Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Q1. How many honey samples has your Authority taken in the past few years If samples were taken, then

    Q2. How many were formal and how many were informal?

    Q3. Was this part of a programme or a one off?

    Q4. Did the results of analysis lead to further action, if so, briefly what (investigation, prosecution etc)

    Q5. If no samples were taken, then in the light of the current concerns about Honey Fraud, are you planning to undertake any sampling of Honey in the future?

    Q6. Is sampling planned in the future?

    Q7. Are there any baulks to sampling - financial, staffing, etc?

    Published: 28 January 2022

  2. Q1. How many properties do you currently have on Temporary Accommodation?

    Q2. Please can you advise us on the maximum that is paid per night for a Studio, 1 Bed, 2 Bed, 3 Bed & 4 Bed.

    Q3. Who are your largest 5 suppliers and how much do you pay them on average every month and provide the last 3 month they have invoiced you for?

    Q4. If we were to supply accommodation on this basis, please can you give us contact names and telephone numbers of the procurement team.

    Published: 27 January 2022

  3. Please could you provide the number of burials and cremations in 2021.

    Published: 27 January 2022

  4. Under the Freedom of Information Act, can you please provide the following information covering 2018. A list of Grade I and Grade II listed properties owned by the council, which have been sold in this time period. Please include: - Address of property - Name of buyer - How much they were sold for

    Published: 26 January 2022

  5. Q1. Does the Council use the power under s206(2) Housing Act 1996 to charge homeless people for temporary accommodation?

    Q2. Does the Council hold any policies or internal guidance documents relating to charges for temporary accommodation, including on what constitutes a 'reasonable' charge in relation to s206(2) Housing Act 1996. If so, what is the content of the policies of guidance?

    Q3. If the Council has charged homeless people for temporary accommodation, please provide information on the following for the past calendar year:

    · The number of people charged.

    · The total income received by the Council from any charges.

    Q4. How many people paid such charges directly to the Council, rather than via charges taken directly from Universal Credit or other social security entitlements.

    Q5. What, if any, is the total outstanding debt owed to the Council for temporary accommodation charges currently owed?

    Published: 26 January 2022

  6. I wanted to ask the below:

    1. Whether the Council has bid for the "Levelling Up Fund"?

    2. If the Council has, please provide all bid documents submitted to the Government.

    3. If the Council has, please provide all correspondence between the Council and the local Member of Parliament about the bid.

    Published: 26 January 2022

  7. 1. The total number of council workers who went on strike, for whatever length of time, for the financial year 2020-2021.

    2. The total number of hours lost to workers on strike for the financial year 2020-2021.

    Published: 26 January 2022

  8. Under the Freedom of Information Act, can you please provide the following information covering 2021. A list of Grade I and Grade II listed properties owned by the council, which have been sold in this time period. Please include: - Address of property - Name of buyer - How much they were sold for I would like the above information to be provided to me in an Excel file, that would be super useful.

    Published: 26 January 2022

  9. 1. A list of the Local Authority's framework providers for children services 2. The name of the lead commissioner for children services at the Local Authority 3. Please provide the commissioners contact information

    Published: 26 January 2022

  10. 1. The total number of council workers who went on strike, for whatever length of time, for the year 2020-2021.

    2. The total number of council workers who went on strike, for whatever length of time, in the last 12 months.

    Published: 26 January 2022