Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Please could you provide me with the following information under FOI:

    * Do your school admission appeal panel members receive any payments for sitting on panels and if yes, how much per panel?

    * are any other costs covered?

    * are the panel meetings held remotely or in person (or both) ?

    * if in person (or both), which venues are used?

    Published: 10 April 2024

  2. According to this - You were awarded £306,000 from ATF4.

    Could you please provide the plans for the scheme(s) this went to fund,

    Published: 9 April 2024

  3. I understand that Herefordshire Council borrows a lot of money and interest payments swallow a significant amount of the annual council tax.

    How much, in £, of the current borrowing burden is through the much questioned LOBO Loans (

    And what as a % interest rate is being charged/budgeted for in 2024.

    And how much is this amount in £'s.

    How much, in £, of the current borrowing burden is through the long standing and much respected PWLB, Public Works Loan Board. An independent and unpaid statutory body:


    And what as a % interest rate is being charged/budgeted for in 2024.

    And how much is this amount in £'s.

    Is there any other council borrowing from other sources, amount in £'s.

    Published: 9 April 2024

  4. I am writing to request the following information regarding children and young people in relation to Post 16 transport: -

    1. Are there any planned changes to the local authorities post 16 transport policy? If so:

    ● Please provide us with details of the proposed changes including but not limited to details of any funding cuts, a breakdown of any funding cuts, how the changes are going to be implemented and from when.

    ● How many children are the local authority currently providing transport for and what is the cost of this?

    ● Where there is going to be a possible loss of transport, what alternative is going to be offered?

    ● Has an equality and impact assessment been carried out with regards to the children and young people that will be affected by these changes, funding cuts/loss of transport? If so, please provide us with a copy of any documentation relating to this.

    Published: 9 April 2024

  5. I am requesting details on Street Works Fixed Penalty Notices issued in the fiscal years 2021-22 and 2022-23 and 2023-24.

    The information should be broken down by year, FPN type, Utility type and also show the individual organisations subject to the FPN.

    Published: 9 April 2024

  6. Sustrans defines a low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) as a scheme where motor vehicle traffic in residential streets is greatly reduced. I recognise that the nomenclature for traffic-reducing schemes varies between different councils, and that 'Active Travel', 'Clean Air' or 'Low Traffic' neighbourhoods are all examples of traffic-reducing schemes, but not an exhaustive list.

    With this in mind

    1. Please list the name/location of every LTN, traffic-reducing scheme or initiative that is/was primarily or partially intended as such scheme which is in operation or has operated within your council boundary from January 2020 to the present day this request is processed.

    2. Please, for each scheme, would you disclose:

    a). any report that provides the meeting minutes (including online) where schemes were discussed and agreed.

    b). any reports on the efficacy of such schemes.

    Published: 8 April 2024

  7. How much has your council received in funding for Levelling Up to date in total?

    Can you show the figures for 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24 separately?

    How much of this funding has your council spent? Again, for 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24 separately.

    If full data for 2023/24 is unavailable, please share as much information as possible up to the latest reporting period for this financial year.

    How much do you expect to receive and spend in 2024/25?

    Published: 8 April 2024

  8. 1. How many undetermined or pending public path diversion applications are there on your highway authority's register?

    2. How many public path diversion applications did your highway authority receive in: 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. Please supply each year's figure separately, as calendar years if possible.

    3. How many public path diversion applications did your highway authority determine in: 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. Please supply each year's figure separately, as calendar years if possible.

    4. On what date was your oldest undetermined public path diversion application submitted to your highway authority?

    5. What is the current number of full or part time employee posts working to process public path diversion order applications?

    Published: 8 April 2024

  9. Please provide information on:

    1) The marked diversion route which was in place on the 4th January due to the closure of Roman Road. A highlighted map showing where diversion signs were placed, and the route which motorists were advised to take would be suitable.

    2) A report on what checks were taken to ensure this road was a suitable diversion.

    Published: 8 April 2024

  10. You previously sent us a spreadsheet which indicated that there were 5 statutory nuisance complaints relating to accumulations from agriculture and 57 complaints relating to odour from agricultural activities in total in 2021, 2022 and 2023 (enclosed with this letter). We would now like to request the details of these 62 complaints including information relating to any action that was taken by Herefordshire Council in response to these complaints. Please provide the information in electronic form.

    Published: 5 April 2024