Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Q1. For the 2021/22 financial year so far, how many times were utility companies/other third party organisations fined for problems with roadworks (including over-running roadworks, work that had to be re-done because it wasn't good enough, or any other reasons): please supply this detail for the entire financial year so far, up to the date of February 15th, 2022

    Q2. For the 2021/22 financial year, please also give me the exact number of separate fines that were handed out

    Q3. Please also provide a list of each fine in pounds and pence; the location of the roadworks; and the name of the company/organisation that was penalised

    • Please also provide all the above data for the 2020/21 financial year, and list this separately

    • Please also provide all the above data for the 2019/20 financial year, and list this separately

    Published: 7 March 2022

  2. 1) How many domestic properties in your local authority are in council tax bands E, F, G and H? (a breakdown per band would be useful) 2) How many domestic properties in your local authority in council tax bands E, F, G and H have been purchased on the Shared Ownership scheme up until the date 3 February 2022? (a breakdown per band would be useful) 3) How many domestic properties in your local authority in council tax bands E, F, G and H were purchased on the Help To Buy scheme up until the date 3 February 2022? (a breakdown per band would be useful)

    Published: 7 March 2022

  3. Q1. How much has the council received in planning application fees in total for each of the last five calendar years (2017-2021).

    Q2. Of that amount, can you tell me what was spent as part of the council's planning department budget?

    Q3. Over the same period, can you tell me how many roles in the planning department have remained unfilled for each calendar year? Can you provide a breakdown by the type of role?

    Published: 7 March 2022

  4. The name and exact job title of the assistant director of children's services who left their post at Herefordshire Children's Services in 2018.

    Published: 4 March 2022

  5. As part of an upcoming project, we want to celebrate the diversity of high streets in the West Midlands and in order to do so effectively, we need information on each of the high streets in towns that fall under your governance. Specifically, I am looking for confirmation of what percentage of the said high street is made up of: * Cafes * Charity Shops * Independent shops * Retail (preferably if this information is available, broken down into what kind of retail, eg, bookshop, clothing, chemist, hardware, etc.)

    Published: 4 March 2022

  6. Can you please tell me who the authority contracts with for test kits within Sexual Health Services?

    Published: 3 March 2022

  7. Q1. How much money was the council awarded in total for the HSF?

    Q2. Between October 2021 (when the HSF began) up until February 2, how much of the funding has the council spent?

    Q3. How many households has the funding been distributed to?

    Q4. Is there any funding remaining?

    If yes;

    Q5. How much money is remaining?

    Q6. And, what is the deadline to apply for the remaining funds?

    If no;

    Q7. On what date did the funding run out?

    Published: 3 March 2022

  8. Please find attached an excel spreadsheet to input your answers. Questions regarding all dog breeding licences 1. Fees. a. Per year from 2017 - 2021, what was the fee charged for a first-time application for a dog breeding licence (including inspection fees)? b. Per year from 2017 - 2021, what was the fee charged for a renewal application for a dog breeding licence (including inspection fees)? 2. Number of approved applications for a dog breeding licence. a. Per year from 2017 - 2021, how many first-time applications for a dog breeding licence were approved? (Please provide details on the licence length or star rating for each approval) b. Per year from 2017 - 2021, how many renewal applications for a dog breeding licence were approved? (Please provide details on the licence length or star rating for each approval) 3. Per year from 2017 - 2021, how many of the licenced dog breeding establishments had quarantine or isolation facilities? 4. If your local authority grants multi-year licences that are not counted as renewals each year, per year from 2017 - 2021, how many additional establishments were active due to holding a continuing multi-year licence? 5. Number of applications refused for a dog breeding licence. a. Per year from 2017-2021, how many first-time applications for a dog breeding licence were refused (with reasons for refusal if known)? b. Per year from 2017-2021, how many renewal applications for a dog breeding licence were refused (with reasons for refusal if known)? 6. Per year from 2017 - 2021, how many care notices (Scotland) or improvement notices (England and Wales) were issued to dog breeding establishments (with reasons for issue if known)? More specific question regarding each dog breeding licensed establishment, per year, from 2017 - 2021: 7. The number, age and breed of all breeding bitches, in each dog breeding licensed establishment. 8. Breed(s) of male stud(s)/father(s), if different to mother's breed. I do not require any personal information regarding the dog breeding licensed establishments, such as address or company name. Instead, I am more than happy for each dog breeding licensed establishment to be randomly assigned a unique ID number. If you do not record this information, please state entry as 'Unknown' or 'NA'. If you record this information, and the answer is zero, please state '0'.

    Published: 3 March 2022

  9. Please may you provide me with data on: * Total number of fly tipping incidents in 2020/2021 and 2022 to date per area under your authority, if possible (per waste type, specifically involving electrical and electronic items) * Total cost of removal for fly-tipping incidents in 2020/2021 and 2022 (to date, if possible) Please provide the information in the form (attached).

    Published: 3 March 2022

  10. I understand that Herefordshire Council has served as a 'Gateway' for the DWP's Kickstart scheme. Regarding the council's role as a Gateway, I require the following information from 1st January 2021 to the date of receipt of this FOI (8 Feb). 1. How many and which businesses or companies have successfully applied to the Kickstart scheme through the council's Gateway? (please provide a full list) 2. How many Kickstart job placements have been created within each of these businesses? 3. How has Herefordshire Council vetted companies before approving them for the Kickstart scheme? (please provide detailed description of vetting procedures) 4. How has Herefordshire Council applied ongoing checks on the employability support provided to Kickstarters by the businesses it approves for the Kickstart scheme? 5. The DWP provides Gateways with £1860 per Kickstarter employed by one of the Gateway's constituent businesses. For each job placement secured by a Kickstarter, please provide a breakdown of how this money has been distributed to the businesses employing these Kickstarters. With regard to the £360 provided for admin costs, please provide information as to how this money has been used to meet these admin costs. 6. Amongst the businesses Herefordshire Council serves as a Gateway for, how many complaints have been made, or issues flagged to the council (e.g underpayment, poor experience in the workplace etc) by either Kickstarters or Kickstart employers? 7. What has been the nature of these issues in each instance, and how has the council acted to resolve these issues in its capacity as a Gateway? I would like to receive the information electronically, with documents in PDF formats and datasets in Excel.

    Published: 3 March 2022