Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,821 disclosures

  1. Please provide the following details:

    * Email addresses for Childrens placements team

    * Email addresses for Adults placements team

    * Contact details (email addresses or phone numbers) of decision makers involved in the selection and approval process for the use of free software specifically created for social care placements teams, which enables placements teams to find appropriate placements instantly.

    Published: 28 March 2024

  2. The following questions relate to the council's transport services and should be treated as a Freedom of Information request.

    1 Does the council currently operate any transport routes for which the destination falls outside of the council area in either of the following categories (YES/NO)

    a) SEN Transport

    b) Home to School

    c) Taxi Services

    d) Transport for Adult Care

    2 If yes - can the council state - for each category, how many individual journeys have been made to out-of-council destinations in this financial year to date (23-24).

    Please also supply the number of individual journeys broken down by the previous two financial years (22-23 and 21-22)

    a) SEN Transport

    b) Home to School

    c) Taxi Services

    d) Transport for Adult Care

    3. In each of the following categories, can the council provide the longest individual journey carried out this current financial year (23-24).

    Please also supply that figure going back the two previous financial years (22-23 and 21-22).

    a) SEN Transport

    b) Home to School

    c) Taxi Services

    d) Transport for Adult Care

    Published: 27 March 2024

  3. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the number of nuisance smell complaints received by the council for the following periods:

    1st Jan 2024-29th February 2024

    1st Jan 2023-31st December 2023

    1st Jan 2022- 31st December 2022

    1st Jan 2021- 31st December 2021

    To be clear, I am referring to complaints made about nuisance smells that could be a 'statutory nuisance' (covered by the Environmental Protection Act 1990) as defined in this guidance from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs:

    If possible, please could you break down the number of odour complaints, by type.

    Published: 27 March 2024

  4. I would like to know:

    1. How many DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) people are council employed/subcontracted or used on whatever basis?

    2. The complete cost on a yearly basis.

    3. How many years the council had paid out for and on DEI?

    4. The salary of a DEI 2022-2023.

    For clarification, I would like the information for all of those who have DEI responsibilities and the costs associated with training each DEI. If outsourced the company name, if trained in house how many hours per person.

    Published: 27 March 2024

  5. I am writing to make a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.

    Please can you provide a comprehensive list of educational assets (that is: land and school buildings) transferred from your local authority to the Church of England (also "Diocese") between 2010 and 31 December 2023.

    I would be grateful if you could also provide the following information:

    · the name and type (community, voluntary aided, voluntary controlled, etc) of the school of which the property was owned by prior to transfer

    Clarification: I mean "owned". So the name and type (community, VA, VC, etc) of the school and its assets prior to any transfer to the CofE (ie. John Smith Primary School was a community school prior to its merger with and subsequent asset transfer to St John Smith CofE Voluntary Aided School).

    · whether the transfer of assets came about as part of a school merger

    · if yes to the above, the name and type (community, voluntary aided, voluntary controlled, free school, academy, etc) of school following the merger.

    I would be grateful if you could provide the information in electronic form - preferably as a spreadsheet.

    Published: 26 March 2024

  6. In 2023, what was the average number of days homeless households in Band A spent on the housing register before they were housed, broken down into the different household sizes (1 bed, 2 bed etc.), both for those who needed accessible / adapted properties and those who did not?

    Published: 26 March 2024

  7. Do you have a list of sites that are currently constructed/under construction but are yet to have the section 38 and section 278 adopted by your highways team?

    Published: 26 March 2024

  8. 1) How many individuals with Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder are employed in council or statutory services?

    2) How many of these individuals have been referred to occupational health, the NHS, or mental health services?

    3) How many of these individuals are on fixed-term or zero-hour contracts?

    4) How many of these individuals have been identified as experiencing 'low mood', 'anxiety', 'overwhelmed', 'stressed', or 'burnout'?

    5) How many individuals with autism are employed in positions at grade 5 or above?

    6) How many of these individuals are participating in supported employment or Project DEN schemes?

    Published: 26 March 2024

  9. Please supply the following information:

    1/ How many undetermined or pending Definitive Map Modification Order applications are there on your highway authority's register?

    2/ How many Definitive Map Modification order applications did your highway authority receive in: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. Please supply each year's figure separately, as calendar years if possible. If calendar years are not available but financial years are, please supply those instead. If the full five years of data are not available then please supply the most recent data available?

    3/ How many Definitive Map Modification order applications did your highway authority determine in: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. Please supply each year's figure separately, as calendar years if possible. If calendar years are not available but financial years are, please supply those instead. If the full five years of data are not available then please supply the most recent data available?

    4/ On what date was your oldest undetermined Definitive Map Modification Order application submitted to your highway authority?

    5/ What is the current number of FTE posts working to process Definitive Map Modification Order applications?

    6/ What was the number of FTE posts working to process Definitive Map Modification Order applications in 2019?

    7/ How many requests have you had to view the Definitive Map in person, in each of the years, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023. Please detail the figures for each year separately.

    Published: 26 March 2024

  10. I am making this request under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Information obtained from the request will feed into research on outdoor-based therapeutic support on offer through English Local Authorities, to vulnerable children and families in their care.

    Please could you provide me with data for the following financial years on the table attached to this email:

    ● 1st April 2021- 31st March 2022*

    ● 1st April 2022 - 31st March 2023*

    *Please state if the information you provide uses a different financial year reporting period.

    This request only concerns services for children, young people, parents or families (CYPP&F) relating to 'Children's Social Care' interventions. Please do not supply data from services that are offered as part of education provisions (Mainstream schooling, Alternative Education Provisions, Special Schools etc..). Where a 'Child We Care For' (CWCF)/ 'Looked After Child' (LAC) is placed in a residential care setting with incorporated education, this should be counted and included in your return.

    The population that this request is interested in:

    The information that I am requesting directly relates to the vulnerable children, young people, parents and families you support. These children, young people, parents or families are likely to be supported where you have a duty under (primarily, but not limited to) the Children's Act 1989 or The Adoption Support Services Regulations 2005, where you must provide appropriate services for the purpose of safeguarding and promoting their welfare. Examples of services in your organisation where this may happen could be Children's Social Care, Youth Justice, Early Intervention, Children We Care For Teams/ Looked After Child Teams, post adoption support, etc.

    The request has four areas of interest:

    1.a) Outdoor Therapeutic Services not part of a residential care setting, delivered internally.

    1.b) Outdoor Therapeutic Services not part of a residential care setting, that you have commissioned.

    2.a) Outdoor Therapeutic Services that are part of a residential care setting, delivered internally.

    2.b) Outdoor Therapeutic Services that are part of a residential care setting, that you have commissioned.

    Published: 25 March 2024