Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I would like to be provided with the following information regarding third-party sexual harassment.

    The definition of third-party sexual harassment is when a staff member is harassed by a member of the public. In this instance, it would mean a social worker experiencing sexual harassment from an individual they are supporting. The harassment can constitute inappropriate language, inappropriate touching, unwanted sexual advances, and sharing or sending of lewd images on social media.

    Please note that there are three parts to this request:

    Q1. Can you confirm how many reports of third-party sexual harassment your local authority has received from social workers directly employed by your local authority between 31 October 2013 and 31 October 2021.

    Q2. Does your local authority have a policy to manage third-party sexual harassment?

    Q3. If your local authority has a policy on third-party sexual harassment, what were the outcomes of any complaints made to you by staff members?

    Q4. If it does not push the request over the cost limit please provide a summary of the allegation (such as inappropriate touching, inappropriate messages or rape) and the outcome, including what disciplinary action, if any, was taken.

    Q5. Additionally, if it does not push the request over the cost limit, please provide the race and gender of both the person making the allegation and who the allegation was against.

    Published: 20 January 2022

  2. Your Annual Monitoring Report 2018, section 4, last bullet point states: "Consulting with HMRC to monitor the number of claims under Self-build and custom build are on the VAT exemption scheme." Please would you send this information also

    3a, Number granted permissions? List of application numbers. Number of claims under Self-build and custom build are on the VAT exemption scheme?

    3b, Number granted permissions List of application numbers. Number of claims under Self-build and custom build are on the VAT exemption scheme?

    3c, Number granted permissions List of application numbers. Number of claims under Self-build and custom build are on the VAT exemption scheme?

    3d, Number granted permissions List of application numbers. Number of claims under Self-build and custom build are on the VAT exemption scheme?

    3e Number granted permissions List of application numbers. Number of claims under Self-build and custom build are on the VAT exemption scheme?

    3f Number granted permissions List of application numbers. Number of claims under Self-build and custom build are on the VAT exemption scheme?

    Published: 19 January 2022

  3. Q1. Is the Council, or has the Council ever been, signed up to the Rough Sleeping Support Service?

    Q2. Since January 1st 2018, how many non-British homeless people have been referred by the Council to the Home Office, under the Rough Sleeping Support Service?

    Published: 18 January 2022

  4. Q1. The name of the company that provides the online Herefordshire SEND Local Offer website as hosted at the following website address:

    Q2. The total contract value for the company that provide the online SEND Local Offer website.

    Q3. The current contract start date and the date the current contract expires.

    Published: 18 January 2022

  5. EHCP appeals and tribunals

    Please can all of the following questions be broken down by academic year from 2014/15 to today.

    Q1. Of those appeals submitted against education, health and care plans, please can I have a breakdown of how many were pupil premium (PP) eligible vs non pupil premium eligible.

    Q2. Of those appeals submitted against education, health and care plans that continued to a tribunal, please can I have a breakdown of how many were pupil premium eligible vs non pupil premium eligible re the children involved. Please can this be broken down by academic year from 2014/15 to today.

    Q3. Of the tribunal hearings that were in the parents' / appellant's favour, how many were PP vs non-PP of the children involved?

    Q4. Of the tribunal hearings that were in the council's favour, how many were PP vs non PP re the children involved?

    Q5. Of any other outcomes (please state the outcome) how many were PP vs non PP?

    Published: 18 January 2022

  6. I would like to have information about the funding Herefordshire Council has given to Hereford Malayali Association (HEMA).

    Q1. What is the total amount of funding given in the last 5 years?

    Q2. What was the purpose of funding?

    Q3. What was the source of funding (council tax or any other grants)?

    Published: 17 January 2022

  7. I would like to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding adult care in later life within your local authority. Below there are four questions we would be interested in finding out the relevant information for:

    Q1. In 2020, how many people contacted you for information on how to pay for care?

    Q2. In 2020, how many people's long term care did you - as the local council - pay for either in:

    · In full

    · Partially

    · Self-funding

    Q3. When conducting a care 'needs' assessment to determine whether a person is eligible for support from the Local Authority, what proportion of successful applicants in 2020 fitted into each of the following criteria?

    · Have needs relating to a mental impairment or illness? - xx%

    · Have needs relating to a physical impairment or illness? - xx%

    · Are unable to achieve two or more of the everyday tasks (or 'eligibility outcomes') - XX%

    · There is a significant impact on their wellbeing because they are not getting the help they need - XX%

    Q4. When a person approaches you for support, which of the following questions do you ask before their needs are assessed?

    · Are you a homeowner?

    · Do you have more than £23,250 in capital?

    · What is your typical monthly retirement income? [retired]

    · What is your typical monthly income [unemployed/employed]

    · Do you live with a family member?

    · We do not ask any of these questions

    Published: 14 January 2022

  8. 1) Between 1st January 2021 and 31st December 2021, how many referrals were made to your Children's Services Department?

    1a) Can you please determine how many of these referrals were made by an individual, a school or nursery, a police officer, GP, NHS Trust or other?

    2) Between 1st January 2021 and 31st December 2021, how many cases was your Children's Services Department dealing with?

    3) Can you please also provide the same data requested in questions 1, 1a and 2 for the following time periods: Between 1st January 2017 and 31st December 2017 Between 1st January 2018 and 31st December 2018 Between 1st January 2019 and 31st December 2019 Between 1st January 2020 and 31st December 2020

    Please provide the information in an excel format.

    Published: 14 January 2022

  9. Q1. What is the expected budget to spend 2022/2023 on sexual health services?

    Q2. What was the budget for this year's sexual health services - 2021/2022?

    Q3. How much did you spend on sexual health services in 2020/2021, 2019/2020 and 2018/2019? Please give your answer in tabular form.

    Published: 13 January 2022

  10. Q1. Do you have a formal IT security strategy? (Please provide a link to the strategy)

    A) Yes

    B) No

    Q2. Does this strategy specifically address the monitoring of network attached device configurations to identify any malicious or non-malicious change to the device configuration?

    A) Yes

    B) No

    C) Don't know

    Q3. If yes to Question 2, how do you manage this identification process - is it:

    A) Totally automated - all configuration changes are identified and flagged without manual intervention.

    B) Semi-automated - it's a mixture of manual processes and tools that help track and identify configuration changes.

    C) Mainly manual - most elements of the identification of configuration changes are manual.

    Q4. Have you ever encountered a situation where user services have been disrupted due to an accidental/non malicious change that had been made to a device configuration?

    A) Yes

    B) No

    C) Don't know

    Q5. If a piece of malware was maliciously uploaded to a device on your network, how quickly do you think it would be identified and isolated?

    A) Immediately

    B) Within days

    C) Within weeks

    D) Not sure

    Q6. How many devices do you have attached to your network that require monitoring?

    A) Physical Servers: record number

    B) PC's & Notebooks: record number

    Q7. Have you ever discovered devices attached to the network that you weren't previously aware of?

    A) Yes

    B) No

    If yes, how do you manage this identification process - is it:

    A) Totally automated - all device configuration changes are identified and flagged without manual intervention.

    B) Semi-automated - it's a mixture of manual processes and tools that help track and identify unplanned device configuration changes.

    C) Mainly manual - most elements of the identification of unexpected device configuration changes are manual.

    Q8. How many physical devices (IP's) do you have attached to your network that require monitoring for configuration vulnerabilities?

    Record Number:

    Q9. Have you suffered any external security attacks that have used malware on a network attached device to help breach your security measures?

    A) Never

    B) Not in the last 1-12 months

    C) Not in the last 12-36 months

    Q10. Have you ever experienced service disruption to users due to an accidental, non-malicious change being made to device configurations?

    A) Never

    B) Not in the last 1-12 months

    C) Not in the last 12-36 months

    Q11. When a scheduled audit takes place for the likes of PSN or Cyber Essentials, how likely are you to get significant numbers of audit fails relating to the status of the IT infrastructure?

    A) Never

    B) Occasionally

    C) Frequently

    D) Always

    Published: 13 January 2022