Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. 1. How many parking penalty charge notices (PCNs) did your organisation issue from January 1st to December 31st 2021? 2. What was the combined value, in £, of the parking fines your organisation gave out from January 1st to December 31st 2021, broken down by month? 3. How many staff were responsible for issuing parking fines for your organisation from January1st to December 31st 2021?

    Published: 14 April 2022

  2. Q1. All documents, preferably in electronic form, detailing the process of valuation for council tax setting of the properties 1, 3, 5 and 7 Symonds Street Hereford HR1 2HA in the lead up to setting the initial bandings for said properties in 1991.

    Q2. In addition any details of the valuations of said properties if they were sold into private ownership from Council housing stock prior to 1991

    Published: 13 April 2022

  3. Q1. Please supply a list of your recycling sites which are currently in operation.

    Q2. Does the council have an approved textile contractor / partner? If so, what is the name?

    Q3. What are the inception and expiry dates of the contract between the council and its textile recycling contractor / partner?

    Q4. What is the fee charged by the council under the tender contract between itself and its textile recycling partner?

    Q5. What recycling companies bid for the last tender?

    Q6. Please supply a list of the final destination of recovered waste material that is collected under the contract?

    Q7. What was the weight of duvets and pillows which so far has been collected by the contractor / partner under the contract?

    Q8. Where are duvets and pillows exported after they have been recovered?

    Published: 13 April 2022

  4. Please could I find out: 1. How much of the money allocated to the council through the Homelessness Prevention Grant in 2021/22 has been spent as of March 1 2022? Please break down in table format how much of the funding was: A) From the £310million grant and B) From the £65m additional funding 2. What has the money allocated to the council through the Homelessness Prevention Grant in 2021/22 been spent on? Please break down in table format 3. How much of the Homelessness Prevention Grant allocated to the council in 2021/22 has been used to help: a) Households in rent arrears? b) Households at risk of eviction for other reasons? 4. How many households has the council helped through the Homelessness Prevention Grant in 2021/22? 5. How many households have approached the council for support under the Homelessness Reduction Act between April 1 2021 and March 1 2022? Please state in table format how many households were owed a a) prevention duty b) a relief duty

    Published: 13 April 2022

  5. 1) How many publicly accessible* swimming pools were there in your local authority area on March 31st 2019? 2) How many publicly accessible swimming pools were there in your local authority area on March 31st 2022? 3) Please name the pools that are currently operating a timetable for public swimming. If a pool was or is temporarily closed please indicate this -- or if a pool is earmarked for closure in the near future, please provide details. *By publicly accessibly pools I mean either council owned/operated or those that are owned/operated by a not-for-profit leisure provider which is running the facilities for the community (eg better leisure/fusion etc) and to which you direct members of the public via your website/leisure services site. Please supply the information in excel spreadsheet format by email to this address.

    Published: 13 April 2022

  6. Q1. The total number of children under the age of 16 who have been placed in unregulated semi-independent accommodation (also known as supported accommodation) since 9 September 2021, when the government banned these placements. Please also provide the age of the youngest child placed in this type of placement since the ban came into force.

    Q2. How many 'on notice' claims have been made under public liability for abuse and neglect faced by the authority's Looked After Children during their placement or education in children's homes, semi-independent accommodation (16+ supported accommodation) and independent schools since 1st January 2017? Please break down each 'on notice' claim by the date, institution (e.g. children's home), outcome (successful etc.), description of the abuse or neglect, and compensation amount.

    Looked After Children can claim compensation under providers' liability insurance.

    Published: 13 April 2022

  7. FOI IAT 23157 You kindly last provided me with information on 27 August 2021 (above reference). We are completing our online database of authorities and adoptions of the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism. We are keen to ensure we have the correct information from local authorities, hence our request. Please confirm the following:

    Q1a If the IHRA Definition has been adopted since 27 August 2021? If so, please provide the date that the motion/decision to do so was approved and provide a copy of the relevant motion/minutes/policy document or a working link if it is available on your website.

    Q1b. If the IHRA Definition has been adopted, was the IHRA Definition adopted in its entirety including all of the examples?

    Q1c. If all of the examples were not adopted, which ones were adopted?

    Q1d If the IHRA Definition has not been adopted at all, was there a motion/decision to adopt the IHRA Definition which was defeated, and if so on what date was it defeated?

    Q1e. If the IHRA Definition has not yet been adopted, has adoption been timetabled?

    Published: 13 April 2022

  8. Does the council have plans to procure a digital social prescribing platform in 2022/23?

    Does the council have any current vacancies in the a) ICT and / or b) digital transformation teams?

    Published: 12 April 2022

  9. I would like to know the full details around:

    a. The work carried out for plants at the link Road (500k)

    b. How 2 x bike sheds (Gaol Street) are costing 30k

    c. The details around the 700k for fixing the curb (Widemarsh Street).

    If possible I would like to know:

    how these prices were calculated

    who approved them

    how the prices were assessed

    whether multiple quotations were requested in order to ensure value for money.

    Published: 12 April 2022

  10. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information regarding Residential Special School and Children's Residential Home placements for children (under 18) with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism as their Special Educational Need (SEN). Where possible, please kindly include responses on the attached Excel spreadsheet.

    Q1. Please provide the total number of placements funded by the Local Authority during the year for children (under 18) with a Learning Disability as their primary SEN in (a) a Residential Special School and (b) a Children's Residential Home (not including secure units or hostels)

    Q2. Please provide the total number of new placements funded by the Local Authority for children (under 18) with a Learning Disability as their primary SEN in (a) a Residential Special School and (b) a Children's Residential Home (not including secure units or hostels)

    Q3. Please provide the total number of placements funded by the Local Authority during the year for children (under 18) with Autism as their primary SEN in (a) a Residential Special School and (b) a Children's Residential Home (not including secure units or hostels)

    Q4. Please provide the total number of new placements funded by the Local Authority for children (under 18) with Autism as their primary SEN in (a) a Residential Special School and (b) a Children's Residential Home (not including secure units or hostels)

    Q5. Please provide the total number of placements funded by the Local Authority during the year for children (under 18) in a Residential Special School with a Learning Disability and/or Autism, that are placed (a) in area and (b) out of area

    Q6. Please provide the total number of placements funded by the Local Authority during the year for children (under 18) in a Children's Residential Home with a Learning Disability and/or Autism, that are placed (a) in area and (b) out of area

    Q7. Please provide the number of children (under 18) currently funded by the Local Authority, with a Learning Disability and/or Autism, in (a) a Residential Special School or (b) Children's Residential Home, in the following fee ranges (£3.0k - £3.5k, £3.5k - £4.0k, £4.0k - £4.5k, £4.5k - £5.0k, £5.0k - £5.5k, £5.5k - £6.0k, £6.0k - £6.5k, £6.5k+)

    Published: 12 April 2022