Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. An electronic copy of the submission made by Herefordshire Council to the NDP Regulation 14 consultation for the Brockhampton Group Parish Council area.

    Published: 24 May 2022

  2. This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding resident-to-resident harm in residential care settings. (FYO: resident-to-resident refers to any harm/abuse inflicted on one resident by another resident). Please can you provide relevant data for the following:

    Q1) The total number of adult safeguarding concerns/complaints your council received regarding resident-to-resident harm/abuse in residential care settings between 2018-2021 (please provide a breakdown per year). Of these concerns/complaints, please provide:

    1a The total number escalated to section 42 enquires

    1b A brief description of the nature of the concern/complaint (i.e sexual abuse)

    1c The outcome of the concern/complaint raised (i.e whether the perpetrator was removed).

    Published: 23 May 2022

  3. Q1. How many lifts are managed by the organisation (including all passenger lifts, platform lifts, goods only lifts, dumb waiters etc)?

    Q2. Do the lifts have a comprehensive (including maintenance visits, parts and labour included) or basic (maintenance visits only included, all call outs / repairs charged additionally) maintenance contract?

    Q3. How much is the annual maintenance cost per lift (e.g. 'headline' cost on last tender quote)?

    Q4a How much in addition to contract (i.e. question 3, above) is spent per year (i.e. call outs due to misuse etc)?

    b How much in addition to contract is spent per annum on major works such as installations and refurbishments?

    Q5. When is the current contract due for renewal?

    Published: 23 May 2022

  4. Solar Panels for Buildings and Schools

    Please provide your detailed plans with dates for installing climate change avoidance actions for all properties in your area including schools.

    It is vital that progress is made before 2030 and council buildings and schools will provide a major impact.

    Published: 23 May 2022

  5. 1. Number of hospital social workers currently employed by your local authority (expressed as number of staff and as Full Time Equivalent, excluding vacancies)

    2. Number of non-social work registered staff currently employed in hospital social work teams (care managers, assessment officers, assistant social workers etc) (expressed as number of staff and as Full Time Equivalent, excluding vacancies)

    3. Number of vacancies for social workers and non-social work registered staff currently employed in hospital social work teams (expressed as number of posts and Full Time Equivalent)

    4. Are these hospital social workers managed by a registered social worker?

    5. Do these hospital social workers have an office base within an NHS hospital / other NHS premises?

    6. If your local authority does not employ hospital social workers, please give the name of the body that does employ hospital social workers in your local authority area.

    'Hospital social workers' include employees registered with a social work regulator, who spend more than 50% of their working time facilitating hospital discharge or providing other social work services to inpatients of acute NHS services, excluding mental health. 'Non-social work registered staff' includes staff who provide a similar service to social workers, but who are not registered with a social work regulator. Please include any staff whose posts are funded by the NHS or other bodies, but whose contract of employment is with the local authority.

    Published: 23 May 2022

  6. Q1. What case management system(s) are you currently using to support the delivery of your Adults Social Care services?

    Q2. What case management system(s) are you currently using to support the delivery of your Childrens Social Care services?

    Q3. How much have you spent on case management systems to support the delivery of your Adults Social Care services in the past 5 years? (if multiple suppliers please list the spend for each).

    Q4. How much have you spent on case management systems to support the delivery of your Childrens Social Care services in the past 5 years? (if multiple suppliers please list the spend for each).

    Q5. When do your current contracts expire for the case management system you are currently using to support the delivery of your Adults Social Care services? (if multiple contracts please list the expiry date for each contract).

    Q6. When do your current contracts expire for the case management system you are currently using to support the delivery of your Childrens Social Care services? (if multiple contracts please list the expiry date for each contract).

    Q7. How many staff are employed to support the delivery of your Adults Social Care services?

    For clarity, questions 7 and 8 are in regards to how many people work to deliver social services in general. This would include social workers, therapists, business support and technical support staff and any other staff that support the delivery of these services directly. Please ignore people who perform functions that support the council as a whole like HR or people who support corporate wifi.

    Q8. How many staff are employed to support the delivery of your Childrens Social Care services?

    Published: 23 May 2022

  7. Q1. Please send some example (i) schedules of rates and (ii) frameworks that include traffic management / temporary traffic light products / services.

    A. How long are these frameworks set for?

    B. How frequently are schedules of rates for these products / services updated?

    Q2. What are the criteria that councils use to evaluate traffic management providers against their frameworks? (e.g. quality - what comprises this? Environmental / H&S considerations?)

    Q3. Which KPIs does the council use to keep track of these objectives? (e.g. how is quality / price measured and compared?)

    Q4. Within your organisation, what are the job titles with responsibility for:

    A. Design and specification of traffic management systems

    B. Procurement of traffic management systems / services

    C. Evaluation of traffic management provider performance

    Q5. What proportion of roads are classified as traffic sensitive? Split by road type (A, B, C, etc.) if available.

    A. 2019-20

    B. 2020-21

    C. 2021-22

    Q6. For each of two-/three-/four-way temporary traffic lights, how many are installed in a year?

    A. 2019-20

    B. 2020-21

    C. 2021-22

    Q7. What percentage of installed two-/three-/four-way temporary traffic lights use automated traffic detection systems for improving traffic flow (e.g. SRL's Adaptive Detection System (ADS) / Pike's AutoGreen)?

    A. 2019-20

    B. 2020-21

    C. 2021-22

    Q8. What percentage of installed two-/three-/four-way temporary traffic lights use UTMC?

    A. 2019-20

    B. 2020-21


    Published: 23 May 2022

  8. PCN

    Q1. How many Penalty Charge Notices were issued and posted by your organisation last financial year?

    Q2. How many Charge Certificates (related to Penalty Charge Notices) were issued and posted by your organisation last financial year?

    Q3. How many Order for Recovery's (related to Penalty Charge Notices) were issued and posted by your organisation last financial year?

    Q4. What was the total postage cost related to posting Penalty Charge Notices, Charge Certificates and Order for Recovery's last financial year? (If this is not feasible to calculate, what was the total postage cost associated with your organisation's parking and traffic enforcement department last financial year?)

    Q5. How many Penalty Charge Notices issued by your organisation last financial year were related to parking offences?

    Q6. How many Penalty Charge Notices that were issued by your organisation, were paid in full last financial year?

    Q7. What is the average number of days it takes for a Penalty Charge Notice issued by your organisation, to be paid in full?

    Q8a. Does your organisation print and fulfil Penalty Charge Notices in-house (i.e by a mailroom owned and managed by your organisation), or is this outsourced to a third party supplier?

    Q8b. If the answer to 8a is that your organisation outsources to a third party supplier, was the supplier sourced via the Crown Commercial Service purchasing framework?

    Published: 20 May 2022

  9. For the period starting 1st January 2020 and ending 31st December 2021, for your local authority:

    (This is relating to children and families' social services/ child protection teams.)

    Q1. How many family group conferences have been held?

    Q2. How many family group conferences have been held for 'child in need' cases?

    Q3. How many family group conferences have been held for a child on a child protection order?

    Q4. If possible, what was the year the first family group conference was held by your local authority?

    Published: 20 May 2022

  10. This is an information request relating to the UK City of Culture.

    Please include the information for each entry of the UK City of Culture: 2013, 2017, 2021 and 2025

    • Total expenditure on any submissions made for the UK City of Culture

    • A breakdown of how this money was spent

    In the event that the city was successful, please provide information on how much the city received and a full breakdown of how the funding was spent, including:

    • A list of cultural activities funded

    • Any pictures taken from the cultural activities

    • Any artworks installed using the funding, and pictures of the artwork

    Published: 19 May 2022