Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I would be most grateful if you could answer the following questions as a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

    Q1. What is your Council's policy for inspecting premises that serve food to the public such as bars, restaurants , hotels and takeaways in your area. Ie: How often do you aim to visit such premises to inspect food hygiene standards?

    Q2. For each calendar year for the past 3 years from Jan 2017 to present, please supply the following information in relation to Food Hygiene inspections:

    Q2a. How many such premises were/are licensed by your Council to serve food and were/are subject to food hygiene inspections by your Council.

    Q2b. How many complaints did you receive from members of the public about licenced premises suspected of poor hygiene or causing food poisoning or the like?

    Q2c. How many routine food hygiene inspections did your authority carry out?

    Q2d. How many inspections were overdue compared to your policy in question 1?

    Q3. As it stands today, 14th March 2022, for premises that are currently trading and were identified in Q1 (that are subject to food hygiene inspections in your Council's area) how many have not been inspected for: Q3a. Over one year; Q3b. Over two years; Q3c. Over five years; Q3d. Over ten years. Q3e. Have never been inspected.

    Q3f. For each of the five hygiene ratings awarded to premises (1 -5) how many premises were awarded each rating upon their last inspection?

    Published: 6 April 2022

  2. Bat licences and roost monitoring timeframes - I was hoping you could provide me with any data you have that pertains to it. I am not focusing on a specific species, but I would need pre- and post-construction roost population details and ideally the type of mitigation used and original roost details. I will be focusing on data from between 2018 to present.

    Published: 6 April 2022

  3. I would be grateful if you could supply the following information:

    Q1. Who is the current supplier of your community equipment service?

    Q2. What is the annual contract value?

    Q3. When does the current contract expire?

    Q4. Do you intend to retender this service?

    Q5. If you intend to retender when do you intend the tender to be released?

    Q6. If you do not intend to retender at this stage how long is the contract extension period?

    Q7. What is the name and contact details of the Commissioner responsible for the procurement of community equipment services?

    Published: 6 April 2022

  4. Q1. What tools are you using for your IT system monitoring?

    Q2. Are you using the Microsoft System Center suite of Products for data center management?

    Q3. Are you using Systems Center Operations Manager (SCOM) for your infrastructure monitoring? - (This would typically be used for monitoring the health of internal and external apps, CPU, Ram and monitoring objects like logical disks and SQL.)

    Q4. Are you using another other form of dashboard on top of SCOM? PowerBI, Silect?, Savision LiveMaps?

    Q5. Who manages System Center within the organisation?

    Q6. Who Manages SCOM in the organisation?

    Q7. Is there a team or an individual who manages SCOM? (Identifying the SCOM Administrator would be a fantastic outcome from any call)

    Q8. Are there multiple people across different departments using SCOM for monitoring e.g., SQL team, NOC team, IT service desk?

    Published: 6 April 2022

  5. Please specify which parties in case Neutral Citation Number: [2018] EWFC 76 Case No: WR0086/17 and WR0007/18 Mr Justice Keehan ordered that Herefordshire County Council should cover the legal costs.

    Please also tell me the full cost to Herefordshire CC of covering those parties' legal bills, and its own. The period in which I am interested runs from the point at of the first hearing after Twin BT's parents put in an application for an adoption order, through to completion of the final hearing in November 2017 in front of Mr Justice Keehan.

    Published: 4 April 2022

  6. Q. Please provide details of the number of electively home educated children there were in your local authority area as at 1st April 2022. By electively home educated I mean children who are not on a school roll and are not receiving education provided by the local authority, but are educated by their parents.

    Published: 4 April 2022

  7. Request for plans & information showing the location of any council owned assets within the vicinity of the following site:

    * Street Lighting columns

    * CCTV apparatus

    * Traffic Signal apparatus

    Site: Leominster Rain Gauge, HR6 0LX

    Easting/Northing: 350382,258078

    We would be grateful if you could confirm whether the Council has any apparatus in the immediate vicinity. Should there be anything detected in the vicinity plus 50 metres around the site, I would appreciate a plan showing the location.

    Published: 1 April 2022

  8. Q1. What was your staff turnover rate for registered social workers working in child protection or with children in need in each of the following years? (Where staff turnover is calculated as the headcount of full-time equivalent (FTE) registered social workers leaving in the year divided by the headcount of FTE registered social workers in post at 1 January) i) 2017 ii) 2018 iii) 2019 iv) 2020 v) 2021

    Q2. What was your staff turnover rate for social work assistants working in child protection or with children in need in each of the following years? (Where staff turnover rate is calculated as the headcount of full-time equivalent (FTE) social work assistants leaving in the year divided by the headcount of FTE social work assistants in post at 1 January) i) 2017 ii) 2018 iii) 2019 iv) 2020 v) 2021

    Q3. In your authority's children's services department, what percentage of your registered social worker headcount was defined as newly qualified on 1 January in the following years? i) 2018 ii) 2019 iii) 2020 iv) 2021 v) 2022

    Q4. In your authority's children's services department, how many full time equivalent registered social workers were in post on 1 January in each of the following years? i) 2018 ii) 2019 iii) 2020 iv) 2021 v) 2022

    Q5. In your authority's children's services department, how many full time equivalent agency staff were you employing as social workers on 1 January in each of the following years? i) 2018 ii) 2019 iii) 2020 iv) 2021 v) 2022

    Q6. Do you have a shortage of social workers in your authority's children's services department? If yes, how many full time equivalent social worker vacancies were recorded on your system as of 1 January 2022?

    Q7. What was the total amount spent by your authority's children's services department on agency social workers in each of the following years: i) 2017 ii) 2018 iii) 2019 iv) 2020 v) 2021

    Published: 1 April 2022

  9. For Q1 and Q2 we are looking for data on any residential permit parking schemes for each of the years.

    Q1. Please state the total number of roads which had parking restrictions throughout your council area in the last three years*? * 2019 * 2020 * 2021

    Q2. In the last three years, please state the total number of roads that had residential parking permits: * 2019 * 2020 * 2021

    Q3. In the last three years, how many penalty charge notices have been handed out for breaching parking restrictions in your council area? * 2019 * 2020 * 2021

    Q4. What was the total value of these fines? * 2019 * 2020 * 2021

    *Please note that if data for the calendar year (January-December) is not available then financial year (April-March) is okay, as long as you can please flag this distinction.

    Published: 1 April 2022

  10. Q. Please could you confirm how many households pay Council Tax to the local authority and how many of these do not pay by Direct Debit?

    Published: 1 April 2022