Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. We are looking for information relating to pay and pay scales for Adult Services that Herefordshire council currently offers., we are looking for information regarding Social Workers, Senior Social Workers, Team Managers and Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMPHS). Ideally we would want to know if Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMPHS) are paid additional money to be an AMHP compared with other roles in Adult services.

    Published: 27 March 2022

  2. Could you please provide details of the number of schools, broken down into primary and secondary, that offer flexi-schooling. Could you provide the names of these schools.

    Published: 25 March 2022

  3. I understand from the Department for Transport (DfT) that you are the relevant LTA for Herefordshire, in relation to the responsibilities referenced in the National Bus Strategy for England. I also note that you published a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) last year setting out your intended priorities on this front. Please provide the following information:

    Q1. The number of bus stops in your LTA area.

    Q2. The number (and percentage) of buses operating in your LTA area which have automatic vehicle location (AVL) devices fitted.

    Q3. The number of the bus stops in your LTA area which currently have some form of RTPI physically available in that location (on a screen, electronic display board or similar).

    Q4. If you do have RTPI available at bus stops in your LTA area, which company / companies supplied the physical hardware?

    Q5. Was the hardware purchased by the LTA / operators, or is it leased from a supplier? If it is leased, when is the lease due to expire?

    Q6. Is this hardware subject to an ongoing maintenance contract with a supplier and, if so, when is this contract due to end?

    Q7. Which IT system is used to feed the real-time data from AVL devices to these RTPI display boards at bus stops?

    Q8. Does the LTA have plans to increase the availability of RTPI at bus stops, and if so:

    Q8a. Has it been decided whether this will be done with an existing contractor or subject to a new tender / contract?

    Q8b. At how many bus stops does it plan to add RTPI in each of the next three years?

    Q8c. Is this dependent on the allocation of BSIP / Enhanced Partnerships funding and / or other future funding from the DfT, or will the LTA / bus operators be funding these out of resources which are already agreed as part of funding already secured and / or budget allocations agreed by the LTA / bus operators?

    Q8d. Please advise of details, including any provisional allocations of financial resources for the provision of RPTI at bus stops over the next three years.

    Published: 25 March 2022

  4. This request relates to MIPIM 2022, a 4-day real estate exhibition, conference and networking event gathering held in Cannes, France, from 15th-18th March 2022. I would like to request the following information:

    Q1. Please provide a list of council representatives (including councillors) who attended MIPIM 2022. Please provide their full name and position at the council.

    Q2. For each council representative's trip to attend MIPIM 2022, please provide the following:

    - The date and duration of the trip - The reasons why the council representative attended MIPIM 2022

    - The cost of the MIPIM 2022 trip (please provide a breakdown of costs, including travel costs, accommodation costs and expenses)

    - Please state whether the council met the costs of the MIPIM 2022 trip, or whether an individual, group, company, consortium, charity or another organisation met the costs.

    Please provide the full name of the individual, group, company, charity or organisation that met the costs.

    Q3. For each council representative that attended MIPIM 2022, please indicate whether they attended (a) meetings held by companies (b) private events held by companies (c) breakfasts/lunches/dinners held by companies. For each meeting/private event/breakfast/lunch/dinner, please name the company involved and provide a description as to what was discussed.

    Published: 24 March 2022

  5. Please advise:

    Q1. The number of claims for compensation you received during the financial year 2020/21 relating to vehicle damage caused by potholes/damaged road surfaces.

    Q2. The number of claims for compensation you received for the financial year 2020/21 relating to vehicle damage caused by potholes/damaged road surfaces where you agreed to pay compensation.

    Q3. The amount of money you spent in the financial year 2020/21 on claims for compensation relating to vehicle damage caused by potholes/damaged road surfaces. Please include compensation paid and legal expenses.

    Published: 23 March 2022

  6. I would like to request the following information relating to the council's spend/usage on Microsoft Support.

    The support part of the contract is usually wrapped into the enterprise agreement, but can be separated. Please can you provide the details on any/all Premier/Unified support agreements that you purchase under the enterprise agreement?

    Q1. What date is your Microsoft support renewal?

    Q2. What Microsoft support do you currently have in place - Microsoft Premier, Microsoft Unified Support, something else (please specify), nothing?

    Q3. On average how many support requests do you raise per year?

    Q4. What are you currently paying per year?

    Q5. Who is your Head of Procurement? name, email

    Q6. Who is your Head of Operations? name, email

    Published: 22 March 2022

  7. This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding special school and alternative provision waiting lists. The Department for Education defines alternative provision as "education arranged by local authorities for pupils who, because of exclusion, illness or other reasons, would not otherwise receive suitable education; education arranged by schools for pupils on a fixed period exclusion; and pupils being directed by schools to off-site provision to improve their behaviour".

    It defines special schools as those in which all pupils "have education, health and care plans or statements of SEN". Definitions found here:

    Please can you provide the following information:

    Q1. How many school-age children (ages 4 to 16) in the local authority were on waiting lists for special schools at the start of each respective academic year from 2018-2021.

    Q2. How many school-age children (ages 4 to 16) in the local authority were on waiting lists for alternative provision at the start of each respective academic year from 2018-2021.

    Q3. The percentage of children with EHCP (educational health care plans) waiting for the provision set out in their EHCP to be fulfilled at the start of each respective academic year from 2018-2021.

    For each of these questions, please can you break down the information by year (2018-2021) and the education status of the child waiting, for example whether they are attending one school while awaiting a place in another, or if they are out of education.

    Published: 22 March 2022

  8. Q1. Do you ask all parents entering elective home education (EHE) to provide curriculum information/educational plans? Yes or No

    Q2. Do you take further action if parents entering EHE do not supply curriculum information/educational plans? Yes or No

    Q3. Do you ask EHE parents to provide annual updates? Yes or No

    Q4. Do you collect data on the numbers of EHE children receiving a suitable or unsuitable education? Yes or No

    Q5. Are you or anyone in your EHE service required to report data on the number of EHE children receiving a suitable or unsuitable education to

    (a) line managers? Yes or No

    (b) anyone else in your LA? Yes or No

    Q6. If you have answered yes to question 5, please state how often this data is reported upon ie, every term, annually, etc

    Q7. What was your EHE cohort on 01/06/2021?

    Q8. Of the figure given in question 7,

    (a) how many appeared to be receiving a suitable education?

    (b) how many appeared to be receiving an unsuitable education?

    (c) how many were yet to be assessed or going through assessment?

    Published: 21 March 2022

  9. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information regarding Fostering placements for Looked After Children.

    Please provide answers on the attached accompanying spreadsheet.

    Q1. Who, within the local authority, has commissioning responsibility for Fostering placements for Looked After Children? Please provide the following: a. Name b. Job title c. Telephone no. e. Email address

    Q2. How many approved foster carer households are registered with the Local Authority as at 30th Jun-20, 30th Sep-20, 31st Dec-20, 31st Mar-21, 30th June-21, 30th Sep-21 and 31st Dec-21?

    Q3. How many Looked After Children (LAC) has the Local Authority funded in foster care placements, with in-house foster carers, with Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) carers, with Kinship (family and friends) foster carers and in IFA therapeutic fostering placements, as at 30th Jun-20, 30th Sep-20, 31st Dec-20, 31st Mar-21, 30th June-21, 30th Sep-21 and 31st Dec-21?

    Q4. What are the average weekly fees that the local authority would pay to foster care providers (in-house, IFAs and IFA therapeutic fostering placements) for the following age groups in 2020/2021 and year to date in 2021/2022? a. 0 to 4 b. 5 to 10 c. 11 to 15 e. 16 to 18

    Q5. Please provide a list of preferred Independent Fostering Agencies, the gross total expenditure with that agency and the number of placements with that agency in 2020/21 Note: By 'preferred' we mean those agencies that would be considered and chosen for placements on a preferential basis by the council.

    Q6. What is the gross total expenditure on fostering services for Looked After Children? Please provide actual figures for financial years 2017/18 to 2020/21, as well as budgeted expenditure for 2021/22.

    Published: 21 March 2022

  10. Q1. What was the total amount that all closed or dormant council tax accounts were in credit by for the following financial years: April 1 2018 - March 31 2019 April 1 2019 - March 31 2020 April 1 2020 - March 31 2021 March 31 2021 - present (February 25 2022)

    Q2. What was the single highest amount that a closed or dormant council tax account was in credit by for the following financial years: April 1 2018 - March 31 2019 April 1 2019 - March 31 2020 April 1 2020 - March 31 2021 March 31 2021 - present (February 25 2022)

    Q3. What was the total amount of money given out in council tax refunds by the council for the following financial years: April 1 2018 - March 31 2019 April 1 2019 - March 31 2020 April 1 2020 - March 31 2021 March 31 2021 - present (February 25 2022)

    Q4. What was the single highest council tax refund given out by the council for the following financial years: April 1 2018 - March 31 2019 April 1 2019 - March 31 2020 April 1 2020 - March 31 2021 March 31 2021 - present (February 25 2022)

    Published: 21 March 2022