Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to find out from the local authority how many homes it has allocated as part of its local plan to be built in medium and high-risk flood-zones?

    The information relates to the council's latest local plan. However, if the council's local plan is out of date then please supply the number of homes that are currently allocated in its draft, examination or final adoption form clarifying this detail.

    A high-risk flood zone is designated by the Environment Agency (EA) as a flood zone 3 whilst a medium flood-risk zone is designated as a flood zone 2.

    However, the local planning authority should provide this information based on its own designation of flood zone 3a or 3b.

    I would prefer to receive this information electronically, preferably as a data set in Excel and not as a PDF, to include the following information:

    • The name of the local plan e.g. Wirral's Local Plan 2020 to 2035

    • The number of homes allocated for flood zone 2 area e.g. 5,500 homes in a flood risk 2 area.

    • The number of homes allocated to be built in a flood zone 3a and 3b e.g. 3,000 homes in flood risk zone 3a and 500 homes in zone 3b

    • Details of any planned infrastructure flood defences that accompany the local plan e.g. a new hard wall to be installed along the river X, reducing X many homes from a high risk to medium risk.

    Published: 13 January 2022

  2. Q1. Has this council ever used Abacus - Social Care Finance & Case Management System? If yes, please answer the following questions:

    Q2. Is this product still operational? If so, do you have plans to decommission it in the next 3 years?

    Q3. If this product has been decommissioned / is no longer operational, are you still storing legacy data from it? If so, where & how?

    Q4. Has this council ever used CACI's YOIS case management system? If yes, please answer the following questions:

    Q5. Is this product still operational? If so, do you have plans to decommission it in the next 3 years?

    Q6. If this product has been decommissioned / is no longer operational, are you still storing legacy data from it? If so, where & how?

    Q7. Has this council ever used Softbox - Child Care Payments software If yes, please answer the following questions:

    Q8. Is this product still operational? If so, do you have plans to decommission it in the next 3 years?

    Q9. If this product has been decommissioned / is no longer operational, are you still storing legacy data from it? If so, where & how?

    Q10. Who is responsible for the management / maintenance of all social care legacy data within your organisation? A job-title will be sufficient.

    Published: 11 January 2022

  3. 1. Bins - When general waste bins, recycling bins and free garden waste bins are not collected from the homes of council tax paying residents, and the Council is to blame for these missed collections, does the Council give any compensation to council tax paying residents by way of a partial refund of council tax? 2. If the answer to the above question is 'Yes' how much is this? 3. AmenityTips - If the Council's amenity tips were closed for any time during the Covid pandemic, did the Council give any compensation to council tax paying residents by way of a partial refund of council tax? 4. If the answer to the above question is 'Yes', how much was this? 5. Unadopted Roads - The Council neither provides the infrastructure of unadopted roads including: road surfaces; pavements; kerbs; grass verges; trees; street lighting; signage and neither does the Council provide maintenance of these items. Does the Council give any compensation to council tax paying residents who live on unadopted roads by way of a partial refund of council tax? 6. If the answer to the above question is 'Yes', how much is this?

    Published: 11 January 2022

  4. 1. Which single street in your council area has produced the highest income from parking enforcement (income from just fines) in the 2020/2021 financial year? Please provide details of the number of tickets issued and the income to the council of motorists paying parking enforcement fines in this single street in the 2020/21 financial year.

    Published: 10 January 2022

  5. 1. Please indicate whether your local authority has formally adopted the socio-economic duty (Section 1 of the Equality Act 2010). For this purpose, 'adoption' of the socio-economic duty, means that the authority must have either passed a motion at full council that adopts the duty, approved adoption via delegated decision or have agreed it via the council's executive or cabinet. Please provide any relevant documentation to support your response.

    2. Does your local authority consider socio-economic status within all its Equality Impact Assessments and equality frameworks? Please provide any relevant documentation to support your response.

    3. Has your local authority made a commitment to considering socio-economic status more broadly in strategic decision-making and policy development? Please provide any relevant documentation to support your response.

    4. If your local authority has formally adopted the socio-economic duty (as described in question 1), please describe how the council has implemented the duty, or provide details relating to any future plans it has for implementation.

    5. If your local authority has not formally adopted the socio-economic duty (as described in question 1), are there future plans to adopt it? If so, please indicate the timeline that this will happen within.

    Published: 5 January 2022

  6. This is an information request relating to payments made to the Association of Directors of Public Health. Please provide the following information:

    The total value of money given to Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH) for 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21.

    This includes:

    - annual subscription costs

    - grants

    - loans

    - ADPH London programme costs

    Please provide the information for each of the three financial years separately, and list all monies separately.

    Published: 5 January 2022

  7. I would be grateful if you could provide data for the following points regarding the ASB (Anti-Social Behaviour) Case Review, also known as the 'Community Trigger': 1. The number of applications for ASB Case Reviews received 2. The number of times the threshold for review was not met 3. The number of ASB Case Reviews carried out 4. The number of ASB Case Reviews that resulted in recommendations being made or actions carried out 5. Where the data relating to points 1-4 (above) is published (on the council website, for example)? I would like the information to cover each year during the period 2015 to 2021 (or latest full year figures) inclusive.

    Published: 4 January 2022

  8. Please may you provide me with the following on Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs).

    Q1. How many FPNs did you issue for littering in 2021?

    Q2. How many FPNs for littering in 2021 were paid?

    Q3. How many FPNs issued for littering in 2021 were prosecuted for failing to pay the FPN?

    Q4. What is the full price of a Littering (FPN)?

    Q5. Do you have a discounted price for a littering FPN and if yes, how long is the discounted period? e.g. The FPN will be discounted to £50 if paid within 10 days.

    Published: 30 December 2021

  9. As per the FOI Act, how many parking fines has your authority issued each finance year over the following five full years. Please provide a figure in the format below:


    2017-18 - AS ABOVE

    2018-19 - AS ABOVE

    2019-20 - AS ABOVE

    2020-21 - AS ABOVE

    Published: 23 December 2021

  10. Please provide the requested information in the Excel spreadsheet provided.

    Q1. The total number of households in temporary accommodation (whether placed in council or non-council housing, whether inside or outside the local authority area) as of March (or April) 2020

    Q2. The total number of households in temporary accommodation (whether placed in council or non-council housing, whether inside or outside the local authority area) as of March (or April) 2021 Questions 1 and 2 are aimed at those councils whose TA figures were not published in the corresponding quarterly statistics published by what was MHCLG - most councils can simply refer me to those MHCLG publications.

    Q3. The total number of households currently in temporary accommodation (whether placed in council or non-council housing, whether inside or outside the local authority area)

    Q4. The number of households that were newly placed in temporary accommodation each month since January 2021 (i.e. their tenancy/placement began that month). Preferably this figure should exclude households transferred between different temporary accommodation placements

    Q5. How many households in temporary accommodation currently pay their rent either to the council or via the council?

    Q6. Of the households in question 5, how many are currently in arrears on their rent by at least four weeks/one month (or any similar timeframe used by the council in its records, e.g. six weeks)?

    Q7. Please state how many applications for homelessness support since 1st April 2021 have been rejected due to the applicant being ineligible for public funds under No Recourse to Public Funds rules - this is an overall figure, not a monthly one. If a figure for NRPF is unavailable, please provide a figure for applications rejected due to the applicant being ineligible under s185 of the Housing Act 1996

    Q8. Were the applicants referred to in question 7 given accommodation regardless of their housing legislation eligibility (e.g. via Everyone In or a successor scheme)? Please provide any information held on how many of the applicants covered in question 7 were given accommodation in this way.

    Published: 22 December 2021