Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,930 disclosures

  1. Council House repairs:

    1) How many properties are owned (tenanted and leasehold) by your local authority (please provide the date 'at' for this figure)?

    2) How much did your local authority spend on responsive repairs and maintenance including on the blocks and estates they're situated on) in 2020/21?

    3) Please supply me with a summary of the first TEN complaints received in 2020/21 regarding maintenance issues in council owned properties (tenanted and leasehold). A non-exhaustive list of the types of maintenance issues I'm looking for is given at the end of this email. However, any complaint related to disrepair of private and communal spaces is of interest.

    Please include in each of the ten complaint summaries:

    a) The address of the property (street name, part of the city)

    b) The exact wording of the complaint received by the occupant and/or a brief summary - e.g., 'major flooding in kitchen has inundated all rooms on the ground floor'

    Non-exhaustive list of maintenance-related issues to illustrate what I'm looking for: Major Flooding, Fire hazards, Mould, Total loss of, or major fault with, electricity supply, Unsafe electricity fittings, Gas leak, Blocked mains drains, soil pipe or sole WC, Heating and/or hot water loss, Failure of lift, Failure of warden alarm/call system, Roof leaks resulting in serious internal flooding, Plumbing leaks that cannot be contained, External doors or windows not closing or locking, Breaches of security to external doors or windows, Failure of fire alarm system, Sole or only accessible WC not flushing, Damaged communal floor covering presenting immediate trip hazard, Failure of door entry system, Failure of physically handicapped assistance equipment, Total loss of water, Minor plumbing leaks or defects, Blocked drains, sinks, basins, bath, toilet, Defective cistern or overflow, Minor electrical faults, Roof leaks, graffiti, Failure of entry phone, Faulty extractor fan, Faulty communal TV aerial, Damage to stair treads, hand rails or banister, General joinery repairs, Broken doors, floors and windows, Repairs to fences bordering road/footpath, Repairs / cleaning of gutters and down pipes, Repairs to kitchen fittings Repairs to plaster work, Dripping / leaking taps or shower units, Other minor plumbing repairs, repairs to tiling, Easing doors and windows, Defective flooring

    Published: 1 December 2021

  2. Q1. Do you have your own road marking division in-house to undertake road marking services on your highway network?

    Q2. If yes, are your operatives trained to industry standards in-line with the requirements within the National Highways Sector Scheme No. 7?

    Q3. If you do not have your own road marking capabilities, do you mandate that road marking contractors working on your network are members of the Road Safety Markings Association?

    Q4. If you do not have your own road marking capabilities, do you mandate that road marking contractors working on your network are accredited to the National Highways Sector Scheme No. 7?

    Q5. Re question 4: If not, why not?

    Q6. If highways maintenance on your network is outsourced to a single provider, please provide the company's name?

    Q7. If this highways maintenance contractor subcontracts road marking provision from a specialist road marking contractor, do you mandate that any road marking contractors they contract with are accredited to National Highways Sector Scheme No. 7?

    Q8. Please provide the name of the road marking contractor(s) employed either directly by your authority or through your highways maintenance contractor.

    Published: 30 November 2021

  3. Could you please tell me the cost of the recent repair to Laystone Bridge, Marden, also, as it has been hit in the same place again when are you going to repair it?

    Published: 29 November 2021

  4. Please provide an answer to the following questions regarding the LGPS fund you administer.

    (i) Is the fund invested directly or indirectly, through owning shares or through pools, trackers, investment in funds or through being part of a CIV, in one of the 112 business entities included in the United Nations Human Rights Council report into business activity in Israel's settlements, (A/HRC/43/71)?

    (ii) If yes, please provide the market value of the investment, and how the investment is made.

    (iii) Is the fund invested directly or indirectly, through owning shares or through pools, trackers, investment in funds or through being part of a CIV, in Elbit Systems?

    Further, please provide in digital format the following documents:

    (i) A list of companies in which the fund directly holds shares, and the market value of each.

    (ii) A list of the various funds, trackers, pools and CIVs in which the pension fund invests - both the name of each fund, and the manager who deals with it on the funds' behalf?

    (iii) A list of companies invested in by the funds, trackers, pools and CIVs you hold funds in, providing the market value of each indirect investment. Understanding that shares held indirectly fluctuate frequently, simply the latest information you already have on this will be fine.

    (iv) total value of the funds investment portfolio

    Published: 29 November 2021

  5. BGH0CK I would like to request street work notice / opening notice for OUTSIDE WYKEN ROMAN ROAD HEREFORD HR4 9QP, going back as far back as possible.

    Published: 29 November 2021

  6. Q1. Is the council a Lead Local Flood Authority? If so, please provide the number of people employed by the council in flood risk-related roles for each year from 2010 to the present date, or most recently available.

    Q2. Has the council developed or is it currently developing a Flood Risk Management Strategy for 2021 onwards? If so, please provide any estimate the council has made of how much it would cost to implement the measures proposed in the latest version of this document.

    Q3. Has the council ever applied for Flood Defence Grant in Aid to fund or partly fund flood risk management schemes? If so, please provide the total amount of grant applied for and the total amount awarded. Please provide these figures annually from 2015 to the present day.

    Published: 26 November 2021

  7. Q1. I would like to know how many fines have been issued to persons who failed to clear up their dog's mess deposits (dog poo) in the last 5 years. Feel free to breakdown figures for each financial year starting with 2016 and up to date for this financial year.

    Q2. Also, please kindly confirm how many FTE Dog Wardens the council employees.

    Published: 26 November 2021

  8. Please complete the attached spreadsheet, which contains the below questions.

    Q1. Provide the number of teaching assistant apprentices advertised for/employed across local authority schools in 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21

    Q2. Provide the rate of pay per hour for teaching assistant apprentices in 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 Please provide this information broken down by school. If this is not possible, provide overall numbers for TA apprentices in LA schools and their rate of pay.

    Published: 26 November 2021

  9. Under the Freedom of Information Act, please could you provide me with information about the number of contracts (contracted services with providers) between social care providers and the council that have been withdrawn from or handed back by the provider in each of the calendar years 2019, 2020, and 2021 to date.

    Please provide a breakdown for each year (or part year) for the number of handed back contracts involving residential care homes (including specialist care homes and nursing homes) and the number involving care at home (in a client's own home), as well as a breakdown by numbers for younger adults (under 65) and older adults (65 and over).

    If providers have given reasons for handing back contracts, please provide a breakdown of the reasons cited for each year.

    If possible, please provide information about the number of people whose care is covered by the contracts that have been handed back by the provider in 2019, 2020, and 2021 to date. Please provide a breakdown for each year between care homes and at home care and between older and younger adults.

    Published: 24 November 2021

  10. I would like to please request the following information with regards to your Tier 2 weight management service, if applicable:

    How many patients do you currently have on your waiting list?

    How many patients have you referred in the last 12 months?

    Is the service you offer commissioned in collaboration with the local CCG?

    If you do not have a tier 2 weight management service, then please reply saying so.

    Published: 24 November 2021