Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. This is an information request relating to council funding of public artwork. Please include the information for each of the following periods; 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22: * A full breakdown of any public artwork commissioned and funded by the council, including details on location and all costs including the cost of installation, commissioning and any incidentals. Please also include where relevant the difference, if any, between the expected cost and actual cost. Where a piece of public artwork has not yet been completed, please include the expected cost and the cost so far * Images of the public artwork, or an artist's rendering if that's not possible By public artwork I mean any artwork within the council's remits which is publicly displayed and includes, but is not limited to, sculptures, mosaics, paintings, murals whether standalone or on bridges, walls or any other structures

    Published: 4 February 2022

  2. Between the dates of 1st January 2021 and 30th January 2022 how many safeguarding referrals* have been received from the following organisations "Department for Work & Pensions", "Centre for Health & Disability Assessments also known as Maximus", "ATOS also known as Independent Assessment Services" and "Capita"?

    *Adult Safeguarding Referrals only

    Published: 3 February 2022

  3. As of January 2022, please could you tell me: 1. How many allotment sites are there in your jurisdiction for which the Council has access to waiting list data? 2. What is the total number of plots on these sites? 3. What is the total number of people on waiting lists for these sites? 4. Are any of these waiting lists closed to further applications? 5. How many people left the council ran allotments in 2021?

    Published: 3 February 2022

  4. a) What is the number of speeding, red light safety and other traffic cameras operated by your local authority or any authorised contractor or sub-contractor operating in the authority? b) In total, how much did your local authority or any authorised contractor or sub-contractor receive in fines last year through speeding, red light safety and other traffic cameras?

    Published: 3 February 2022

  5. Q1. How many publicly-owned buildings and spaces were sold off in

    a) 2017-18

    b) 2018-19

    c) 2019-20

    d) 2020-21

    Please provide a figure against each year.

    Q2. Do you have a strategy or policy in place for community ownership?

    Q3. Please can you provide a link to said policy or strategy, if applicable?

    Published: 2 February 2022

  6. Q1. At waste / recycling tips within the council area, which waste and recycling is free to dispose of and for which waste / recycling are residents charged fees for?

    Q2. Of these chargeable services, what is the cost of disposing of each waste / recycling item?

    Q3. What is the average size of domestic recycling bins provided to residents by the council?

    Q4. What is the average size of domestic waste bins provided to residents by the council?

    Published: 31 January 2022

  7. Q1. How many cremations did your crematorium(s) perform in 2021?

    Q2. What is your current price for a standard funeral with a service held at Midday on a weekday including all relevant charges (environmental fee/medical referee fee/etc)?

    Q3. How many minutes long is this service allotted as standard?

    Q4. How many cremations opted not to hold a service (also known as direct cremations) at your crematoria in 2021?

    Q5. What is your current price for a direct cremation with no service including all relevant charges (environmental fee/medical referee fee/etc)?

    Q6. Do you charge any fees in addition to the standard cremation fee such as environmental fees, medical referee fees, improvement fund fees? If so, how much are these?

    Q7. Do you currently fine those who overrun their allotted service times? If so, how much are fines and what was the total sum of fines in 2021?

    Q8. Do you currently or are you considering running the local authority's own funeral service?

    Q9. What was the surplus/loss for crematorium and/or cemetery operations during the last fiscal year? Please break these down into separate figures for crematoria and cemeteries if available.

    Published: 31 January 2022

  8. 1) Can the Local Authority's Director of Public Health provide an estimate for the number of referrals made to alcohol treatment services in your local authority area for the following financial years? a) 2018/19 b) 2019/20 c) 2020/21

    2) Can the Local Authority's Director of Public Health provide the outturn data for budget spent on drug and alcohol treatment services in your local authority area for the following financial years? a) 2018/19 b) 2019/20 c) 2020/21

    3) Can the Local Authority's Director of Public Health provide me with an estimate for the amount your local authority area is forecast to spend on drug and alcohol treatment services in the following financial years? a) 2020/21 b) 2021/22

    4) Does the Local Authority have a strategy in place to support children of alcoholics?

    Published: 31 January 2022

  9. Could you please advise the following information?

    Q1. Who currently supplies your Local Offer and Family Information Services Websites and who is responsible internally for this?

    Q2. Who currently supplies your Adult Social Care Directory website and who is responsible for this?

    Q3. What platform or system do you use for Education services, including admissions?

    Q4. What system or platform do you currently use to facilitate the EHC assessment, planning and review process and who is the main contact for this area?

    Q4A. Do you currently offer "portal" functionality for families and or other professionals? Including the ability to view or submit information online

    Q5. What Case Management system do you use in Adults Services?

    Q6. What Case Management system do you use in Children's Services?

    Published: 28 January 2022

  10. Q1. Number of housing disrepair court orders issued to the council under the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 for each of the years 2019-2021;

    Q2. Number of breach orders issued to the council due these repairs not being carried out for each of the years 2019-2021;

    Q3. Details of how many of these breach orders were issued multiple times (i.e. how many were issued for a second, third and fourth time etc.) for each of the years 2019-2021.

    Published: 28 January 2022