Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. What is the total number of individuals employed as Covid Marshalls since 1st March 2020?

    What was the average contract duration?

    What is the total number of Covid Marshalls, currently employed?

    What is the total cost spent on Covid Marshalls since 1st March 2020?

    Note: Covid Marshall, or any job title your council may have used for staff or outside contractors hired to police/enforce Covid restrictions.

    Published: 5 April 2024

  2. Please provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.

    1) How many electric vehicle chargers have been installed in your council area, including on streets, motorways and car parks? If you could provide a breakdown over the past 5 years (preferably calendar year).

    2) How many broken chargers have had to be fixed over the last 5 years and what has been the cost of this? If you could provide a breakdown over the past 5 years (preferably calendar year).

    3) How many electric vehicle chargers do you plan to install in 2024?

    4) How many electric vehicle chargers do you plan to install in 2025? (If applicable)

    Published: 5 April 2024

  3. 1. What will it cost to repaint all the white lining recently done in Peterchurch, this having been so badly that the paint is disintegrating 2. Why are traffic lights at junction of Roman Road and the right turn to Cannon Pyon "masked " with shutters on some lights and not others? Similar question re the lights in Edgar Street at right turn to Waitrose. Similar question re lights at Widemarsh Street junction (with "ring road"/Old Market). When green or amber, especially, it is sometimes difficult to see if these lights are working. 3. What are the instructions to Balfour Beatty regarding manner of repairing potholes? Is there any requirement for all repairs to be sealed (I estimate this is only done in less than 5% of repairs, whereas it is absolutely necessary in order to prevent water ingress between old and new tarmac). Unsealed repairs quickly break up between new and old tarmac, forming new potholes.

    Published: 5 April 2024

  4. I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act.

    1. How many public car parks do you operate?

    2. Please fill in the below table to advise on how many public car parking spaces were available in council-operated car parks in the following years.



    2024 until 1st April 2024

    3. Please fill in the below table to advise on how much you did / do charge for parking in the following years or whether it is free for the period referenced and the operational hours of your charging.


    Average / typical hourly day time rate £

    Average / typical hourly evening rate £

    Average / typical hourly overnight rate £

    Average / typical 24 hour rate £

    Day time - please provide timings (i.e. daytime rates apply 6am to 6pm)

    Evenings - please provide timings (i.e. evening rates apply 6pm - 11pm)

    Overnight - please provide timings (i.e. night rates apply 11pm - 6am)


    Average / typical hourly day time rate £

    Average / typical hourly evening rate £

    Average / typical hourly overnight rate £

    Average / typical 24 hour rate £

    Day time - please provide timings (i.e. daytime rates apply 6am to 6pm)

    Evenings - please provide timings (i.e. evening rates apply 6pm - 11pm)

    Overnight - please provide timings (i.e. night rates apply 11pm - 6am)

    2024 until April 1st:

    Average / typical hourly day time rate £

    Average / typical hourly evening rate £

    Average / typical hourly overnight rate £

    Average / typical 24 hour rate £

    Day time - please provide timings (i.e. daytime rates apply 6am to 6pm)

    Evenings - please provide timings (i.e. evening rates apply 6pm - 11pm)

    Overnight - please provide timings (i.e. night rates apply 11pm - 6am)

    2024 - 2025 financial year:

    Average / typical hourly day time rate £

    Average / typical hourly evening rate £

    Average / typical hourly overnight rate £

    Average / typical 24 hour rate £

    Day time - please provide timings (i.e. daytime rates apply 6am to 6pm)

    Evenings - please provide timings (i.e. evening rates apply 6pm - 11pm)

    Overnight - please provide timings (i.e. night rates apply 11pm - 6am)

    Published: 5 April 2024

  5. Please provide me with the details of all noise complaints received concerning Wye Lounge (formerly Tweet Bar), Ross-on-Wye over the last 2 years.

    Published: 4 April 2024

  6. In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, please provide the following information:

    Which Trade Unions and/or Professional Associations are recognised by this Authority for collective bargaining purposes?

    Published: 4 April 2024

  7. I am interested in collecting information on public leisure centres and swimming pools run by local councils.

    Specifically, under the FOI legislation, I request a list of all public swimming pools and leisure centres run by your council between 2005 and 2022.

    Additionally, could you please provide information on dates of opening and closure (with at least year-month precision) if they started or ceased operation over that period.

    Lastly, could you please provide information on opening and closing hours of the leisure centre/swimming pool in that given year?

    That means the final dataset would have the following columns:

    Name of the swimming pool or leisure centre, type (i.e. leisure centre or swimming pool or both)


    Date of opening

    Date of closing

    Opening hours in year 2005

    Opening hours in year 2006

    Opening hours in year 2022.

    If collecting weekly opening hours is not possible, annual opening hours are sufficient, too.

    Published: 4 April 2024

  8. I would like to make a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

    The National Highways definition of the Local Road Network is that portion of the Road Network for which a Local Government is responsible, and is eligible for funding from the State Government to operate and maintain.

    With this in mind, for the last full year for which figures are available, please would you disclose:

    1. The total number of potholes reported to your council across your Local Road Network.

    2. The total amount of money spent compensating drivers for successful claims for vehicle damage from potholes in your Local Road Network.

    3. The total value of funding allocated by your council for road maintenance, relating directly to pothole reports and repairs across your Local Road Network.

    Published: 4 April 2024

  9. Under the Freedom of Information Act, please provide me with information on the following:

    1) In your local authority area, confirm the total number of fines given as a result of absence from mainstream schools, broken down by school type - including primary, secondary and special schools, for the academic years of 2018/2019, 2021/2022, and 2022/2023.

    2) In your local authority, confirm the total number of individuals in receipt of a fine as a result of absence from mainstream school, broken down by school type - including primary, secondary, and special schools, for the academic years of 2018/2019, 2021/2022, and 2022/2023.

    3) In your local authority, confirm the total number of fines that were paid as a result of absence from mainstream school, broken down by school type - including primary, secondary, and special schools, for the academic years of 2018/2019, 2021/2022, and 2022/2023.

    Published: 4 April 2024

  10. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Children's Social care.

    Please can you provide information about the care leavers' setting up home allowance (sometimes known as the leaving care grant) in your local authority.

    Statutory guidance (Vol: 3 Planning Transitions to Adulthood for care leavers: requires local authorities to provide a setting up home allowance to enable care leavers to purchase essentials (such as furniture, white goods and carpets/curtains) when they move into their first home.

    DfE guidance previously recommended that local authorities should pay a minimum of £2,000. The independent review into children's social care recommended that the minimum amount should be increased. Government increased the minimum recommended amount to £3,000 from April 2023. (See

    We would like to understand your local authority's policy on the setting home allowance and would like answers to the following questions. I have attached an excel template to provide this information.

    1. On the 1st March 2024, what was the total amount you offered to care leavers for their setting up home allowance/leaving care grant? (£)

    2. If on the 1st March 2024 the allowance/grant was less than £3,000, are there plans to increase it to £3,000 in 2024?

    3. If a care leaver has already accessed some or all of their grant/allowance and the amount received was lower than £3000, will they be able to request the uplift / difference between £3000 and what they have already received?

    4. Appendix E of the Transitions to Adulthood guidance specifies that all local authorities should have a policy that sets out the level of the setting up home allowance, how it will be used and any conditions for its use reflecting local priorities.

    a. Do you have a written policy on the setting up home allowance/leaving care grant ? (please attach a copy)

    b. If yes, when was this policy last reviewed? (date: Month-Year)

    5. Does your local authority pay for any of the following items for care leavers in addition to the setting up home allowance/leaving care grant?

    a. Broadband costs

    b. Carpets

    c. Cooking equipment

    d. First grocery shop

    e. Furniture

    f. House content insurance

    g. Mobile phone costs

    h. Redecoration costs of home

    i. TV licence

    j. Utility bills

    k. White goods

    i. Other (please describe)

    In addition, please send us any written policies and public information that is available on the setting up home allowance for care leavers (e.g. local offer for care leavers).

    Published: 4 April 2024