Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I would like:

    • Current backlog of maintenance requests by road and forecast repair date for each repair.

    • Details of which repair (if any) have exceed the repair timescales.

    • The total budget / spend on highways maintenance per annum.

    • The total spend on labour, equipment, material and traffic management for all maintenance repairs broken down to principle roads north & south, and other roads north & south per annum.

    Published: 25 April 2022

  2. Q1. Could you tell me the amount the authority has spent on producing bids for funding through the schemes named below*, since 2019? Please also provide a breakdown of this figure, for each scheme.

    Q2. Can you also confirm whether the council hired external contractors to produce all or part of the bid in each instance?

    *The Community Renewal fund, Future High Streets, the Levelling Up Fund, and Towns Deals

    Published: 25 April 2022

  3. Q1. Please provide a copy of the council's Household Support Fund policy for the funding distributed to councils in October 2021. The policy should outline how the council was going to disburse the funding and by what criteria

    Q2. What was the value of the parts of the Household Support Fund provided to the council in October 2021 (or thereabouts) that the council made available to individual applicants (not referrals from third party organisations)?

    Q3. Of the figure in question 2, how much did the council eventually provide to applicants?

    Q4. If the council fully spent the figure in question 2, on what date(s) was this part(s) of the fund closed to new applicants?

    Q5. How many applicants received funding under the parts of the Household Support Fund referred to in question 2?

    Q6. How many applications for funding under the parts of the Household Support Fund referred to in question 2 were rejected? Please provide any data the council holds on reasons for rejection

    Q7. What was the value of the parts of the Household Support Fund provided to the council in October 2021 (or thereabouts) that the council made available to referrals from council services or third party organisations, e.g. charities?

    Q8. How many referrals received funding under the parts of the Household Support Fund referred to in question 7?

    Q9. How many referrals for funding under the parts of the Household Support Fund referred to in question 7 were rejected?

    Q10. Please provide a copy of the council's Household Support Fund policy for the funding that is to be distributed to councils for April-September 2022. The policy should outline how the council will disburse the funding and by what criteria

    Councils' Household Support Fund policies include various elements - they are rarely disbursed in one bloc to one group of recipients by one set of criteria. Some involve automatic funding based on eligibility details the council already holds (e.g. Free School Meals status) with no requirement for application or referral. Some parts are disbursed directly to third party organisations, such as food banks. Some are based on applications by individuals, while others are based on referrals by council services or third party organisations. Questions 2-6 relate to those parts that were disbursed based on applications from individuals, while questions 7-9 relate to those parts that were disbursed on the basis of referrals. Some councils amay not have disbursed any money on the basis of applications or referrals, in which case questions 2-9 do not apply.

    Published: 25 April 2022

  4. Q. Please complete the attached survey

    Published: 25 April 2022

  5. Q1. As of 28 March 2022, how many public EV chargers have been installed on public land within your local authority by the local authority itself (i.e., not wholly or in conjunction with private providers)?

    Q2. As of 28 March 2022, how many EV chargers have been installed on public land within your local authority by private companies?

    Published: 22 April 2022

  6. Is it possible to get a list of all businesses rateable value in Herefordshire?

    Specifically I am looking for businesses with a rateable value of £12k + that were contacted in relation to the latest Destination BID Herefordshire vote last year.

    Published: 22 April 2022

  7. Q1. Could you please confirm the number of requests for pre-application planning advice in the last 12 months?

    Q2. The average time in working days from receipt of request to issuing of pre-application advice?

    Published: 22 April 2022

  8. Please state if your council has spent any money to provide courses for your staff on the topic of unconscious bias (focusing on race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) in the last financial year (2021-22).

    For each course could you please state:

    Q1. The exact title of the course

    Q2. How many of your staff attended

    Q3. Where the course was held

    Q4. Who ran the course

    Q5. How much the organisation was paid for running the course, and

    Q6. Any material you hold on why the course would be useful to your staff and the goals of the course

    Published: 22 April 2022

  9. Date range for the following questions 1/4/2017 - 31/3/2022

    Q1. What was the total number of service requests relating to waste on private land (fly tipping, litter, accumulations, and noxious matter) for each of the above years?

    Q2. What was the total number of service requests for potential statutory nuisances (premises, smoke, fumes/gases, dust, accumulation, animals, insects, light, noise etc.) for each of the above years?

    Q3. What was the total number of Abatement Notices Section 80 Environmental Protection Act 1990 issued for each of the above years? Please specify for which provision they were issued e.g. Noise, smoke, dust etc.

    Q4. What was the total number of Section 4 Prevention by damage by pests Act 1949 Notices issued for each of the above years?

    Q5. What was the total number of Section 78 and 79 Public Health Act 1936 Notices issued for each of the above years?

    Q6. What was the total number of Community Protection Notice Warning letters, Notices and Fixed Penalties issued for each of the above years excluding those related to Anti-social behaviour. Please specify for what type of complaint these were issued e.g bonfires, waste, noise etc

    Published: 21 April 2022

  10. Q1. How many complaints to your council have you received for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 regarding dog waste on public land (Please provide a breakdown of figures for each year)?

    Q2. How many prosecutions has the council issued to members of the public whose dogs have been caught fouling on public land between 2019, 2020 and 2021 (Please provide a breakdown of figures for each year)?

    Q3. Do you provide free dog poo bags to council tax payers (and if you previously did, when did you stop providing them free of charge)?

    Q4. How many council employees are authorised to issue fixed penalty notices with regard to the new legislation.

    Published: 21 April 2022