Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I would like to request information on primary school meals in Herefordshire. I would like to know the provider(s), contract dates (start/end/extension), value and geographical scope of delivery

    Published: 15 March 2022

  2. Since 1 April 2018, it has been unlawful for a landlord to grant a lease of a non-compliant or substandard domestic property that has an EPC rating of F or G. As of 1 April 2020, this was extended so that landlords also cannot continue to let such domestic property.

    Q1. With regards to this new legislation, how many compliance notices have you issued?

    Q2. Have you issued a financial penalty for non-compliance?

    If the answer to the above question was yes, how much was the penalty charge?

    Q3. Have you received any funding to assist in enforcing this legislation?

    If the answer to the above question was yes, how much funding have you received?

    Q4. Have you published details of the breach on the Private Rented Scheme Exemptions Register?

    Published: 15 March 2022


    Please provide the information requested in the attached spreadsheet.

    For clarity, I am seeking the number of centres run by the Council (and funded by it) and also the number run by others, but funded by the Council.

    Published: 11 March 2022

  4. Can we please have a list of all the signs (all street signs, village signs, give way signs) listed on Herefordshire Council's asset register for Upton Bishop Parish.

    Published: 11 March 2022

  5. I would like to know what percentage of plastic waste your local authority has recycled in the past three years as follows: 2019, 2020, 2021.

    I would like it to be broken down as follows:

    Q1. The total amount of plastic waste collected for recycling by your authority, measured in tonnes.

    Q2. The total amount of collected plastic waste that was then processed in the UK.

    Q3. The total amount of collected plastic that was processed outside of the UK.

    Q4. The total amount of exported plastic waste broken down by destination country.

    Q5. Does the Council have a strategy to recycle plastic waste in the UK instead of exporting?

    Published: 11 March 2022

  6. I would like to know the number of staff recruited and employed to be Crossing Guards or School Crossing Patrol Officers (also known as Lollipop people) by your Local Authority. I would like the total number of sites school crossing patrol officers operated at. I would also like the approximate vacancy rate across each year. Finally, I would also like to know the total budget spent on school crossing support officers. I would like this information for each of the last 7 calendar years as follows: 2015, 2016,2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. I would like this data to be presented in an Excel or PDF spreadsheet with a new sheet for each year and a section on each point of information.

    Published: 10 March 2022

  7. a) Has your council heard of the scheme 'No Mow May' - (designed by the wild plant conservation charity Plantlife?)

    b) Has your council implemented this scheme? If so, how?

    c) Has the scheme been promoted? If so, how?

    d) If you haven't implemented the scheme - did you consider it and what were your reasons for not doing so?

    Published: 10 March 2022

  8. Please could you kindly send me any information you may hold relating to persons who are/were known to the Council via any of the following teams and who have died with: - no known next of kin (defined as blood relatives) OR - where you have been unable to engage with or locate any KNOWN next of kin.

    Please provide details of cases that have occurred or come to your attention since 1/12/21 to the day of your reply or as close as possible.

    The name of the team responsible varies but exists within all County Councils, London Boroughs, Unitary & Metropolitan District Councils. Team names:

    * Deputyship

    * Appointeeship

    * Adult social care

    * Client Finance Team

    * Protection of Property

    * Financial Assessment

    * Other team name whereby Council official(s) were charged with handling the financial affairs of the (now deceased) person

    Please provide as much of the following information as you can:

    1. full names of deceased persons

    2. dates of death

    3. marital status

    4. maiden surnames of married or widowed females

    5. dates of birth or ages at death

    6. last known addresses

    7. estimated value of estates

    8. date(s) when the information was passed (or information that is about to be or likely to be passed) to the Government Legal Department (formerly Treasury Solicitor) or the Duchy of Lancaster or Cornwall or any other 3rd party, or, confirmation that this will not be happening and the reason why.

    Published: 9 March 2022

  9. Can you provide the total cost of the council spend on children's social worker agency staff in each of the past five calendar years, and the names of the companies the payments were made to?

    Published: 9 March 2022

  10. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ('the Act') to request information from Herefordshire Council regarding the enforcement of general protections for the welfare of decapod crustaceans and cephalopod molluscs (cold-blooded invertebrates) during commercial transport and at the time of killing.

    In relation to each of the questions asked, please take any reference to 'WATEO' to include:

    * In England, The Welfare of Animals (Transport) (England) Order 2006 In relation to each of the questions asked, please take any reference to 'WATOK' to include:

    * In England, The Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing (England) Regulations 2015 Please respond to the following questions, providing separate figures for decapods and cephalopods.

    Q1. How many a) decapods and b) cephalopods have been transported per year in Herefordshire Council since 2006? Please provide separate figures for each year.

    Q2. How many times have allegations, relating to a) decapods and b) cephalopods, been reported to Herefordshire Council which could amount to an offence under Article 4 of WATEO since 2006? Please provide separate figures for each year.

    Q3. How many times have allegations, relating to a) decapods and b) cephalopods, been reported to Herefordshire Council which could amount to an offence under Schedule 4 of WATOK since 2015? Please provide separate figures for each year.

    Q4. How many of such allegations in relation to a) decapods and b) cephalopods which have been reported under WATEO, have resulted in a prosecution? Please provide separate figures for each year in which the prosecution was brought.

    Q5. How many of such allegations in relation to a) decapods and b) cephalopods which have been reported under WATOK, have resulted in a prosecution? Please provide separate figures for each year in which the prosecution was brought.

    Q6. Where the allegation has not resulted in a prosecution, please provide the reason why a prosecution was not commenced, the stage of the process when the decision not to prosecute was taken and which government department or prosecuting body took the decision? Please provide the said information for WATEO and WATOK separately.

    Q7. Where a prosecution did proceed what was the outcome? Please provide the information for WATEO and WATOK separately and indicate in which country the prosecution took place.

    Published: 8 March 2022