Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am writing to request the following information regarding funerals arranged by the Council under Section 46 Public Health Act 1984 (England and Wales) and Section 87 of the Burial and Cremation Act 2002 (Scotland).

    1. How many such funerals has the Council arranged since 15th March 2022?

    2. In each case please disclose:

    a) The name and last residential address of the deceased

    b) The deceased's dates of birth and death

    c) Whether the deceased's next of kin/family members have been traced

    d) Whether the deceased's estate has been referred to the Government Legal Department or elsewhere

    3. Has the Council passed this information to any other individual or organisation (either formally through a FOI request or by other means)?

    4. Does the Council work with any genealogist? If so, which?

    5. Does the Council publish a list of Public Health Funerals it has arranged? If so:

    a) Where is the list published (please provide web url if on-line)?

    b) How often is the list updated?

    c) When was the list last updated?

    6. Who in the Council is responsible for the Council's Public Health Funerals? Please advise us of their names and contact details.

    Published: 19 May 2022

  2. i) How much money has the Council spent with a company called VWV for any investigation and/or report on the subject of peer on peer abuse (schools)?

    ii) What dates was i) paid?

    iii) When was the report received?

    iv) How much money has the Council spent on external legal advice on peer on peer abuse (schools)?

    v) What dates was iv) paid?

    vi) When was the advice received?

    Published: 18 May 2022

  3. Can you please advise me if your Local Authority is involved with a Social Enterprise organisation or is considering becoming involved with a Social Enterprise organisation to assist homeless people with training, employment and/or accommodation services.

    If you are either involved with a Social Enterprise organisation or are considering becoming involved with one can you please advise me of the name of the organisation and their phone number, email address and website.

    Published: 18 May 2022

  4. Q1. What is the total budget that the Council could spend up to under the Household Support Fund scheme for the period from 1 April 2022 to 30 September 2022?

    Q2. How much did the Council spend under the Household Support Fund scheme from the period 1 April 2022 to 1 May 2022?

    Published: 18 May 2022

  5. Please advise Q1. The total amount you have paid in compensation for hand-arm vibration syndrome (also known as "vibration white finger") for the financial year 2021/22.

    Q2. The total number of claims for hand-arm vibration syndrome (also known as "vibration white finger") for the financial year 2021/22 for which you have paid compensation.

    Q3. What plans (if any) you have to use modern technology for road works and repairs to avoid hand-arm vibration syndrome (also known as "vibration white finger").

    Published: 18 May 2022

  6. Could you please provide details of how the Household Support Fund was administered for 2021/2022 at Herefordshire Council, including (if available):

    Q1. The breakdown of the proposed and/or actual spend of the Government allocation of the Household Support Fund.

    Q2. Any eligibility criteria for allocations made using Household Support Funds.

    Q3. Any application forms for allocations made using Household Support Funds.

    Q4. Any internal reports or policies concerning the use of the Household Support Fund.

    Q5. It may be the case that you have not yet developed a policy for the Household Support Fund. However, if this is the case, could you please provide: Details of your plans for administering the Household Support Fund Extension.

    a The breakdown of the proposed spend of the Household Support Fund extension.

    b Any eligibility criteria for allocations made using the Household Support Fund extension.

    c Any application forms for allocations made using the Household Support Fund extension.

    d Any internal reports or policies concerning the use of the Household Support Fund extension.

    Published: 18 May 2022

  7. Information as to the tendering process undergone to appointment K4 Architects to undertake the recent project in Bromyard to redesign signage etc.

    The reasons/scoring that led to the company being awarded the contract and who personally made the decision to award; e.g. was it the local Bromyard Town Council.

    Were the company already members of the Bromyard project group before the award was made?

    Details of the contract clauses.

    Published: 18 May 2022

  8. For the period starting 1st January 2020 and ending 31st December 2021, does your local authority:

    (This relates to children and families social services departments.)

    Q1. Have a parent and carer advisory committee?

    Q2. Have a stakeholder advisory committee?

    Q3. How do parents and carers apply to take part in the committee?

    Published: 17 May 2022

  9. Please could you send me the following info in csv file: -

    The typical cost that would be charged to a member of the public, for a care home, per week, procured by the council (assuming no reliefs/discounts applicable). Please could you tell me the weekly price for residential care, nursing care and nursing care with dementia. For each please can you itemise separately the personal care element.

    - The typical cost that would be charged to a member of the public, for an hour of home care procured by the council (assuming no reliefs/discounts applicable). Please could you itemise separately the personal care element if one exists.

    Published: 17 May 2022

  10. Please could you provide the following information on socially rented Traveller sites in your local authority area for the five full calendar years between 2017 and 2021. This includes all sites owned and managed by the local authority or by a housing association, but not private sites. For any 'yes' answers, please specify in your answer which site the answer refers to, e.g. 'Mary Street, Bradford', or 'Esholt Site, Bradford'. If you are unable to provide five years of information within the FOI/EIR cost limits, please prioritise 2021 and work backwards in reverse chronological order. 1a. Have you received any environmental complaints from residents or other parties, including council officers, between 2017 and 2021? Please respond with a 'Yes' or 'No' answer for each of the five years. 1b. For any 'Yes' answers, please list how many complaints you received by type for each calendar year. For example: 2017 - Total: 18 - 8 complaints for vermin, 2 from odour from refuse dump, 1 for noise, 3 for insects, 1 for dust, 2 for air pollution, 1 for flooding etc 2a. Between 2017 and 2021, has the council measured air or noise pollution, or taken soil samples to test for contamination? Please respond with a 'Yes' or 'No' answer for each of the five years for air, soil and noise separately. For example: 2017 - Noise pollution - Yes; Soil - No; Air pollution - Yes. 2b. For any 'Yes' answers, please state whether or not pollution or contamination exceeded legal or recommended levels, or was higher than the local authority area average on the site at any point through each year. Please give as much detail as you can, such as the month the breach occurred. For example: 2017 - Noise pollution exceeded legal or recommended levels in March; air pollution exceeded legal level.

    Published: 17 May 2022