Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,930 disclosures

  1. Q1. How many reports of idle vehicles (when a vehicle is parked but the engine is running) the council has received since 1 January 2019 to present. Please break down the figures into years. (I.e number in 2019, number in 2020 and up to now in 2021)

    Q2. Please include how many fines were issued for each year.

    Q3. Please include the highest and lowest fine for each year.

    Published: 13 December 2021

  2. Information regarding road repairs on the B4224 and B4221 in Upton Bishop between 1st March 2021 and 15th November 2021. Specifically, I am looking for information that contains grid references pertaining to each defect repaired. I believe there are two databases operating within Balfour Beatty, only one of these contains the location data I am looking for. Specifically, I would like to know the date of repair, the defect type and the OS grid reference.

    Published: 9 December 2021

  3. The Local Authority is requested to provide a list of motor vehicles operated by the council (owned or leased) currently licensed with the Driver & Vehicle Licensing Authority ("the DVLA").

    Please include the following details.

    1. Fleet number allocated (if any);

    2. Chassis Make and Model;

    3. Type of Body fitted;

    4. Date new or date of acquisition.

    5. Name and email address of the individual responsible for fleet management.

    Published: 9 December 2021

  4. Does the Council use any private company to:

    1. Trace owners of private residential empty property? If so, which Company/ies does the Council use?

    2. Recover Council Tax or other debts from Empty private residential property? If so, which Company/ies does the Council use?

    3. Check lists of presumed empty private residential property for any reason whatsoever? If so, which Company/ies does the Council use?

    Published: 9 December 2021

  5. Please may you provide me with: - Policy(s) relating to absence from work for an employee participating in Medical Research for healthy Volunteers or Patients that are receiving treatment as part of a Clinical Trial. Clinical trials are research studies performed in people that are aimed at evaluating a medical, surgical, or behavioural intervention. They are the primary way that researchers find out if a new treatment, like a new drug or diet or medical device (for example, a pacemaker) is safe and effective in people. Often a clinical trial is used to learn if a new treatment is more effective and/or has less harmful side effects than the standard treatment.

    Is a policy(s) relating to Clinical Trial Appointments available within your organisation? ☐ Yes - (I would like this information to be provided to me as [paper or electronic copies, or alternatively provision of appropriate web-links - if this information is already available to the public..] ☐ No

    Published: 7 December 2021

  6. Please find below a Freedom of Information Request for information regarding Herefordshire Council spend of Floral Displays and Floral Units whether that be contracted or purchased:

    Q1. Do the council use a contractor for their floral displays?

    Q2. If yes, who do the council use as the contractor?

    Q3. If yes, is this a supply only contract or does the contract include installation, removal and maintenance?

    Q4. If yes, when is the current contract in place until?

    Q5. If yes, what is the councils annual spend with the contractor for the floral displays?

    Q6. Do the council own their floral units eg. Hanging Baskets, Barrier Baskets, Pole Baskets, Floor Planters and Flower Towers?

    Q7. If yes, how many Hanging Baskets/Floor Planters/Barrier Baskets/Floral Towers/Pole Baskets are owned by the council?

    Q8. If yes, what is the councils spend on Hanging Baskets/Floor Planters/Barrier Baskets/Floral Towers/Pole Baskets purchases over the last 5 years?

    Q9. If yes, when was the last purchase of Floral Units?

    Q10. If yes, who has supplied the Floral Units over the last 5 years?

    Q11. Do the council currently use Floral Units that are Self-Watering?

    Q12. Do the council plan to put out a tender for Floral Display/Floral Units in the next 12 months?

    Published: 7 December 2021

  7. 1. Does the council have any policies or ones in development to support community led housing? If so, what are they and where do they appear?

    2. Since January 2010, how many grants and/or loans has the council given to community led housing groups or organisations?

    3. Since January 2010, how many land disposals or leases has the council made to community led housing groups or organisations?

    4. Do you have dedicated staff to support community led housing? If so, what are their job titles?

    Published: 7 December 2021

  8. Please confirm if it is the intention of the authority to commission, or recommission, either in isolation or combination any "lifestyle improvement services" in 2022. For the purposes of this FOI request, lifestyle improvement services include:

    · Adult Weight Management

    · Child Weight Management

    · Family Weight Management

    · Smoking Cessation

    · Drug and Alcohol Support

    · NHS Health Checks

    · Physical Activity

    · Digital or Remote Lifestyle Support

    Published: 3 December 2021

  9. Q1. How many traffic wardens were operational in your borough between January 1st 2020 and July 31st 2020?

    Q2. What was their combined payroll cost?

    Q3. How many parking tickets were issued in that time period?

    Q4. How much was collected in fines in that time period?

    Published: 1 December 2021

  10. Q1. Do you have a joint S117 policy in place? If yes, can we have a copy?

    Q2. Does this have a funding tool attached? And if yes, can we have a copy?

    Q3. Do you have a LA specific policy? If yes can we have a copy?

    Q4. Are you planning to review your current policy?

    Published: 1 December 2021