The most common would likely be crossings painted in rainbow themes.

    Published: 27 May 2022

  3. Bus Shelter, Street Furniture and Free Standing 6 sheet Unit Outdoor Advertising Contracts

    Q1. Expiry date of any existing / current bus shelter advertising contracts.

    Q2. Expiry date of any existing / current free standing 6 sheet display advertising contracts.

    Q3. Details of the incumbent advertising company / contractor for the above contracts.

    Q4. Details of the type and size (type and number of advertising assets) and value of the bus shelter and free standing 6 sheet outdoor advertising display contracts.

    Q5. Details of the services, products and financial revenue payments made to the authority / city for these services.

    Published: 27 May 2022

  4. I kindly request the cost of clearing fly tipping in Herefordshire on a yearly basis, for the past 5 years. I request the average cost of clearing each incident, how this is calculated, what the costs are from and to whom it is paid.

    Published: 27 May 2022

  5. Q1. In 2020, 2021 and the first quarter of 2022, how many individuals claiming to be children (aged under 18) were referred to your children's services department having been assessed to be an adult by the Home Office? (please provide figures broken down by each calendar year)

    Q2. Of those referred, how many were subsequently assessed by your children's services department to be under 18? (please provide figures broken down by each calendar year)

    Published: 27 May 2022

  6. You have previously confirmed that you are paying VAT to care providers. Can you please now confirm the names of the care providers Herefordshire have paid VAT to.

    Published: 26 May 2022

  7. Please can you confirm whether there are any private water abstractions which Herefordshire Council is aware of within 500m of the site shown in blue on the attached plan. Please can you provide where available the location of the abstraction point and the use of the abstraction (i.e. potable or non-potable).

    Published: 26 May 2022

  8. Regarding: Gold Hill, Bosbury, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 1HD, Discharge Point NGR: SO 67705 43589.

    Please provide the location of any private water supplies in the vicinity of the above development. Please can you confirm if there are any within 100 metres?

    Published: 26 May 2022

  9. Q1. The number of class E properties in your local authority area

    Additionally, the number of

    Q2. Applications made and successful applications made since 1st august 2021 to convert Class E (commercial, business and service use) properties into Class C3 (residential use) properties through permitted development.

    Q3. The number of properties that have now been converted from Class E to Class C3 through permitted development

    Published: 25 May 2022

  10. In relation to your customer services, contact centres and digital services please answer the following questions:

    The full list of Council services advertised have been recreated here:

    - Blue badge

    - Business rates

    - Council tax

    - Housing and HomePoint

    - Housing benefit and council tax

    - Licensing

    - Local welfare provision

    - Planning

    - Transportation

    - Waste

    Questions 1-5 therefore relate to the services listed above.

    Q1. Is your customer service contact centre provided in-house or is it outsourced?

    Q2. What services are managed through the customer service contact centre (i.e. blue badge applications, school admissions, registration services, highways enquiries etc.)?

    Q3. Call volumetric data

    Q3A. How many calls were offered over a single year?

    Q3B. How many calls were answered over a single year?

    Q3C. How many calls were abandoned in a single year?

    Q3D. Average handling time?

    Q3E. Average wait time?

    Please provide each by type of call/ service related to if possible (e.g. applying for benefits/ benefits service).

    Q4. Non-call data

    Q4A. How many face-to-face interactions per annum?

    Q4B. How many library visits per annum?

    Q4C. How many webchats per annum?

    Q4D. How many digital/ eForm submissions per annum?

    Q5. Organisational and financial management

    Q5A. What is the total budget for customer services?

    Q5B. How many FTE do you have with in the contact centre to manage calls, chat and mail?

    Please provide breakdowns by grade, salaries + oncost if available

    Q5C. What is your staff turnover per year

    Q5D. What is your staff sickness/ absence per year

    Q6. Digital teams

    Q6A. Does your digital team use GDS principles to design services

    Q6B. How many FTE in your digital team

    Please provide breakdowns by grade, salaries + oncost if available

    Published: 25 May 2022