Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Q. Please complete the attached survey

    Published: 28 April 2022

  2. I would like a copy of your GDPR policy, and data impact assessment of use of personal emails and data governance audits to ensure compliance with legal requirements.

    Published: 28 April 2022

  3. This is an information request relating to council spend on food and drink. Please provide me with information on any spending by the council on refreshments for council meetings in the past financial year, 2021-22. Please provide information for all meetings held in or by the council for the past year. Please only include refreshments purchased by the council. * Please include total spending as well as a breakdown of what was purchased, for example tea, coffee, biscuits, sandwiches, takeaways * Please include this for all council meetings held over the last financial year

    Published: 28 April 2022

  4. Q1. What is the total number of all forms of vehicular transport operated by the council?

    a Total number of vehicles

    b Of these how many are currently pure electric?

    Q2. Can you advise of the number of Workplace Electric Vehicle (EV) charge points?

    a Already installed

    b Planned to be installed

    Q3. Can you advise how many workplace EV chargepoints are available?

    a for council fleet only

    b for council owned fleet and employee-owned or leased vehicles

    c for council owned fleet, employees and suppliers d for visitors to council premises

    Q4 How was the EV chargepoint installation funded (please tick all that apply)?

    a Grants (eg OZEV, Central Government, other)

    b Own reserves/resources

    c Partnership with private sector

    d Partnership with other public sector organisation (for shared use)

    e Other, please specify:

    Q5 Have you applied for any government grants? Please advise of the number of applications and their outcome : Total Applications Successful Awaiting outcome

    a Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS)

    b Plug-in Grant

    c Other fleet related grants/pilot schemes (please specify):

    d N/A (no grant applications made)

    Q6 Were these grant applications completed by: Total Applications Successful Awaiting outcome

    a In house/council employee

    b In house specifically recruited SME (subject matter expert)

    c A partnership with another public body

    d Outsourcing to specialist grant sourcing organisation e N/A (no grant applications made)

    Q7 What would you say are the barriers to utilising grant funding (please tick all that apply):

    a Too difficult to access

    b Not known about in time

    c No specific business need

    d No capacity or expertise in house to apply

    e Other - please specify: Please supply the information in the form of a table along the lines of the ones provided above in the format of MS Word, MS Excel or PDF.

    Published: 28 April 2022

  5. Q1. How many miles of road were worked on in your local authority area in the last three years? 2019 2020 2021

    Q2. How many miles of road were closed in the last three years in your local authority? 2019 2020 2021

    Q3. How many miles of road will be worked on in your local authority over the next 12 months?

    Q4 How many miles of road will be closed in the next 12 months?

    Q5. How much money has been invested in road improvements in the last three years? Please break down by years if possible. 2019 2020 2021

    Published: 28 April 2022

  6. Q1 Please tell me the total value of social housing arrears owed at 1A 1st April 2022, b) 1st April 2021 and c) 1st April 2020.

    Q2 What were the five biggest arrears owed by a tenant at 1st April 2022?

    Q3 What were the five biggest rental arrears written off as bad debt in the financial year 2021-22?

    Published: 27 April 2022

  7. Please kindly send to me all recorded information that the local authority holds regarding its outsourcing of the provision of pre-paid debit cards in the financial years 2020/21 and 2021/22 and its current and planned outsourcing of the provision of pre-paid debit cards in 2022/23 and future financial years. Such information should include all recorded information regarding: -

    (a) the local authority's outsourcing of the provision of pre-paid debit cards for the use by staff, volunteers, council tax payers service users;

    (b) the ways in which the local authority uses pre-paid debit cards;

    (c) the full name(s) of any outsourced service provider(s) supplying the local authority;

    (d) the contract(s) with any outsourced service provider(s) supplying the local authority;

    (e) the date(s) on which contract(s) with outsourced service provider(s) expire;

    (f) the total fees paid by the local authority, or budgeted to be paid, by supplier, for each of the financial years requested above;

    (g) the number of pre-paid debit card users the local authority had, or anticipates having, for each of the financial years listed above;

    (h) the tendering process, or other procurement method, under which the outsourced contract(s) were awarded;

    (i) the tendering process, or other procurement method, under which the service will be re-contracted; and

    (j) the date on which the process referred to in (h), for the re-contracting of the outsourced service, will commence.

    (k) the name and email address of the person within the local authority who has responsibility for the authority's management and provision of pre-paid debit cards.

    Published: 27 April 2022

  8. Q. What was the council's planning department budget in total for each of the last five calendar (or financial) years (2017-2021)?

    Published: 26 April 2022

  9. Q. Could you please provide the total suicide deaths for the following years please? 2021 2022 (to date)

    Published: 26 April 2022

  10. I am looking to find out information about how the Schools Supplementary Grant was distributed to special, AP and Hospital schools.

    Q1. We wondered if you could tell us how much of an increase your council was passing on to special, AP and hospital schools this financial year?

    Q2. Could you also tell us what methodology you have used to decide how much to pass on?

    Published: 26 April 2022