Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Q. I would like to request information on all private water supplies you have on record within a 3.15 km radius of point NGR 339576, 278545 (located near Clungunford, Shropshire). Ideally the information on abstractions within this radius will include the following:


    Full address

    Type of supply (surface water abstraction, spring, well etc...) and any additional details relating to this

    Status (is the supply historical or in use)

    Owner contact details

    Details of any other properties served by the supply.

    Published: 12 May 2022

  2. This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding the use of restraint in special schools.

    For each academic year from 2018-2021, please can you provide the following data:

    Q1. The total number of incidents of restraint that took place in special schools and alternative provision sites in the local authority, and how many of these resulted in a physical injury to a child or young person?

    Q2. The total number of incidents of seclusion that took place in special schools and alternative provision sites in the local authority, and how many of these resulted in a physical injury to a child or young person?

    Q3. Do staff at special schools and alternative provision sites in the local authority receive regular training in the use of restraint?

    a. If the above answer is yes, which type of training or provider is used, and how regularly (for instance, is it annual, bi-annual, or upon starting a staff role)?

    Please break down the data for questions 1 and 2 by academic year, i.e. 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, and 2021/22 (so far).

    Published: 12 May 2022

  3. Please can you tell me how much it cost Herefordshire Council to employ agency social workers in the children's services department, for the years 2017, 2018, 2019,2020 and 2021.

    Please can I have this as a total cost for each year, and as a percentage of each year's children's services budget.

    Suffolk, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Devon councils have all been able to give me the breakdown by percentage by calendar year, in answer to this question, so I am unsure why it is difficult to do this, but if you cannot, then on the basis of the last five financial years will suffice for the percentages.

    Can you therefore please give me:

    Amounts per calendar year

    Amounts per financial year

    Percentages per financial year.

    Published: 12 May 2022

  4. All the information on reported 'statutory nuisances'/Neighbour Disputes in your council area including: * Type of nuisance i.e: * noise (including loud music and barking dogs) * artificial light (except street lamps) * dust, steam, smell or insects from business premises * smoke, fumes or gases * a build-up of rubbish that could harm health * High hedges, trees and boundaries · Number of cases reported · Noise abatement orders/Fines issued and amount of fine · Please could we have the information on this from the last 5 calendar years, please. If data from the last 5 calendar years is not possible, would it be possible to share data from the last 2 calendar years instead, please? Please could you provide the information within an excel document split by type of nuisance reported, area (if possible) and date.

    Published: 11 May 2022

  5. For ease of access, please fill out your answers to each of these six questions (labelled Q1 - Q6) in the template Excel sheet attached, and reply with a completed copy.

    Each question's dataset should be broken down into four academic years (Sept - July): 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-Easter 2022. This is reflected in the template Excel sheet.

    Please find the questions in full below:

    Q1. How many parenting orders have been issued for non attendance of children at school in the academic years Sept - July? Broken down as follows:




    2021 - Easter 22

    Q2. How many education supervision orders have been issued for non attendance of children at school in the academic years Sept - July? Broken down as follows:




    2021 - Easter 22

    Q3. How many school attendance orders have been issued for non attendance of children at school in the academic years Sept - July? Broken down as follows:




    2021 - Easter 22

    Q4. How many fines/fixed penalty notices have been issued for non attendance of children at school in the academic years Sept - July and what was their total value in £? Broken down as follows:

    For clarification: we are asking for any penalty notices issued at any time of year for absences within each specified academic year (represented by that September to July period). Same for the payments and other sanctions - please file these under when the absences were recorded, as opposed to when the fines etc were issued.




    2021 - Easter 22

    Q5. In how many cases have parents been prosecuted related to non attendance of children at school in the academic years Sept - July? Broken down as follows:

    For clarity, please file these under when the absences occurred.




    2021 - Easter 22 (please include cases where proceedings have begun)

    Q6. Please provide details of the penalties imposed as a result of prosecution for non attendance of children at school - the number of prison sentences, community orders, or fines - in the academic years Sept - July? Broken down as follows:




    2021 - Easter 22

    Published: 11 May 2022

  6. I would like to know the number of falls that have been reported in Widemarsh Street, Hereford from the date of completion of work on the kerb up to the most recent date you could provide please.

    Published: 11 May 2022

  7. 1) Please complete the following questions below about the cost of exempt provision in your local authority in 2021/22. A) How much did you spend on the provision of "exempt accommodation"? B) How many HB claims did you receive under the exempt rules? 2) Please complete the following questions below about the providers of exempt accommodation in your local authority for each of the following years: 2021/22 a) Total number of providers who received exempt HB funding Of which were: i) Registered Providers (registered with the Regulator of Social Housing). ii) Registered Charities (Organisations registered with Charity Commission but not with Regulator for Social Housing) iii) Community Interest Companies (registered as a CIC on the Companies House register, but not registered with the Regulator of Social Housing or the Charity Commission). iv) Local Authority (including those where the Authority is also registered with the Regulator of Social Housing). v) Other b) Total number of units provided that received exempt HB funding for each of the following years: 2021/22 i) Registered Providers (registered with the Regulator of Social Housing). ii) Registered Charities (Organisations registered with Charity Commission but not with Regulator for Social Housing) iii) Community Interest Companies (registered as a CIC on the Companies House register, but not registered with the Regulator of Social Housing or the Charity Commission). iv) Local Authority (including those where the Authority is also registered with the Regulator of Social Housing). v) Other 3a) Could you provide a list of all providers that have provided exempt accommodation and, if possible, the number of claims they are/were responsible for? Could you please provide this data for the years 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22 4) a) Please can you provide links to or copies of any policy/procedure or guide for the following? b) Please could you confirm if you have a dedicated team looking into exempt accommodation or exempt accommodation claims? If so, how many people in this team?

    Published: 11 May 2022

  8. Q1. Please provide the total number of cycling lanes that exist in your council over the past three-year period:




    Q2. Please state the total number of cycle lanes currently in planning or under development in your council:

    Currently in development

    Currently being planned

    Q3. If possible, please provide the total number of miles of cycling lanes you have within your council in total at present.

    Q4. How much money has your council invested in cycling initiatives over the past three years? (Please consider all aspects of cycling, including cycle lanes, storage and bike membership schemes)




    Published: 11 May 2022

  9. In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, I would be grateful if you could comply with the following request. Could you provide the following information: Figures for the number of trees felled by the council or its contractors in the Local Authority area for every business year from 2015-2016 until the present. Figures for the numbers of trees planted by the council for every business year from 2015-2016 until the present. I would like this data to be presented in an Excel or PDF spreadsheet with a new sheet for each year and a section on each point of information.

    Published: 11 May 2022

  10. Q1. A copy of the Council's current operational guidance for SEND High Needs Block funding allocation (a URL to current policy document would be fine);

    Q2. Information that describes "top-up", "banding," "matrix," or "element" arrangements that the Council uses to guide its allocation of High Needs Block funding to mainstream schools, resource base / units in mainstream schools, and special schools;

    Q3. Information showing the maximum High Needs or Top-Up funding allocation (in pounds) that each specific band, matrix point, or element attracts in the current financial year (2022-23); If it is more efficient for you to provide these allocations based on academic years rather than financial years, please use financial years instead. For special schools where banded funding is not used, please provide information showing the 'top-up' allocation per place.

    Q4. Information showing the maximum High Needs or Top-Up funding allocation (in pounds) that each specific band or element attracted for the previous financial year (2021-22). If the Council has changed its banding arrangements during the 2021-22 and 2022-23 periods, please provide information showing the previous banding arrangements as well as the current ones.

    Q5. If funding allocations for each band/element in 2022-23 are identical to those in 2021- 22, please say so.

    Published: 10 May 2022